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fubar toolbar, explained:
HOME: Directs you to your home page.
MY SECTION: The "My" section includes your Photos, Profile, Stash, MUMMs, Blogs, Contacts, Blasts, Lounges, fuBank Account and Mail!
Photos: Directs you to your photo albums/storage, you can also tag your salute by going to this link. [Will explain how to mark a salute in a later blog] Profile: Directs you to your personal profile settings, you can change may personal settings by clicking "My - Profile" [I will explain more about your profile settings in a later blog] Stash: Directs you to your personal stash. You can add your favorite Videos, Pics, Trackz, News, Jokes, Surveys, Shows, or if you Dunno what you're adding.. add it to "Dunno" [Will explain how to add a stash in a future blog] MUMMs: Directs you to your MUMM section. MUMM stands for Make up my mind! for example, should I drink coke or pepsi? [I will explain on how to make a MUMM in a future blog] Blogs: Directs you to your Blog area, where you can add your personal or public information for friends to see, for example how your day was or if you're taking a vacation and you want people to know about it! Contacts: You can import contacts from Yahoo, Gmail and MSN's Hotmail. You can add contacts with other email address, add each their phone number, and invite them to fubar all in the same screen. [500 Fubar points for each invite] Blasts: Directs you to your blasts section. You can see your unpaid blasts, awaiting approval blasts and any active blasts you may have on fubar! You can also use this link to add new blasts for yourself. Lounges: Directs you to the list of Fubar lounges you have signed up for and lounges you currently own. fuBank Account: Directs you to the status page of any offers you have clicked! This page will show you if you have been approved for a offer and how long it usually takes to get the points for the offer you have signed up for! Mail: Directs you to your fubar email account. Here you can email anyone on fubar or anyone on the Internet with a valid email address.

TOP SECTION: The Top section includes the Top Members, Blasters, Stashes, Photos, Blogs, Scores, Bulletins, Mumms, Legends, Promoters and Packs!

Members: Directs you to the top members of fubar.com [top 10 members are in red] Blasters: Directs you to the top blasters by "Gift Blast Saints", "Most Gift Blasts Received!" and "Top blasters" Stashes: Directs you to the top stashes section. Photos: Directs you to the top photos section. Blogs: Directs you to the top blogs section. Scores: Directs you to the top score s section (fubar points) Bulletins: Directs you to the top bulletins section. Mumms: Directs you to the top MUMMs section Legends: Directs you to the top Legends section (figured out by how many fans you have_ Promoters: Directs you to the top promoters of the last day! (top promoters are in purple) Packs: Directs you to the top packs of college or the military. This is how many users is in the college or military!
NEW SECTION: The new section includes new members, recently uploaded photos, new stash, mumms, recently approved salutes, and all of the new features on fubar.com!
Members: Directs you to all of the members who recently joined. Photos: Directs you to all of the recent photo uploads Stash: Directs you to all of the new members recently added stash items. Mumms: Directs you to the new MUMMs section. Salutes: Directs you to the recently approved salute photos. Features: Directs you to the recently added features on fubar.com!
SEARCH: Directs you to the "Google" search for fubar.com or the web (google.com) You can also search for members near you or from any zip code from 10-100 miles away! BROWSE: Directs you to a name search in the fubar user's display names! You can also search for members in 10-100 miles away from any zip code like you would in the "Search" link. INVITE: Directs you to your invite section of the website, Here you can manage your contacts, send out invites to other emails, import your address book from Yahoo, GMail or MSN's Hotmail. This is where you can also copy and paste your link and use your own email program! GAMES: Directs you to the video games of fubar.com! [Thank you Eric) I'M BORED...: Directs you to the random photos you can rate. GIFTS: Directs you to the Gifts section of the website! You can buy a gift for any member of fubar.com! VAULT: Directs you to the vault, packed with alot of wonderful links and features for all fubar members to use! It's a very helpful area of the website (thank you The Intern!) HELP: Directs you to the help section of the website! Here you can find a list of the bouncers of fubar.com, a link to the support lounge where bouncers can help you with any questions, a link to the fubar bible and the fubar Dictionary! LOGOUT: This logs you out of the fubar website!

changing status

***NOTE*** You have to be at least a level two fubar member to set your online status. 1. Go to “profile settings” http://www.fubar.com/profile.php 2. Change your homepage style to either “power” or “original”, the option is located at the left midway point of the setting options 3. Enter the bouncer ID check (case sensitive) and click submit. 4. Go to your homepage. http://www.fubar.com/home.php 5. POWER - the option is to the right of your primary picture 6. ORIGINAL – the option is under your username 7. Either select a status from the dropdown menu or click customize if you want to type in your own status message

new game feature!

brand new feature on FUBAR... you can challenge your friends to a game! we have 6 games to choose from: 8-Ball Fruit Mixup Blackboard Stadium Football Penguin Crossing Hot Topics Strip Jack You can find these games by using the link in your toolbar or by clicking this link game link Also, you can invite a friend to play from their homepage. Its easy, and a great way to interact and meet new people. As always, we bring you the best new features! Keep Rawking Fubar!


i stole this blog from scrapper: please read it carefully. this is why you are blocked from mumms. after 1 week contact him to get your mumms back scrappers page MuMMers... First off, take a deep breath. Your MuMM suspension was nothing personal. The automated message you received probably told you it was NSFW. If it wasn't NSFW, it was flagged because it did not meet the MuMM guidelines. The following information will help you better understand your suspension. Also, I do not see 99% of the MuMMs that are flagged. I am just the guy who can help you turn them back on. Please do not shoot the messenger. Please make sure to read this entire blog. 1. I will not debate, argue, discuss or get involved in MuMM drama. 2. MuMM stands for Make Up Your Mind! It is a place for users to post legitimate questions asking for advice from our community. The format is self explanatory. Do not deviate from the format or your MuMM will be deleted. 3. MuMMs are NOT the bulletin board, Stash, photo gallery or your own personal blog to rant. MuMMs are not meant to perpetuate drama towards another user or the site. 4. MuMMs are NOT a soapbox or a place to promote your personal or commercial agenda. Use the bulletin board or your blog to do that. It won't be tolerated in the MuMMs. 5. MuMMs are not a place for you to post photos or videos. Use your gallery, stash or bulletins for this. Leave it out of the MuMMs. 6. MuMMs are not meant to be open ended philosophical questions. Stick to the format. If you want to ask an open ended question or post a rant. Use the bulletins or your blog. 7. Read number #1 again. If you contact me and read me the riot act, I will not respond. 8. Do not purposely flag your MuMM as NSFW to avoid getting your MuMM flagged. Violators will be banned from MuMMs indefinitely. Our goal is to keep MuMMs pure. Please do your part and think twice before abusing MuMMs. PS...this is to clear up a few misconceptions. All MuMMs that are flagged go to a queue for review from our moderators. Users do not have the power to delete MuMMs. If your MuMM is deleted, it is because it violated our MuMM policy; Please read 1-8. If I have asked you to read this, please come back a week from today and I will turn your MuMMs back on. DO NOT send me some long email telling me your reasons or rationalizations as to why your MuMM should not have been deleted. Due to the volume of email I receive, I won't read it and will hit delete. If you are a repeat offender, you will probably take a longer break then a week. Also, if you are rude to me, swear to me or act like an ass, your MuMM suspension could be months. Please do not take any of this personal and please do not take your frustrations out on me. Thanks Scrapper Examples of legit MuMMs. Should I cut all my hair off? 1. Yes, sharpen those scissors. 2. No, don't cut it. My girlfriends birthday is Friday. Should I get her? 1. Diamond ear rings. 2. Burger King I have had a long day at work. What should I do after work? 1. Go home and sleep. 2. Go drink a beer with some friends. My best friend hooked up with my other friend's girlfriend. I feel really bad about it and don't know what to do. Should I tell my friend or stay out of it. 1. Tell my friend 2. Stay out of it.



Referral Issues

If you signed someone up and did not get credit, it could be one of the following: 1. You cheated. 2. The person signing up's browser did not track your referral ID. We will not investigate, credit or debate referrals. Here are a few tips to making sure you do get credit. There are NO guarantees that this will work. 99.99% of the time missed referrals are due to user error or the person's computer. 1. Use the "Link to this profile" code on your homepage. 2. Use the INVITE link on the upper left navigation panel. 3 If you are linking banners on another site, please use this referral code. Make SURE you replace with your member ID. http://lostcherry.com/user.php?u=ID_HERE&friend=ID_HERE

What are Cherry Packs?

What are Cherry Packs? Cherry Packs are groups of members on the site associated by their verified email address. For example, people who verify an official US Marine Corps. email address (ie: mhedlund@usmc.mil) are added to the US Marine Corps. pack. Students at Virginia Tech who verify their school email address (ie: mhedlund@vt.edu) are added to the Virginia Tech pack. Members of a pack have their Pack Icon displayed on their tooltip (the little box of data that pops up when you mouse over someones photo), CT home page, and on their profile. Pack members also receive extra functionality to browse, communicate, notify, and keep in contact with all other members of their pack. Because this feature has just started, Cherry Packs are currently limited to US Military branches and worldwide educational institutions only. If you've verified your email address, meet the above criteria, and don't find yourself associated with a Pack (there will be an icon for your Pack on your homepage), please email support@cherrytap.com and submit your request for a new Pack. Note: the more members you have ready to join your pack when you submit it, the quicker we'll add it.
Many of you email CTS asking us to referee your ripped photos. The following is our policy on ripped photos. If you do not want your photos ripped: 1. Do not upload anything that you do not want potentially ripped or stolen to the internet. 2. OR, you can take the risk and make a new folder and set the privacy settings to your preference. The Tap allows you to set folder's privacy settings so that you can control who views the content of that folder. You have the option to set it for Everyone, Friends Only, Family Only and Only Myself. We do not referee member drama. If you are having problems with someone, please BLOCK and IGNORE them. If someone has ripped a photo of yours and you want it removed, please read our Terms of Service and the following information on how to remove Copyrighted material. How to remove copyrighted material? CherryTAP requires an official DMCA notice. Please read the following information. Digital Millennium Copyright Act It is our policy to respond to notices of alleged infringement that comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (the text of which can be found at the U.S. Copyright Office Web Site, http://lcWeb.loc.gov/copyright/) and other applicable intellectual property laws. Responses may include removing or disabling access to material claimed to be the subject of infringing activity and/or terminating subscribers. If we remove or disable access in response to such a notice, we will make a good-faith attempt to contact the owner or administrator of the affected site or content so that they may make a counter notification pursuant to sections 512(g)(2) and (3) of that Act. It is our policy to document all notices of alleged infringement on which we act. As with all legal notices, a copy of the notice may be sent to one or more third parties who may make it available to the public. * Infringement notification * Counter notification Infringement Notification for Web Search and all other products To file a notice of infringement with us, you must provide a written communication (by fax or regular mail -- not by email, except by prior agreement) that sets forth the items specified below. Please note that you will be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys' fees) if you materially misrepresent that a product or activity is infringing your copyrights. Indeed, in a recent case (please see http://www.onlinepolicy.org/action/legpolicy/opg_v_diebold/ for more information), a company that sent an infringement notification seeking removal of online materials that were protected by the fair use doctrine was ordered to pay such costs and attorneys fees. The company agreed to pay over $100,000. Accordingly, if you are not sure whether material available online infringes your copyright, we suggest that you first contact an attorney. To expedite our ability to process your request, please use the following format (including section numbers): 1. Identify in sufficient detail the copyrighted content that you believe has been infringed upon (for example, "The image that appears on http://www.cherrytap.com/user/16027") or other information sufficient to specify the copyrighted content being infringed (for example, "The copyrighted image at issue is published by Yahoo! at http://yahoo.com/..."). 2. Identify the content that you claim is infringing the copyrighted content listed in item #1 above. For example, suppose (hypothetically) that you found an image on CherryTAP that you believe infringes the copyright you identified in item #1 above. In this case, you would provide the following information: Infringing Image: http://a.pcb.lostcherry.com/72/06/16027/1829739607.jpg Webpage on CherryTAP: http://www.cherrytap.com/viewimage.php?u=16027&i=1829739607 If you are sending a large number of URLs in one removal request, please also send an electronic copy of the notice to support@lostcherry.com. 3. Provide information reasonably sufficient to permit CherryTAP to contact you (email address is preferred). 4. Provide information, if possible, sufficient to permit CherryTAP to notify the owner/administrator of the allegedly infringing image or other content (email address is preferred). 5. Include the following statement: "I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law." 6. Include the following statement: "I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed." 7. Sign the paper. 8. Send the written communication to the following address: Social Concepts, Inc. Attn: Legal, DMCA Complaints 24 Arbuelo Way Los Altos, CA 94022 Please note that a copy of each legal notice we receive is sent to a third-party partner for publication and annotation. As such, your letter (with your personal information removed) will be forwarded to Chilling Effects (http://www.chillingeffects.org) for publication. You can see an example of such a publication at http://www.chillingeffects.org/dmca512/notice.cgi?NoticeID=861. A link to your published letter will be displayed in Google's search results in place of the removed content. Counter Notification The administrator of an affected site or the provider of affected content may make a counter notification pursuant to sections 512(g)(2) and (3) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. When we receive a counter notification, we may reinstate the material in question. To file a counter notification with us, you must provide a written communication (by fax or regular mail -- not by email, except by prior agreement) that sets forth the items specified below. Please note that you will be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys' fees) if you materially misrepresent that aproduct or activity is not infringing the copyrights of others. Accordingly, if you are not sure whether certain material infringes the copyrights of others, we suggest that you first contact an attorney. A sample counter notification may be found atwww.chillingeffects.org/dmca/counter512.pdf. To expedite our ability to process your counter notification, please use the following format (including section numbers): 1. Identify the specific URLs or other unique identifying information of material that CherryTAP has removed or to which CherryTAP has disabled access. 2. Provide your name, address, telephone number, email address, and a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of Federal District Court for the judicial district in which your address is located (or Santa Clara County, California if your address is outside of the United States), and that you will accept service of process from the person who provided notification under subsection (c)(1)(C) or an agent of such person. 3. Include the following statement: "I swear, under penalty of perjury, that I have a good faith belief that each search result, message, or other item of content identified above was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled, or that the material identified by the complainant has been removed or disabled at the URL identified and will no longer be shown." 4. Sign the paper. 5. Send the written communication to the following address: Social Concepts, Inc. Attn: Legal, DMCA Counter Notification 24 Arbuelo Way Los Altos, CA 94022 Account Termination CherryTAP will, in appropriate circumstances, terminate repeat infringers. If you believe that a member is a repeat infringer, please follow the instructions above to contact CherryTAP's DMCA agent and provide information sufficient for us to verify that the account holder or subscriber is a repeat infringer.

mobile upload updates

i made some tweaks to the mobile photo upload feature tonight and thought i'd post something here for the 8 or 9 people that actually read my blogs. ;) first of all, if you don't know about the mobile uploads or want to set them up for your profile, simply go to your profile settings page, and click on the mobile link. normally, when you want to add a mobile photo to your profile, you simply email it from your phone to mobile@cherrytap.com .. and viola, it shows up in your gallery. however, some folks like to upload mobile pics of their girlfriends flashing them or in a wet-tshirt contest or other such jackassery. now as *cool* as that is, and i'm sure as happy as your gf is to have her chest uploaded to the internet for everyone to view, it's just not cool for the rest of us who might not want to see it. but, there is hope! if you have pics on your mobile that are NSFW (more details on Not Safe For Work content), you can now send them to mobile-nsfw@cherrytap.com -- which will flag them as nsfw automagically and keep you out of trouble. i'm begging you, for the love of all things holy, please use this address (mobile-nsfw@cherrytap.com) if you want to upload NSFW stuff from your phone. if you notice any of your friends not using this address for their NSFW mobile photos, please remind them. now that this address is setup, anyone sending NSFW mobile photos to the old address will be drop-kicked in the throat.. you have been warned! ps: for anyone who's read this far, you can now see the most recent mobile photos uploaded to CT by going to http://cherrytap.com/ctnow.php -- disclaimer: you might see some absolutely wacky stuff on here.... be prepared, it's not for the faint of heart.. you definitely don't want to fire this page up from the office. werd to my homies in the trenches! -mike

MS walk 5-6-2007

Hey cherries, I just wanted to take a moment and inform everyone of the upcoming MS Walk. The National MS Society is very near and dear to my heart. My dad has suffered from the effects of MS for the last decade or so. Recently he has become hospitalized and has lost all kidney and liver function. I am asking you cherries to help me make a difference. Last year my support group raised over $67,000 and we were the #1 fundraisers for the state of ILLINOIS. Juicy's participation center page this year we are hopinig to exceed that amount. And i know some of you are thinking that the money doesnt really go to research but i have experienced it first hand. I've read the studies and have administered the new medications they have found. So please sponsor me as a walker. The walk is on Sunday May 6th, 2007 and i'm gonna need all the support i can get. This year is really special to me because of my father being so ill. thank you all for the support and help you have shown. love, Juicy Juicy's participation center page Juicy's participation center page Juicy's participation center page Juicy's participation center page
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