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Yay! Curtains

Last year for graduation my boo purchased a super sweet tricked out Singer in my honor knowing my deep weird craft-y desire to sew. (That's admittedly not the weirdest desire I've ever embraced, but I digress ;P) It was taken lovingly from it's box, and placed atop the fridge- where it's nested for 10 monthes. My best intentions were to get just the right book, and teach myself, but alas this lass is diagram deficient. I get agida tring to puzzle 2 dimensional sketches and huff about amid a pile of varied level starter books. I'm not simple, but an admitted hands on learner... (yeah, baby!) Julie from work who I lunch with is uber sweet super crafty momma deluxe. I trekked to her house on Saturday and only got a lil' lost (I always get lost, just sometimes much more than others). She bought a 12 pack of my favorite soda, and we began- She started from the super basics, giving level common sense explanation- she showed me how to set up, problem solve and repair. (She teaches sewing over the summer through community centers etc.) Anywho... we measured and cut and plotted and I made curtains for the scary bathroom (not scary dirty but a scary itty tiny after thought bathroom. It's uber small; clean & white...) I used this soft brushed cotton with the Disney "Cuties" Winnie the Pooh pattern. Boo was proud, yet I think a tad horrified at the saccrine adorability of said curtains...
Behold! She sews!
I am going to try to find a fabric that the kids can agree upon for their room. (The Pooh was going to go up in their room, but Boo & I decided that it would be embraced if they had a say in the pattern, and could agree. Anything would help seeing as the walls etc are so very white.) I'm half done with this wicked cherry pattern puffy valance that will further pimp this joint :P

Projectile sharps!

cork and chalk
While awaiting the Hooligan & his bad bunny for our random themed date nights I learned how to play darts. My boo hung his Red Lion Wine & Spirits cabinet of cork, chalk, and flying sharps, then proceeded to lay out the basics- note that I spaz a bit and ricochet darts off the porch and zing 1 into the outside stereo speaker. Good job! I begin drinking liberally, and start to ferociously rock out to the 80's hair metal drifting from speakers. When Joan Jet came on I squeed in fan girl-y glee executing the random shimmy jig, and upon my turn become lethal compatant dart girl. WTF? Witness my idiosyncratic glory.
skillz, baby!

Wash your hands ;P

So last weekend was pretty sweet. Saturday was the errand run about then kick back zen day full of hiking and puzzle games after the taskage was complete. Sunday was my favorite day (even though I had to work that night). Slept in. Boo made an awesome breakfast of French toast, and bacon. Yummy-yumms. Long lazy shower, then we road tripped to Silverman Farm in Easton (http://www.silvermansfarm.com/ ) to go apple picking and other mad nonsense (to be more specific Silverman's has a pretty awesome petting zoo, and I have goat issues as well as cow love...) I cracked open the change jar and liberated a firm fistful of quarters to buy corn for the animals (oh-cloven hoofage) The trip was fun- the kids being ham & cheese, and the last 10 minutes chanting a Liz song in ode to the apples & goats-yeah! I think the song bit wore on my man, but being hard core he smiled benevolently at his encompassing chaos. We meet up with our friends Mike, Angie, and their little girl Zoe. Deepest of ironies being that the apple orchard was out of apples. Huh? Yup. No apples. We took a tractor ride, picked out painting pumpkins, drank cider, and wandered to the zoo of doom. Silverman's was running a "guess the weight" contest on all of the pumpkins and both kids won theirs. (The cashier was funny and great with the kids 2.) It was amazing. I squeed with joy when a goat stole my corn cup. I'm a dork ;P On the way home we stopped at our favorite little Chinese place and ate lunch. Sooo good. All in all a fun & sweet weekend.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket He's sooooo handsome! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Ok, handsome & economical Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Oh...deer ;P


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket So in my manic attempts to be a fun and winsome step mom I signed onto the committee for the children's Santa Ball Luncheon @ work. Planning and plotting begin- wicked crazy fun cool stuff in bloom. Costumes purchased. I laugh (suckers!) Am drawn to Gingerbread man full body foam-y suit with the primary desire to scream giggling "Not my gumdrop buttons" & "You monster!". Was rebuffed in that eerie Jedi way by the panel of uber mom. (Jedi being that it takes about 4 hours to go- "Oh man- that's my dick in the dirt"...) Minutes of meeting come out and to my horror and dismay realize that I was elected Santa's special helper elf. Ummmm ok. I'm 6'0", and amazon with an array of tattoo's and funky dyed black hair. Why me? Tonya claims irony. Jen claims Sadism. I'll be Elf-zilla, if only for the curly toed belled shoes that tinkle jingle ring as I walk. Oddly it seems that I have convinced a vast majority of the Polish mafia to bring their lil' people with the lure of Lizzzylock elfzilla & child pics. (I don't get it either...) Scott's coming to take pictures to commemorate my elfy goodness. I've decided to embrace the "Buddy" elf attitude and just be as frantically merry as possible. Fueled by gingerbread lattes, and candy this should be an attainable goal.

C is for cookie

Fear not the Elf-zilla! Harassing Jen with my oh so delectable and pretty cookie... Stompy boots of Dewm Jealous of my bopper laden elf-y shoes? I hope that the uber mom X-mas squad doesn't expect these back- I have nefarious plans indeed for such striking footwear... I originally had signed up to do face painting, or "tattooing", but upon arrival was relegated to the "cookie" tables. White linen table clothes and green, red & white frosting. Fabulous ;P I started becoming the sprinkle Nazi until Jen pointed out that 1. I didn't pay for the stuff, 2. I didn't have to wash out those stains, and 3. not my problem if the kids start vibrating from devouring mass quantities of frosting smoo-ed cookies encrusted with layerings of sparkling glitter sugar gem shots. *shrugs* When my cookies ran out I helped Julie (who mysteriously evaded costuming- even abandoning the obligatory lame belled reindeer antler headbands) make these crazy complicated 3-D snowflakes in a dizzying array of colors with the kids. Pretty random afternoon. My favorite quote being upon returning to the hall witnessing small child violence was the overheard whisper "Dude- Quit! She's an elf and's gonna tell Santa that your an asshole!" *laughs*


So the point of this game is to post a blog about ten weird habits/random facts about yourself, and then "tag" ten people who, then, have to post a blog about their ten weird habits/random facts. You have to tag them in your blog and then post a comment on their page saying that you tagged them. No tag-backs are allowed! 1. I am a nesting blanket thief. Even in the heat of summer I cocoon so just my nose sticks out of said nestings, and my boo winds up bare going "Hey! Hey- at least leave me a sheet" 2. I derive great pleasure from puns, riddles, and corny knock-knock jokes 3. I love bad dance music (some would say just bad music period), and refuse to allow my clumsiness to interfere with my dancing badly, at any time or in any place :P 4. I have a weird thing about books- I like the good 1's hard cover, and hate getting back lent books with turned pages, food splots, or visabley broken spines :( 5. I love patterns- plaid, cherries, spirals, etc... I don't own a plain pair of socks, and as a matter of course 1/3 of my stocking-y stuffs are Halloween-y (shocking, I know) In this breakdown I also embrace the toe socks with much adoration 6. I have a thing for dolls- Creepy, admittadly I guess. It's one of my hat tipping acknowledgements to being girlie. The fair majority are faeries 2 to up the "yikes" factor... I dig them lots though so the fae army of death lines my dresser top much to the Jagular's tolerant chagrin. 7. When I apply bumper stickers, hang art etc, it usually slants to the right- theory being I cock my head in gratified accomplishment during application. Doh! 8. I have the weird chaotic karma that when I take peoples out porn shopping with me that the sales folks chat and natter on with me- it's doesn't really mean that I spend THAT much time there... honest?! :P 9. No matter how many zillions of times I've watched Pretty in Pink or Bram Stroker's Dracula I always still cry at the end. 10. I've developed a love of the Gnome since we've started our new D&D campaign in which my Gnomish Bard ROCKS! :) Besides gnomes are like that crazy drunken fun cousin at fairy weddings

Like a sock fulla nickles

Originally posted from my Livejournal, and rivived by the Jaguar I am to play the game again :) Not to say rubber hoses are the worst threat, but *grins* I like playing :P I am hereby shamed & post chastised by the Blogg-y police for playing with others and hording my toys :) Give me a comment that your interested and want to play and then: 1. I’ll respond with something random about you 2. I’ll challenge you to try something 3. I’ll pick a color that I associate with you 4. I’ll tell you something I like about you 5. I’ll tell you my first/clearest memory of you 6. I’ll tell you what animal you remind me of 7. I’ll ask you something I’ve always wanted to ask you 8. If I do this for you, you must post this on yours. Yes, people, the blog police will get you unless you do (hence the rubber hoses) Remember if I do you, you do 8. you no play nice, I no play with you no more Cheers!
I was tagged, and not even in that fun sweaty twisted limb-cooing-whimper- giggle squeal way by Crissy to do this... so here goes (prepare for bizarre neurosis & idosynchratic pattern): 1. I like to keep my pennies seprate from the rest of my change. I have a lil' purple heart shaped plastic Powerpuff Girls change purse just for the pennies. I keep the quarters, dimes and nickles in my regular wallet. Don't know why, but I feel all "grr" when they intermingle. Coin segragation is rough... but someone has to be oppressed. Yes, cashiers do give me the "WTF?" face when I crack open the PPG sack of penny dewm... Maybe I'm too young to be that lil' old exact change lady... *for once I'm early for something!* 2A. Like Clementine in "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" I find the word nice a wholly inadequate descriptive for anything. I use it rarely, and find it like boiled white potatoes... blah, and meal-y paste-ish goo that serves as a functional & genial social spackle... 2B. For the love of all that is holy I hate the word "reckon". It has always given me the fits. It is much to my dismay that J.K. Rowling likes "reckon" A LOT... she must think "reckon" is NICE. Aarugh! 3. When I lend out books and upon return page corners are bent in substitution of using a bookmark. I save up and try to buy hardcovers. Page turn-y-ness of MY books makes me feel defiled and surly... Dramatic and bitch-y I guess, but *shrugs* irksome none the less. 4. I feng shui my magnet collection on the fridge which inevitably draws any/everyone to rearrange it. 5. Being called a "big girl" even after having lost 70 pounds in the past year- I am a tall woman, an amazon, diesal, etc but "big" is like "nice" not very specific and has undercurrants & eddies of discontent in my head... 6. Public contradiction or correction over menial/trival things. I let slide verbal/literal misteps when I grokk the message- We got where we needed to go. If it's not up for publication or open theoretical debate I'm not one to bust stones... Just being nice I reckon There are so many, but I have completed my epic quest of rambling rant-y-ness!

6 things about me...

1. I am an emotional hemopheliac. I cry when overstimulated, which really doesn't take much... I transcend the even the usual "goober" standards- I cry at a wide spectrum of stuff- anything from a stirringly senitimental peanut butter commercial to Sailor Moon. 2. I have unbearably low taste in movies and music. As a matter of course I really actually like very bad movies, as well as embracing mediocre and "meh- ok" -ish flicks. Good movies make me super swoon, but for the most part it takes something to be exceeding horrid for me to not go- yeah, it's a'right :) *as an addendum to this I am no longer allowed to usually choose movies when in social settings. I oppressed Donny with Barbarella, Jenny, Tash & Scott with The Witches of Sappho Salon, Tash with Jeeper Creepers, and Crissy with Cadet Kelly- She could have made me turn it off but I didn't get Disney at my house, and she was being polite, same goes for my watching raptly the Lizzie McGuire Movie @ Tash's* 3. I have a thing for big shoes. Why? I'm 6' tall, and I don't really need 5" platform cherry wedge flip flops, but I *hearts* them good...Not just big shoes, but comically large wedgey or spindly shoes complicated with buckles, belts, flaps, and bells... 4. I have a stationary issue. Seriously. I buy cards, note paper, stickers, and scented colored gel sparkley pens in bulk, and horde it lovingly. It's like I'm a demented dragon nesting in my wealth of correspodent capability ;) 5. Funny cute girls are my kryptonite. If she's well read, witty, and fun I am doomed to inappropriate shyness. My ears burn red, I get all "aww shucks *teehee*" and let oppertunity pass me by because I'm worried about messing up, & looking dumb... If I can talk normally it's because I'm comfortable enough to not be weary, and torn... If we can share porn, well... that's a different Blog ;P 6. I like to make up songs, and sing them to myself because at the end of the day I think I am terribly funny XD

Feelin' mad Catwoman-y!

Meow, baby...Meow!
Last Friday I had lunch plans with my mum 4 noon... Did my random errand-ish blah, cleaned up, showered and changed. Was wicked giddy about the sunshiney goodness and smiled crooked as I slammed the front door behind me... turning slowly realized that my car/house etc keys were hanging from the Winnie the Pooh rack INSIDE. Blah! Ran around frantically checking all the 1st floor windows and doors. Of course all were lowered and locked. (insert GRR here) Scoured the yard and came up with a plan- 3 air conditioners, 10 masonry slabs, and a above ground pool ladder all facilitated my clambering onto the roof and ninja rolling to to slightly ajar 2nd floor bedroom window. Yay breaking into my own house by means of transcending my uber clumsiness :) After snaking through the 1/2 window I lay on the soft cream shag and just giggled.
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