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Saying goodbye to love

Inside of every person lies the subconscious.

It is a quiet part of you that is aware but not obtrusive. It stays in the background and shadows until a moment arrives that it feels the need to come out for the sake of the happiness and health of the soul it lives inside.

The subconscious, when quiet, has no form, but when it activates it can take the form of a thought or a momentary picture that enters one's mind. If it happens to you-you will instantly know it is no ordinary thought or feeling that has occurred. You will know it is a moment of awakening and realization of some sort.

My moments of awakening I can count on one hand. The last time I had that moment was when I was still lived with my 2nd ex-husband. The marriage was long past sour and there I was, in my bedroom yet again crying over it and the man i loved and I felt so distant from. I had cried in that room a hundred times before that and that inner voice had never spoken up until that moment. That day I was REALLY into the crying myself dry and a thought popped into my head...

"why are you crying over someone that isnt crying over you...nor would EVER cry over you?"

I stopped crying and another thought followed it...

" Look where you are. You are here in this room crying over him and he's not here with you.do you notice that? You are hurting and trying to figure out how to save this marriage and hes not losing any sleep over it or you..he doesn't care...PAY ATTENTION!!"

I couldn't argue with those thoughts.They were logical and completely truthful.That was the day I stopped hurting over him.

That day happened years ago and my inner voice has been quiet...until 4 days ago.

I was at my doms house about to start up house cleaning when I got a brief flash in my mind's eye..a sense of awareness. If you have ever had that feeling of doing something and you feel like you are outside of yourself watching yourself do it then you know what I am talking about. I saw me.I saw him...and those pictures were followed up with the feeling of "look at you..being the dutiful loyal loving sub but honestly he doesn't care" 

I love my dom dearly. No matter what, he has my loyalty, friendship, and devotion. For years I have wished to be the one he loves but it has never happened, either due to he being in a dark place within himself or I being in a dark place within myself..or both of us stuck in dark places at the same time. Now, here it is 13 years later. I am out of my dark place and he is still in his. 

Even if he were not in a dark place I don't think he would pursue a relationship with me. I am in a place inside myself now that..quite frankly...I am exhausted. I am exhausted from trying to pique his interest and spark a flame in his heart. I am tired of doing all the chasing. When you are a woman, every time you have to case a man for his love and attention it tears away part of your feminine self. You don't feel desirable or beautiful or womanly taking on the part of the man and doing all the courting. When you spend a great deal of energy trying to make love happen or chasing a man it hurts you. It makes you feel that you aren't beautiful enough for a man to chase you..to woo you..to come to YOU for attention on his own, unprovoked..because he simply wants to. I have chased so many men in my life and done so much work for the little attention they gave me that I am not at a place where I have no more feminine soul to spare for a sacrifice. I am tired of running..chasing..games...the words "I don't know" and "maybe" So great is my exhaustion and sadness that I am doing something I have never done before and never would have thought I would do...

I am emotionally and physically pulling back and away from my dom.

I am pulling back and drawing inward.

I feel sad. I love him. I love him a lot but he doesn't love me..not like that. When I had that moment of awareness at his house, I felt in my heart the sensation you get when you love someone and you feel the last little bits of love in you die off. That feeling when a connection breaks off and whatever holds you to someone vanishes. It's somewhere between a break-up and just realizing the truth of where you stand...where you REALLY stand..with someone. 

In the past, i used food to cope with my sadness but this time I will channel my feelings out through keyboard pen and paper. I am not going to punish my body and hurt it with the turmoil that is coming out of my mind and my heart. I have nothing now to distract me and keep me from writing. No physical anchors. My pain is going into words. I am going to keep my word about writing a lot of poetry and making a site and youtube channel. I promise you that's going to happen. If I'm not camming then I will be writing and working....or reading one of the 15 Bukowski books I have and picking up further inspiration.

If you see me looking quiet know that's the reason why...i am feeling quiet and pulled inside myself. 

Im out


Outside my door, mother nature is already setting the stage for the perfect Halloween night.

Its overcast, the air is chilly, and the wind blows ever so slightly across your face when you stand outside for more than a minute. 

These past few weeks many things inside me have been changing, all in the midst of inner turmoil. 

I WAS on track with my diet but I confess lately I have been slacking something awful. Big bowls of spagetti..home made french fries in the morning with breakfast..ugh...ever eaten so much that your tummy just bloats out as far and wide as it can to the point it actually hurts to move? that's been me the last few days. Me eating and not giving a shit how much..and hating when I get so full that I am bloated like a fat hamster for hours and hours. 

The overeating and not eating well was triggered by inner emotional earthquakes and tornados that have been happening. Inner changes. Truths coming forward that cannot be denied. One of the biggest "slap you in the face" moments happened yesterday during meditation. An inner truth that tied a lot of other things together. A truth realized and you cannot argue with.

I would like to share that truth with you.

Every person born carries within them two lists of things.

Those that are certain. Those that are not certain.

The list of certain things you KNOW for sure you can count on. The other is the maybe/maybe not list. Love is definitely in the uncertain list. Even if you have a partner, it stays in that list..forever..because its something outside of yourself that can change or be taken away or disappear at a moments notice. Many try to push love into the CERTAIN category by driving themselves mad trying to lock it down. For love, they play the fool catering to the whims and interests of their love, they play the blind man not seeing faults or signs the person isn't the right one at all, the maid cleaning up messes the mate may make, the nurse and doctor to their wounds inside and out. Yes, love will hand you a great many hats to wear when you get involved with someone...

Or does it?

No, it doesn't.

If you are with the WRONG one you pick up those hats and wear them all on your own. Love just sits back with a cup of coffee in hand and says "yep...i am gonna let you figure this out on your own" The more wrong the person, the more hats you will wear over and over. The fewer hats you wear, the greater your chances its the right one. 

You can get to a point with wearing all those many hats that you become utterly exhausted in a way that no cup of coffee, no strong drink,no pack of cigarettes, no amount of sleep, no amount of food or even a hot bubble bath can cure. You won't be just tired, you will be utterly emotionally and mentally bankrupt and spent trying to keep it all going. So what after that you ask? Well, feeling like a dead battery. Days spent dressed in sweats and no makeup, laying in bed not sleeping, crying, feeling empty and hollowed out like a jack o lantern, your own pain surrounding you from all sides like a hellish miasma.

So how do you break free of it all?

You look towards your list of what IS certain..what you CAN count on.

Love is and will always be an uncertain thing. It is a powerful brass ring that everyone wants to wear but if the ring is fake it becomes as a poison on the finger of the one who wears it. So....reach for the certain. Your hopes. Your dreams. Your wishes. THOSE are most certain. Whatever you want in this life, if you work hard you shall have it. You can count on yourself. You know you will not betray yourself and so there is no issue of trust or loyalty. The only question is....do you want something bad enough to go after it and get it.Do you have the resolve to be persistent and keep going and not give up in your pursuit to get whatever it is that burns in you? 

Some people wait till new years to make promises of things that they will do. Why fucking wait that long? Why not fucking just start NOW for gosh sakes? I have. You want to know my plans for 2018? Here it is...working and writing. Work every day that I can, read all 15 of my Bukowski books, write poetry, make my own youtube channel of spoken poetry, make a website..and keep going after that. 

I have wasted too many years of my life dwelling on the certain list and uncertain love so I am taking a step to the right and staying in the certain lane for a while. I am 46 years old and I have too much to do and sadness does not help get anything done, not does confusion nor does the suffering. Those things just create blocks, fogs, and barriers. If you have so much shit in your head its stacked shoulder high, get a shovel and start taking it out of the way bit by bit. Smash the blockades. Burn the wooden walls. Blow up the self-doubt and suffering. Do whatever is necessary to clear a path and then the space around you. 


This is advice from me from personal experience.

If you were in a relationship and in love and now are not do yourself a favor..DO NOT dwell in that awful, all-consuming purgatory place between holding onto love for them and waiting for them to come back. DONT DO IT. It's terrible..that place. You will never be able to forget your time with them, but you CAN choose to let the love and the pain that is married to that love go..and you should..if its over. Holding onto old, broken, gone sour love is like holding onto a teddy bear filled with sulfuric acid. As long as you hold onto it it will burn your flesh and your soul, and the tighter you grip it the worse the damage will be. Old love is not comforting. It is not healing. It's just the opposite. Let go of the love and the pain will follow. Either be with the person you love or let them and the love go...NEVER EVER dwell too long in the between space where you suffer and wait for someone and something that isn't coming back. No one can tell you when you let go but just know that's what supposed to happen at some time. 

So begins my days as the quiet writer and poet who will deep into bukowski when im not naked in front of my cam.

Happy halloween.


bukowski and me

Everybody wants to be someone.

Everybody walks through life looking for a person, an image, a measuring stick that will help them become who they are supposed to be.

I didn't find anyone like myself whom I looked up to...until Charles Bukowski.

Charles Bukowski. A funny bastard but a funny TALENTED bastard. He drank, he was a whore monger who fucked loose women and he didn't apologize for it, and e lived one hell of a rough ass life..but from that rough, fuck everyone life came brilliant thoughts...and that's what I admire about him...those brilliant thoughts and that sense of "fuck it..I have lived and I am gonna be honest about who and what I am and I don't give a damn what anyone thinks" If only EVERYBODY lived with that outlook..being yourself and not caring what the rest of the world has to say...not living to be a cookie cut soul that is a copy of a copy of a copy. 

here is why I love Charles Bukowski



I wish that he were still alive and we could have dinner together. I would love to talk to him and ask him questions and glean what I could from his brilliant, rough-edged mind. I am sure he could teach me much without actually instructing me. He would smoke his cigarettes and drink his glass of wine and I would sip on a glass of tea and there we would be...two souls that life has battered around and exchanging knowledge while acknowledging each other's bruises and scars. 

Its funny..how people look at other people with a sense of idolatry and say " You are so smart/talented. I want to be you.I wish I had your talent". Trust me...sometimes the brilliance of talent comes with a heavy price. The price is pain and lots of it..sometimes too much for the soul to bear and it cracks to the point of almost falling apart. You can get lost inside yourself and wander around looking for a way out and not find it for a long time...in the meantime, you try to ease the pain of the dark journey by engaging in bad habits or bad behaviors that end up hurting you more. If you are lucky, you find your way out of the darkness and see the light..even if it's as small as the light of a childs birthday candle...it is still good because it means you are facing the right way. You step into the light and your scars step into it with you and those who bear similar scars see them and say "ah..another survivor has come out of the dark swamps...come and share your stories and your scars, friend".

And you sit by the fire, kick off your shoes that are so full of holes from all your wandering lost that there is barely any sole left, and you breathe in the air and tell of your battles inside and outside..and they nod and listen and drink toasts to your strength and will to live. Even if sat by the fire and didn't say a word everybody else would know that you have put in a great deal of mileage on your soul and most of the rubber is missing from your tread heart. People who haven't lived...haven't gone through hell..haven't won any internal or outer wars..their souls have that new car smell that hasn't been exposed to the open road of life...and the barely worn souls get on the nerves of the older, well-worn ones. There is a HUGE gap in understanding, you see, and some things you just can't teach to others. They have to experience things on their own to get it. Until they get a few scars and the new car smell wears off they won't understand..but when they get those first scars a place by the fire opens up so they can tell their stories. 

more Bukowski...on writing..and life


I don't have idols. I love Charles Bukowski writing but I am sure that if he and I DID have dinner together and I told him " I want to be like you" he would look right back at me and say "you already are. I can see your scars. I can see all of them and your rough brilliance. Put it to work and shut up". Why do people work so hard to be copies of other people and other peoples lives instead of being original? Is it because its easier to build off a ready-made blueprint than to graph your own? I guess being someone else is easier and safer because it takes courage to start from nothing and build from yourself that which you desire. People are so afraid of rejection and public opinion...afraid of invisible stones in invisible hands that might come out of nowhere and start raining boulders at them should they dare to let their dreams walk in the light. I blame the goddamn internet for putting that fear in people. Too many assholes these days who take delight in using their keyboards to jealousy beat other people into submission with their cruel opinions and thoughts. If there were no public opinion or swarm mentality how many dreams would actually make it to reality? More then now I am sure. 

I am like Bukowski in the way that I have lived a much rough life and I have come out the other side wiser and black and blue all over. I also don't care what others think of me, my life, my past, and their opinions on my art..and poetry is my art. I am 46 years years old and I have been through some extreme shit...but from that came the ability to see things from many sides and expand upon it. I live my life without shame or apology. I carry my scars and my wounds the same way...no embarrassment or excuses. Yes, I have made dumb decisions in my life that lead to some of the scars I carry but I guarantee you that if you look you will notice each scar is different because whatever caused it I only needed that lesson taught ONCE. My scars don't come in pairs...and as I have gotten older I received less of them. 

Done for the day

Im out

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