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for Country lol

Well, um, I just tagged myself, lol. Talking to Country Bumpkin, who by the way is a very nice lady and person to talk to (and drink with lol), I was telling her I got tagged back by "Not Telling", who forgave me to do it again, but thought I would try. I always thought and still do thing I lead a boring life. Anyway to the story, after that I drove to Walmart and more stuff popped into my head and I told Country I might do a special blog to add more. Well, here it is. 1. At eighteen I was leader of a gang (nothing like todays stuff, just to protect others from coming into our apartments and destroying stuff). 2.I have only been in 3 fights my whole life, and am 3 and 0. 3. I worked as a carnie for one week when I was 17 and thought about going with them when they left (one of them talked me out of it). 4. Use to build and race cars with my friends. My pride and joy a 70 Dodge Charger 318 4 bbl that could beat a souped up 350 Chevy ss. 5. On the average I read about one book a week. 6. God, in some thing I am a perfectionist (ask my old band mates lol) and in others it doesn't faze me at all. 7. I have a scar on my left hand that looks like a pretty bad cut, but the truth is that it was caused by the stem of a watch while playing football, it was only a scrape. 8. I own a singed book by Albert Speer. 9. Have only three people I would call life long friends, have known them more than 20 years, that I would do anythnig (and have)for if they pick up phone and ask, and they have done same for me. No questions asked. 10. People will walk up to me and talk to me who I don't even know and will tell me their life story or their problems. Don't ask, I don't know why lol. 11. Beat my dad playing chess at 14, playing pool at 18, until his death I considered him the better poker player, but we both would probably broke even if we played. 12. Sometimes have a hard time remembering names, but faces I will always recognize. 13. When I was 18 my hair was down almost to my ass. 14. I have a weird sense of humor, some things just strike me as funny, (case in point listen to best friend in my stash, lol) Not bad for a ten minute ride huh? Please feel free to leave comments, and if you want tell me more things about you in the comments. Dr. G :)

Tag Your It! 2nd Round

Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 15 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 10 people to be tagged, listing their names. Don't forget to let them know that they've been tagged, and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. *mutters and grumbles* I have to do this again? 8mutter, grumble* 1. Born Catholic and had enough training by teaching the Catholic faith can hold my own with Dr.’s of Theology, and win more than half the time. 2. Almost became a Deacon in the Catholic Church. 3. Can read upside down and backwards. 4. Can write upside down and backwards. 5. Never broke a bone. 6. Can play the Viola, Clarinet, Drums and Guitar. 7. Tripped over an unexploded bomb in France. 8. Broke my uncles favorite bobber ice fishing when I was 6 (didn’t know you had to cut hole in ice, and cast away lol). 9. Spilled 12 molar hydrochloric acid on me in 8th grade (someone forgot to tighten lid) and was more worried about my brand new shirt it burning me. 10. At 6 moms calico cat, Tinkerbell, had 6 kittens in my old baby carriage; One pure black, one deep chocolate, one cinnamon, one pure white and two calicos. 11. Had 3 computer classes in school to help seniors find work, and also hacked into school computer (was trusted aide). 12. Have written a lot of short stories, poems and songs and have three unfinished boos in the process. 13. At one time knew two other languages besides English, German and Spanish. 14. Self taught 6 computer languages. 15. Helped program school computer and wrote three programs with teacher, chess and star trek for teleprinter (before we had good computers lol) I tag DBrown Emerald Tears Hornsnhalos Chris LilHothead Purrfect Pammor Sassy Angel Angry Drainage

TAG! Your it!

Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 6 people to be tagged, listing their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you.... 1. I have a problem with authority, that is why I never joined the military, though I did good in JROTC. 2. Drove from Texas to Maryland 5 times, in ten years. 3. My kitchen is my kingdom, lol, it must be clean, especially before I cook, and do not like people in there when I do cook. I cook like a whirlwind, and tend to bump into them, lol. 4. I really do love to cook, self taught, and create my own recipes rather than follow one. 5. Love science and math, hate history (good reason for this, lol). 6. Was asked to skip a grade twice, but parents said no. 7. Consider Heidelberg, Germany my 'home', grew up there in my teen years. 8. Won a number of dance contests. 9. Once while playing poker with three friends, we all had a Royal Flush (mine in spades, so I won lol), and no we didn't stack the deck and no it wasn't a new deck. 10. Never been arrested, but spent a lot of time at city jail bailing out friends. Now it is your turn... Behavin Sunshine Mare Not Telling GeminiDolly
I have had a number of people ask, so I am going to say it here. Until July 9, I have a lot of work to do that I have brought home. I will be either "Dr. is IN!" or "Working at home", either way the best way to get a hold of me is in the shout box, my sounds for some reason don't work. I will try to keep comments up, but mumms and other stuff I won't be getting to do. Hopefully I'll get it done fast, until the please don't get angry if i don't see you come in or go, I am mot ignoring you. Also, my hours are going to be longer, so I am up at %;30 and lately have been going to bed around 11:00 CMT. I will always be glad to take a break and may talk for a couple of minutes and if my status says dreamin, well you know I am a sleep. Hope to be back to regular soon, keep me in your prayers. Yes, mamah hippies, I'll be careful and not get to stressed, muuaah! Love Always, Dr. G

Fathers Day Part 2

Okay, so I thought I would have limited blog space, but I guess the higher level the more they let you rant on LOL! I have been blessed to have talked to my daughter, son and grandson today for Fathers Day and hoped that I have spread some good cheer and smiles to people here and in the mumms, and Fubar in general. My children's mother also told me Happy Fathers Day, but the best news of all is that a friend of mine, who hasn't been allowed to see his children in over 7 years, finally talked to his son tonight. He was so overjoyed, as I am, and as I am typing this he is heading out for a 4 hour drive (please keep him in your prayers) to see him for the first time since they were taken from him. No, for those might be thinking (and if you know me you should know better, tst. tsk.), it had nothing to do with him, he is a wonderful, loving and caring man. I know this from experience because he helped my ex raise my two children, and they turned at wonderful. It was a circumstance that was beyond his control basically because he wasn't rich enough to have a good lawyer to fight the grandmother for the children. Anyway, thank you to all that gave me and others well wishes, God Bless you, you are on my mind and in my prayers. Please hold him in yours aas they tavel this night. Love, George

Father's Day 2008 Part 1

Well, I named this part 1 because I knew beforehand I was going to ramble, so whoever reads this, please forgive me ahead of time. That being said. It is Fathers Day, a day to celebrate all the fathers out there who have meant so much to our lives. For those who have fathers and husbands still living, stop right now, get up from your computer, go give them a hug and a kiss and tell them how much you love them and how glad you are to have them in your life [I can wait, this blog is not going anywhere :)]. There are those of us who have lost our father, or never had one, or your husband (can't say our because I am male and don't go that way, lol), and this sometimes seems like a sad day to us when we see all the other happy people, but don't let it be. We have memories of the ones that have meant so much to us, and through those we keep our loved ones alive and fresh. For this group, I give you my hugs and kisses, for the ones you cannot receive any more. My dearest friends, you are always in my heart and prayers. For the Fathers and grandfathers out there that are alone, through whatever reason, and you either do or don't see your children, know that you are not alone. I am sitting here today, on my own also. I know my children will call me later, they always do, but not to have someone special in your life to share that really hurts, I shed tears (really) for all those feeling this today. Let me be your support and your friend, we can have each other to comfort. For my friends, the single moms, divorced, widowed or never married, I give you thanks and praise you. You have a special dual role for you are not only mother, but also father, so as much as we fathers need to be recognized for all the things we do, so do you because you have to be everything for your children and I know that this is not easy, but you do what yo do and take it for the love of your children. I have no higher respect, love and admiration for you women who do it all and ask for nothing in return, because you love your children so. Especially those of you that are military wives or husbands (need to politically correct nowadays, lol). Your job is even so much harder, for being a military brat, I know what you go through keeping the household together, having to move to a new base, or being alone while your spouse is deployed. You not only have to share time with your spouse with your children, but also his unit and the rest of America. These good people, bot Military and spouses are very special people, for they go into this knowing that their spouse is there for us first, so that we may all enjoy freedom. I salute you! Special hugs and kisses to you, I love and respect all of you, and you are constantly in my prayers. God bless you and your spouse, and God please keep them safe to come back to loving arms. Lastly, for the children. It is because of you that we are fathers and mothers, and you are our pride and the apple in our eyes. We may not always show it, we may not always say it, but we love you, all of you, and would do anything in the world for your happiness. When you hurt, it hurts us deeply, when you are happy we are overjoyed. You may never know how much of your emotions we actually feel and how it actually effects us. When you become, or if you are already a parent, remember the tender loving care we have provided and do the same for our grandchild. After all, we can always spoil them and send them back to you, then you need to explain that that was not the person you grew up with (LOL). You will always have friends you entire life, but parents and grandparents will go before you know it, so all of us children out here, call them tell them how much you love them, hug them and kiss them if you can, even the mothers, for as a father I know that my children's mother was as much a father as a mother to them, motherhood is a very complex role to play (and God I am glad I never had to be both for my children). For those that know me here, that have made it to my friends list, if they have taken time to know me, they know I feel deeply about a lot of things. For those of my top friends, you have really touched my heart and as such deserve as much credit for being part of my family as anyone. Those that are in the top 5, you are really special to me, you give me strength and hope. You share your love and time and make me smile, and that my dear friends is a great fathers day present for me, and I hope for you as well. Dear reader, please take this to heart. No matter who you are, my r/l or fubar family or friends, or someone that was told about this blog from another person or just happened to stop by, know that you are never alone, ever, for I am always here, glad to listen or talk, laugh or cry, for I love all of you, you are in my thoughts and prayers and I wish the best for you, whether I know you or not (maybe we can know each other in the future, hey, I am not planning on going anywhere any time soon). Reach out today and tell someone that you are glad to be in their life. Go to the store, and when you see a man walking with his children or a woman for that matter, take time out of your busy schedule and got to them and wish them a happy fathers day, it doesn't matter if you know them. A single act of kindness from a total stranger will make anyones day, no matter how bad it is (trust me, I know about this one. Thank you, you know who). I told you I would ramble on, but it is time to bring this to a close. Happy Fathers day to all out there, I pray for your health and well being. Love always, George xoxoxo

So sad today

Don't even know how to start this one, was looking for something for one of my friends and came across something from Pita Ten (lol) in my stash. Then came across a Bill Withers song "Lean on me", got real sad. You see, this was a favorite song of me and my good friend in junior high. It's been 25 years and a summer I will never forget, for this is the year I lost four good friends. In the summer three of them to a drunk driver, worst part is my girlfriends mother was the one that served him his last drink. But Kerry Quinn, she was special, and we clowned around a lot, hung out y;know, stuff all teenagers do. It was no more than a month, in June, that Kerry was diagnosed with leukemia. It was in an advanced stage and she passed away soon after school began. At times like this I think of them, and feel sad for the years that they never had a chance to see, they were so young and vibrant. My friends, I still remember, and as long as I live, I always will. Love you. G

Memory, a funny thing

Memory is such a funny thing, a whiff of a perfume or a certain shade of color and wham, you are suddenly transported back to the inner most circles of your mind, another time, another place. It can happen so suddenly, and you are absolutely powerless to do anything about it. Speaking of color, that is the reason for todays entry color and memory. Out of the blue, I started singing the words to an old Chicago tune: Colour My World (be glad that you all didn't here me singing lol). Don't know how or why the song popped into my head, it just did. I haven't heard for at least 10 or more years. I just as suddenly I went from here back to 1971, not yet twelve years old, in the fifth grade and just starting to become aware of girls. I first heard that song at my first dance, with a girl (a sock hop sorta), last song of the night, with a girl named Jerri who was about 6 inches taller than me, and what was so special about this time, it was my first kiss and puppy love. Amazing thing, memory can still see her like it was yesterday.

PS to True Friends

Stop by their pages and show them some love, they are all really great people.

True Friends

Had to take work home this weekend, of course it was working on stuff on the computer so my time here was limited. True friends understood the things that I had to do and I really appreciate them, including the new friends I made this weekend when I was popping in and out. And if that wasn't just the icing on the cake, they left some cool comments and things that just made my weekend a whole helluva lot better. :) Thank you one and all, Love you, really mean it. G
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