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OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!! Get out!!!!! What do you people want from me, blood? You have continually and i do mean continually (at least NINE times) rejected each and every Salute pic that I have submitted! Your staff has falsely accused me of "doctoring" my pics or "photosnapping" them (whatever the hell that is). If it is a program, I do NOT have it and wouldn't know how to use it if I did. I also could not "doctor" a picture to save my life. I take ALL of my pics using my webcam and my webcam ONLY. I was also accused of not hand-writing my signs (each and every single different sign). I am so very sorry, but I look the way I look and if someone on the Cherry Tap staff had taken the time to check out my photos, you would see that I am the same chick in the Salute pics that I have submitted who is in my Cherry Tap "photos!" Too much trouble to do that, i guess. I also write/print the way I write and can't help that unless you would have liked me to hand-write my signs using my left hand? Evidently, neatness does NOT count for the lot of you. I would have had a 5 year-old write out my signs had I known I needed to print like a pre-schooler on the them. After rejecting not one, but FIVE, Salute pics that I attempted to submit (each of which was only submitted after the last was rejected and not all at once), you REMOVED MY ACCOUNT!!! I only joined this program because I was requested to do so by a friend. I spent four months participating in every way I knew how to to earn points and you DELETE MY ACCOUNT? You wiped out all of the legitimately EARNED Cherry points that I totalled, cleared out my friend's and fan's lists, comments I had received, gifts given to me by my friend' s, and all of my stash entries, etc... You were so generous as to allow me to re-register, but with a new account number and no points. I have now worked day and night for three days to do what you undid in one fail swoop. I had made it to level 10 when you insisted that I have a Salute pic approved. Since re-registering, I have again submitted not one, but about FOUR additional Salute pics that you have AGAIN rejected? Friend's of mine, who also have Cherry Tap and had minor Salute pic problems, suggested to me tonight that I write the information required for the sign out on my body to prove to you that I am real and not the FAKE you seem to think I am. Like an idiot, I did just that (note the latest Salute pic rejected)! I have no other camera to take my pics with, but my webcam. I am at the heighth of frustration now and would like to discuss this matter with "babyjesus" himself, rather than any more of his deciples. Evidently, HE needs to see me, himself, to verify that I am no phoney. It has reached a ridiculous point now and I'm convinced that you are now rejecting my Salute pics out of spite or to test me (see how persistent I can be when it comes to this REQUIREMENT). I've seen Salute pics on plenty of other profiles, wherein the members couldn't even spell their own names on the signs they displayed with their faces and yet they were approved? I would greatly appreciate some assistance for a change, instead of false accusations that cannot be backed up or referrals to the section of your "Bible" that relates to Salute pics. Believe you me, I have read and re-read it and now have it MEMORIZED. I am actually afraid to even attempt to submit another Salute pic, for fear you will delete this account, too..... along with all of the points I have thus far earned back, thereby negating all of the time and effort I have had to again put into this program. If not for the friend's I have who use Cherry Tap and the friend's I have made in the past four months, I would just say "to hell with it" and move on, but now it is a matter of principle. I will look forward to hearing from the man, himself......."babyjesus." I honestly hope you don't give other people as much grief and frustration as you have me. This e-mail reply was not intended to be nasty, but for the love of God............ P.S. How could I "doctor" a picture of me with my account # and cherrytap.com hand-written in crayola marker ON MY BODY??? I'm just curious. emeraldeyez03..............Acct. #: 900133

Salute Pic RANT!!!

I am not one to go off on many things that annoy and frustrate me, but I AM PISSED OFF NOW!!! I joined Cherry Tap some 3 - 4 months ago and during the course of learning the "in's" and "out's" of how to participate in the program, I began to enjoy it. I knew many people who were involved in Cherry Tap that involved me and encouraged me to participate and came to know many more. Once I reached level 10 "Friends of Cherry Tap," I was not allowed to level up unless I posted a Salute pic. Okay, fine. I read the Cherry Tap "Bible" in regards to Salute Pics and followed the requirements to the letter. Where did that get me, you may ask? MY ACCOUNT WAS OUT OF THE BLUE REMOVED, after the powers that be at Cherry Tap declared not ONE, but FIVE different Salute pics (and signs) FAKES!!! I received rejection after rejection and then found my account deleted!!! What the hell??? All of the Cherry points I had legitimately earned were gone, my friend's, fans and ratings erased, comments...history, gifts I received...POOF, stash entries trashed. How is this fair??? I continually e-mailed Cherry Tap before they so rudely removed my account to ask what, specifically, I was doing wrong only to be directed by their bouncers back to the section of their "Bible" on Salute pics (which by then I had MEMORIZED). Was it so difficult for them to look at my photos on my profile or home page (which evidently, were acceptable enough) to compare the Salute pics and determine that I was, in fact, the same person??? I guess so, because obviously no one bothered to do that! I was forced to re-register this account. I have now started all over from scratch AND submitted not ONE, but FOUR more completely different Salute pics so far, only to have those, too, rejected! I was told by one deciple (I mean bouncer) that I was "doctoring" my pics and not hand writing my signs. I wouldn't know how to "doctor" a picture if my life depended on it! And, I wasn't aware I needed to have my 5 year-old niece write my sign for me in order for it to appear authentic. This is CRAP! I can't level up until I have a Salute pic approved and evidently, unless "babyjesus," himself approves one of my submissions, I won't be able to advance in this program. I'm sure I am not the ONLY person who has had this problem with Cherry Tap, but if you are listening "babyjesus,"....YOU NEED TO FIX THIS FLAW IN YOUR PROGRAM, LIKE YESTERDAY!! Thanks for all of the frustration and grief that you have brought into my world over the past couple of weeks. God only knows I don't have enough of it in my everyday life. Oh, and by the way, when does the FUN start???
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