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crazeycelt's blog: "Dragon thoughts"

created on 06/12/2007  |  http://fubar.com/dragon-thoughts/b91041

A Calling

A calling to Minster to Others The question comes up some time along ones path “Should I stay in the closet, or come out into the open?” This is a very personal question that isn’t answered lightly. There are many factors to take into account in making this type of commitment. Coming out into the open and supporting the local Pagan Community takes a commitment that is serious and far reaching. As you become more active and open in the community, more is expected of you by the deities you fallow. Some of the attributes that can develop is a caring for fellow pagans around you. Due to the diversity of a Pagan Path you are required to be tolerance of others. Especially in a Pagan Community not everyone fallows the same path or even the same rules. Keeping this in mind let’s look at what a ministry is. Simply put to minister means to devote yourself to the church or religion you fallow, to help others and to study the scriptures or doctrine of your faith. Now not all ministers are ordained or feel the need to be ordained. In some paths everyone ministers (spread the word, lay minster). Notable in this way is the Church of Jesses Christ and Latter Day Saints along with some Pena costal Churches. The membership is expected to spread the word throughout the land as part of being a member of the church. So what does this have to do with being Pagan or Wiccan? Some feel the need to give back to the community, to help others and fill a need. These individuals have studied long and gone through Levels in some cases to become a leader in their faith or path. They feel a strong need or calling to help others many times above their own needs. They console others; stand by always ready to help and lean a caring ear. They are the ones that are there when someone needs help and they in many cases do not think that it is something special. They do not talk of their faith they live it each and every day. Most of the time they do this without any thought of recompense for their actions. So not being a church so to speak why would one wish to be Ordained? When would this be called for and why would someone wish to make this type of commitment? Is it for power and fame, or is it out of a need to help others? These are questions each individual needs to ask before even complicating taking action. Many act on the need to feel special more than a calling when they seek being ordained. This dose the Pagan Community no good in the long run for these individuals self serving actions reflect on the whole in a negative way. Many folks look upon a High Priest or High Priestess as a individual who is on a power trip or wishes to control others. This negative picture has been fostered by the News Media and many Christen Churches out of fear and misunderstanding. Jealousy from members also comes to play in the community, instead of supporting the good works some individuals wish to tear things down. Added to the fear from those outside the group these internal actions can undermine the best intentions. Another problem that arises is that of which path is best, many instead of embracing all fallow a strict interpretation of rules that can kill a group. If a group is open there are all these conflicting energy’s to deal with and focus in any group workings. Always there is someone that thinks that another individual should be not allowed to participate cause the individual doesn’t feel right o them. Then there are the folks that think magic can solve their wishes right now, and their wishes are the most important to the group. So with all these negative results facing one, why would anyone in their right mind wish to become a minister, High Priest/Priestess, Shaman, or any kind of leader in a Pagan Community. It seems that one would be just setting themselves up to fail. Or at least make enemies of the rest of the Community. Now there are some that will think it is cool and the Hell with everyone else I am going to do this. Others will look upon other ordained folks as fools that do not know what they are doing. The calling to do this can come to one many ways, which at first you do not realize that it is happening. In my case I had learned to be a consoler while in the service, it is a part of being a Non Commission Officer. In the time when I served you didn’t just console the service member but also you checked on his dependents. After twenty one years of doing this I had heighten my connection with others feelings, the problem was when to help and when not to. As I became more open about my path, I studied more and kind of thought that I was a newbie. After a while some friends of mine asked me if I would do their hand fasting. I was honored and wished to make sure everything went right and legal for my friends. I made the decision to become ordained to give them a hand fasting. This was more for their sake so their path together would be off to a good start. During the few years since then I have preformed other rituals and hand feastings. I have counseled a lot of individuals on religion and life. As time passes it seems that I am drawn to do more and more. Looking back my calling came out of a desire to help others not for personal gain or fame. In fact most of the time I do not bring it up unless I feel that it is necessary. The best ministers or individuals who are called upon seem to do it for others not for personal gain. But this is not always the case, sometimes the best fall to the praise of others. They become more engrossed with the fame and call of others. They lose touch with the Devine and soon forget how to be humble in thought and deed. The place of worship has to be bigger, they need a paid staff even some need mangers. More and more that which they have built takes on a life of its own. Much like a hungry cat it cries for more and more time and money. The problem grows eating away at that which was from the Devine. It comes more of what we have numbers of followers and money and bigger and bigger place. Becoming much like a contest of who is bigger than anyone else. Flash becomes more important than really helping others. Less and less of the funds drawn go to helpful programs instead goes to fueling the flash and pomp and wealth. How does one go from being a vestal of the Devine to a tool of wealth? It takes consent inventory of one’s self and what are you doing. It is much like addiction to drugs, alcohol, and money. Fame can draw one into a whirlpool spinning out of control where the individual soon loses sight of what they were trying to do. This is the time when ones connection with their higher power has to stay strong. It is the only way you can avoid the pitfalls of power and fame. Look at what is happening take the same care as you would when fallowing another. If your gut feeling says no then go with it, don’t do it. If your connection with your higher power is true you can trust you intuition on most manners. The joy of helping others and working as instructed by your Devine is a high that you can’t duplicate. But the fame can cause you to lose all that you have done. Looking deep within your self are you up to long hours, small pay and the hurt of others along with the horrors they have experienced. Then possibly you are receiving a calling to do more for your Devine and others. You have to be strong and true to your path. Remember good consolers need consolers for themselves. Also listen to those around you for wisdom can come from anyone any age. If you feel up to doing this and truly feel that you can help others then possibly you too have the calling to minster to others


Darkness isnt as many think for there isnt total darkness persay. The sliver cold light from the reflections of many suns brighten eveb the darkest night. In the belifes of many the Dark time of the year is from September thur Feberary, I was born on the shortest day of the year the darkest time of all during the dark time of the year. It is a s[ecal time for me and I see a lot of sliver and darklight. And there is no teadem in the path I walk Sislcy can voich for that . Darkness is a time to reflect on the chaos that all came out of in time long past. Anyone who protects or serves has to use their dark side to limit harm and mayham. When you are looked to for guidance , and consoling you hear of the dark side of human nature and if you did not enbrace the cool sliver light you could easly give in to the darkness. Many things walk the night not all bad, and the veals are thin giving insight and clamnest to troubled souls. A warren of the old ways Old Dragon

well things happen

My grandso is here so that is great. Working at shop two days this week on top of the weekend. it looks like things will be going well

This week

Well will be doing selective comments, Grandson is here so I am having fun


Well it was a hit with everyone who made it over here the party lasted from noon to 1040pm and the children and adulits loved it. I got a lot of complements on my cooking of the chicken brest and the falovings I used. A good time was hadf by all and the weater cleared for swiming and fishing and the firworks. hope every one else had a great fourth also.

Thoughts on 7-7-7

Ok now you have done it and this old dragon needs to post so much on being quite. this frist son of a seventh son. May the union that has been denied In fact and history be reveled this night as Dragons and dragon freinds take flight May all who have woundered what their essance was Learn the path they are to fly evermor May the differeences of the paths not cause strife but bring about the kindship that was lost Where many natures walk upond this plane none seeking sway over another only woking together for the greates gain. Those who have walked the walk of teachers and protectors be seen now and the guides that stand by their side be visuable throw others eyes, with the smoke clearing the way and giving way to a brighter and beatiful day Those of the night who walk the darkest relms be allowed the light that has arromored them from the bane and may their dark light fusse with the light of day to burn away the illusion and mistrust that has held sway for eons untold so one may know the ones who hold there soul in loving arms. For soon it is told the cange will come and what we hold ture will be put to the test burnned away all that is false and illusion so we my step out to the stars and join the rest who have passed this tes
Well it is a problem espically if one is young and has romantic veiws of magic and witchcraft. It seems that there are two poler opesits those who say if it is writen it is the law and those are around for ffellowship or due to it is cool right now. I get as excited when a spell dose as requested it is the joy that I am doing something that is great and the glow i feel is bubbly. many think this childish hence I may not know what iI am doing. I strive to treat others as I wish to be treated. this means everyone young or old. I try not to judge cuse i userally am only know one side. And the fluffy bunny could be the new Gardner, Conway, or Sliver RavenWolf if brought along with understanding and compassion. The pacence showen should be like the pacent showen you by your deities. Think on this for a while, in your own growth in your path how many folks aided you in your search to find your place and path. Now pick out the ones that impressed you the most and look how they apporached teaching and guiding you. Now dont get me wrong there are those who are just playing or doing this out of rebellion, but if you can enlighten one of those youur are living your path. It has been said there is a reason everyone meets the folks they do. Look on folks that rub you wrong and seem dense or playing as a test to see how strong your faith is. Can you let them not get to you? Strong in your choice of your path are you living it or are you just a weekend playgen? Much like a weekend Christan only fallowing your tendets when it suits you or on the sabiths. Being out of the closet is hard but it also is a statement as to your belife in your path. I can not say if my being open and outspoken at work or while in college has made less chances in the workforce or in life, but I can say that doing different caused me to be physically and mentally ill. For I am not alone not matter where I am at my guides and deities are with me I have to just stop and look around smell the roses so to speak and they are there beside me within me and around me allways and forevermore
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