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Finally...Single Again!

Well, my now ex-by JD Donely & I have finally broken up after 2 weeks of him pushing me to move in with him & getting engaged (mine u i had only known this asshole 4 a month), and then 2 weeks of him not talking to me or returning my calls whicjh come to find out before he had even broken up with me, he had already gone and found some other poor sob to be engaged to that he barely knows. so basically, hes been cheating on me this entire time! what an asshole! im just glad its over cuz i was never really attracted to him in the first place (hes not exacly good-looking), and not to mention hes a horrible kisser. but he begged me to go out with him and wouldnt stop bugging me til i did. then a week later he tries to give me an engagement ring (which he called a "promise ring" but whatever), wjhich i promptly handed back and told him he was freaking me out. so at last, im single again! ive had enuff bad realtionships go bad in the end and that makes 4 in a row. all loosers...i need to date guys that are good-looking and are not in a hurry to make a commmittment!
Don't ASk me why but the last week or so ive been getting nothing but links to certain videos from people that they want me to watch. is thsome sort of new feature? dont get me wrong, its not that its pissing me off or anything but im just wondering why the sudden outburst in people sending me videos to watch. however i will tell everyone this - i do not have time to watch them 99 percent of the time. i am quite a busy person, amd i dont mind if u all send them to me, but odds r i either wot see them at all, wont see them for a long time, or will only see a couple out of the bunch. this must be something new i havent heard about.....oh well, more power to ya! i have to say that i did view a coupple when the first ones were sent, that absolutly had me rolling! IMAO....anyways, whatever u desides, contue to send them in, maybe ill be able to catch a few. i just ask one thing. and thats that no one totally just bombards my mail with theswe things (whic h its beginning to get that way). i pwould much prefer if someone just sends me one onece in while, instead of congesting my mail with them all. other than that, i have no complaints! rock on!
well i think ive tried everything. i even changed my neon signs to jpg format and they still dont blink or work right. i just dont get it?? what am i missing? ive done practically every tip that everyone has given me too and still nothing...im running out of ideas....unless i got my text signs from the wrong placem maybe? someone told me i could get them at cooltext.com...that is where everyone gets them, right? who knows...

My Flashing Text Problem

well, ive made a whole lot of words, especially including my "halfalien_s4" name into these neon flashing texts that i got from cooltext.com. the proble is that whenever i upload an animated neon flashing one into my photos it doesnt flash or look right, does anyonw know what the problem is and/or how to fix it? if anyone could help me on this i would be greatly appreciated, not to mention ill buy u gifts, rate ur stuff, ect. :-) btw, it works when i put it out on the very front of my page but not anywhere else. much help is appreciated!

Ripping My pIx

ok....so far everyone (that i know of) has been pretty good about this. i just went back thru all my albums and set then so one could rip any of my pix except for wallpaper. the only thing is, the way i did it was/is confusing, and im not sure that i blocked ripping on completely every picture or album. so for u honest and kind people out there, do me a favor & let me know if u come across one that isnt blocked (nesides my wallpaper album) please, so that i can change it. i know those of u who t honest will help point them out if there r any. i learned real quick to block my rips after one of my "friends" from here stole a pic of a tornado i had taken and was using it himself, which REALLY & SINCERLY pissed me off. i wish i knew a way to persuade him or even force him to take it dow.....oh wee, ill think of somthin'! anyways everyone is welcome to my wallpaper and backgrounds but that is all 4 now untill i get other cool stuff up to share. i just dont like people stealing my personal stuff is all. im noy even pissed anymore or anything, im just taking precautions and asking u to help me out if by some chance i missed something.....anyways thats about it 4 now....... thanx!

Dr. Appt. Today

well told to do so by the folks at the er. he ran some tests after i told him what had happened, and also about the trip to the er, the spinal tap, ect. what i told him, he told me that it sounds like i indeed did have (and still do...but better and getting over) viral meningitis. he said it doesnt always show up on CT scans and LPs (spinal taps) and that this is not uncommon. good news is that he didnt see ant evidence of any sinus infection (probably due to the huge doses of antibiotics ive been getting). the only other thing he said was that it does take some time to get over this. as i remember quite well from when i had it once before. he said just take it easy and treat the fever (now low-grade). this has really knocked me on my ass more than anything else in a long time. and im still getting horrible migraines eveyday which from what i know about this, is normal. like i said b-4...thankgoodness for pain meds! i dont know how i would even function with these headaches constantly w/o them. theryre getting less severe everyday, but still, they get pretty bad. thankgoodnes i also have compazine (nausea med). atleastthis time (atleast not yet anyway), i dont have the constant vertigo and tinnitus like i had after the first time i had this. some of my docs even think the 3 grand mal seizures ive had (1st one was in may of 04') was an after effect of the first time i had meningitis. now im on 2 antisiezure meds and thankfully havent had anymore since the last time (in which i had 2 siezures in a row a long with a concussion). the last me i had one i was at a friends house and it wa dec 31st of 05'. i felt my throat close off and could breathe, and felt my right side lock up and my fist tighten. next thing i knew, everything went black and i guess i fell backward onto the tile in my friends kitchen. ended up smacking my head and twisting my neck, so of coarse the paramedics put me in a neckbrace and on a backboard. on the way to the hospital in the ambulance, i had a second grand mal seizure which i told is very rare to have more than 1 in a row. for the next 3 weeks i had what my PM (pain management)doc described as "post concussion syndrome" from the concussion i sustained from hitting my head on the tile. for the next 3 weeks i hardly was able to get out of bed. i had severe vertigo & motion sickness, not to mention blurry vision and really bad migraines. my mom finally got concerned and took me back to the hospital and i had a CT scan of my head and an iv. the doc ket me there for a while for observation and gave me iv dilaudid with zofran for nausea several times. then i was finally allowed to go home. the Ct was ok he said, it was something that oftens happens after a severe concussion and to expect the vertigo, motion sickness, and headaches 4 a while. finally, after a few weeks, it let up little by little. i still get occasion vertigo but ive had that since the first time i ever had meningitis anyway. i also had a lot of motion sickness for a couple yrs but it has really rare that i get that now. anyways, well i guess this mystery has been finally solved. just wish the er doc had known it at the time so they could have treated me accordinly. but atleast she did the best she could and did what she thought was best at the time. if it ever happens again hopefully ill recognize it....

Getting Sick

wow! a lot has changed on this site since ive gotten back in the loop! ive spent the last week and a half being seriously sick, and before that i was working on a couple major projects. last thursday, my mom took me to primacare for what i thought was an oncoming sinus infection (which im prone too), and the docs there know me, and so then gave me an antibiotic shot and a script for a 10 day coarse of antbiotics. so then in the middle of the night, i wake up freezing, and shaking uncontrolably, with a fever over 103 degrees and a horrible migraine, stiff neck, and lower back and leg pain. so the following moring i wake up with th esame thing. so i get out of bed and go talk to my mom who cant belive how high my fever then is while im again shaking uncontrolably. again, with a more than the usual bad migraine, stiff neck, and so forth. so this just keeps getting worse and by saturday my fever has yet gotten higher, and my migraine unbearable. so my mom then takes me to the plano prebetarian er, where thankfully, the docs all know me there, and they and the nurses and rest of the staff are very compassionant. in triage once again my temperature skyrockets, and i start shaking again, so one of the nurses gets me a warm blanket and they take me strait back. im immediately hooked up to an IV (and very thirsty not to mention extremely dehydrated from the fever), and given fluids, some demerol for pain, and some zofran for nausea. so i have blood drawn twice, and the doc comes in. he checks me out anhen asks me if i can touch my chin o my chest. no way could i do it...it hurt beyond belief. he then orders a CT scan of my head. after the chin to chest test, i immediately knew what he was looking for - meningitis. ive had it twice before and this would be my 3rd time. so after the scan, he comes by in checks on me, and i tell him im still in a great deal of pain, so he orders some more demerol. after this i wait awhile, and my mom comes back to see me. we wait for the tests to come back, but b-4 they do dr grimm, whome ive known for a very long time and is a wonderful doctor, comes in and tells me shes taken over my previous doc's shift. she order a un specimen and tells me if it comes back negative, that she wants to do a LP (lumbar puncture or "spinal tap"). while shes there i tell her that the nausea is coming back along with the headache, so she orders some dilaudid 4 pain, phenergran 4 nausea, and toradol as an anti-inflammatory. finally she comes back and tells me that my urin test came back negative, so she wants to do a spinal tap. since i had a bad expirience with the last one, i was reluctant, and she said it was my decision and that i didnt have to. a couple minutes later, she walks back in and tells me that she will worry about me all night if i dont get the tap, since with my high fever, migraine, and stiff neck she really belives i have meningitis. however she told me it was more than likely viral, as i would probably be dead already if it were bacterial. so with some coaxing also from my mom, i finally agree to it. and she also orders me some more dilaudid 4 pain and i also get a bag hooked up to my iv full of robaxen (a muscle relaxent). so then she comes back in and allows my mom to stay, while she numbs up my back with lidocain to do the tap. she and my mom help my curl into a ball, and bring my knees up to my chest and lean forward (which was also painful). so then she doe sthe tap, but gets no CSF (cerbral Spinal Fluid) from it. so then she has me sit up and lean over the bed, one of my arms holding my mom's hand and the other holding onto the nurse's leg to brace myself. she once again numbs up my lower back, and i again feel several very sharp pressure pains as she inserts the LP needle in my lower back again (my lower back is still stiff and sore from this). but atleast i was finally comfortable after all the pain meds and other stuff given to me. she comes back about 30 minutes later after the tap, and tells me that meningitis didnt show up this time, but it doesnt always show up on a tap or a CT scan. so basically she tells me shes not entirely sure whats wrong, but tells me to come back if i get worse and lets me go home. im getting better slowly, i wake up with a fever and migraine everyday since then, but the fever has gone gotten down to low-grade the past few days. however, i feel like ive been hit by a train and still have a lot of pain. thankgoodness for my pain meds. i go see my doc monday to see if he can find out whats going on. i havent been this sick since i had mono when i was 22 yrs old (im 31 now), and i believe this is the sickest ive been in yrs. it has really knocked me on my butt. hopefully soon ill be back to myself tho. thankgoodness for good docs!
well this one is ok i suppose but i have to say, that i have seen better ones. however this one list a couple of good strengths and lists what it belives to be a powerful color for me. thats teh part i have trouble believing tho. ive never heard anywher or by any other horoscope that black was my color. it is almost usually always in the blue - turquoise, or yellow colors. especially ble which happens to be my fave. anyways, here it is, i hope it shows up on here! =D

Totally Frustrated

ive got 2 80 mg harddrives that 2 people have givven me....ive tried to plug up both of them but keep getting this annoying messege that says something like "pick which drive ur going to boot up from" and when i do nothing happends! WTF?! this is totally irritating beyond belief...ive tried everything....nothings working. i thought i knew how to install a new harddisk but i guess im wrong. if anyone knows anything about installing harddrives, i would apprecte ur help! jen

cherrTAP ID cards

for those of u who have those really cool cherrTAP ID cards, i was just wondering where u got them? if anyone that reads this could respond i would really appreciate it. im trying to find someone to make me a excellently - cool cherrTAP ID card. if u or anyone u know knows how to make these and is willing to, plz respond to this by sending me a private messege....i would really like to have one! what i really want is to have a whole bunch of different ones but i would settle for just one. the one i particularly like is black and grey...it has a pic of cherries in the center of the card, and over it (its sort of faded in the background) is a grey area with ur info...below the grey area is a black area too. and the border is black with a red stripe around it (if u can picture this). this is my fave card so far. but i would settle for any card. the other thing im looking fo ris if u or anyone u know knows how to make those awesome neon signs that i see everywhere. im not talking about the ones u get on imagechef.com...im talking about the really cool ones! so if anyone knows abouty these also please contact me. i have had one card made for me and its really cool, but its not the ones im really looking for...im looking for the ones that really llok authentic or stand out....so if anyone knows of any of this please notify me thru a private message.... thanx! jen
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