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no more lap top....

sigh... so the title says it all... mostly... my lap top is gone for about 2 weeks... until then im stuck using the pc... (havent used one of these in a long time... ) so i wont be online much right now and it sux cause im in a contest... it was much easier to keep a handle on my position and shit with the lap top cause i could use it while bartending and while im chillin at the bar etc... oh well... i do them for fun anyways... today was one of those days.... dell called me up first of all saying that my lap top was considered stolen... WTF? no way... the girl told us to get a hold of the store we bought it from.. Vamp called... "bring it here" i saved everything i could think of that i didnt want to lose on disks i borrowed from my boss... (cause shes cool like that) and said goodbye to my baby .. the guy spent three hours on the phone with dell.. and finally they are gonna honor the warranty... ::does a "its about mother fucking time they are taking care of this" dance:: my boss came down to talk to me... the one bartender (momma) had a ceasure and she is in the hospital... we got one of the other bartender on the phone and came up with a plan... we were both gonna work a 12 hour shift.... i hope tho my boss doesnt expect the same tomorrow ... there is no way ... i have had one day off in the past ten and i just wanna have a nice actual WEEKEND!!! well im off like a prom dress... ready to finish up what i have to and sit back and relax... this isnt the most comfortable chair in the house... peace out boy scouts! PuNk

bustin out of jail....

::sigh:: just got my friend Angel out of jail.... ::sigh:: im hoping i did not make a mistake by shelling out $400 for a bond for her... ::sigh:: I know her... but I KNOW HER!!!!!!! she was/is a crack ho... always in my bar cause i looked out for her... and she always had my back... when her abusive ex bf/pimp went to jail he threatened/guilt tripped her to get him out... he was out in about 2 days.. HE left her sit in there.... 3 weeks later she is finally out on mine and vamps money... she has been callin vamps bar and talking to him.. she was getting the shit beat out of her regularlly ... we spent 3 hours at central lock up tonight waiting for her,... she knows she will be under lock and key and not be able to leave the house without vamp or myself... gonna help her to get a real job... her lawyer is cool tho.. making her do rehab and get drug tested... ::praying she stays off drugs:: she has barely been out for an hour and is already talking about how she wants to hook for her regulars... its too dangerous for her to do it now.. they are busting every hooker they see... got another friend of mine too .. a madam .. shes out tho... im just worried that this is gonna backfire at me and vamp... he isnt worried at all .... ::sigh::

pissed the fuck off

You know something.... tonight i showed up for work in a great mood... was even 5 mins early (hey thats big for me cause usually i hate the girl that relieves me so im usually 5 mins late... but anyways were getting off track .....) So im working... pretty dead night.. nothing really going on at the bar. 30 mins before im suppossed to get off my relief shows up and says he is sick. I tell him to call the GM and tell her ... but the GM is his relief in the morning... he said he will work... TEN MINUTES BEFORE IM SUPPOSSED TO GET OFF WORK... his gf calls the bar and says he cant come to work he is throwing up. I tell her call someone that can work cause im fuckin tired... just worked an 8 hr shift and i didnt get enough sleep to pull a double... esp while working the graveyard... ( i dont deal well with the crack heads and the free loaders that like to show during this shift.) no word from anyone for another hour and a half... by this time im pissed the fuck off because guess what im stuck... im threatening to quit.. (the boss would never let me tho) i was ready to walk out but wouldnt do that to the ppl i work with... im so irritated because i got stuck here working a double when im already working with one day off... fuck that ...im suppossed to be here at 5 pm... that fucker better take that shift cause there is no way im gonna get off work at 9am (after working 16 hrs ) and get back here 8 hrs later.... i do more than any other bartender here... its fucked up... id never screw my GM but i wish she would answer her god damn phone... i just wanna go to bed

not my fault

I'm honestly tired of being your scapegoat. It's not my fault that you cannot handle your drugs and show up to work as a useless blob. You put me in a bad spot today and i shouldnt have to deal with it. Your my best friend in the world but there are only so many times that i can cover your ass. I love ya to death but you fucked me today and you deserved to get fired.
As the title says, "So far, been a rough week." Well it's really true. Tonight was the first night since i have seen my friend since she found out her 2 week old daughter died of SIDS. (happened saturday night/sunday morning). She was miserable. Her hubby drove her down to the quarter to get her out of the house. She was miserable... (as anyone would be after losing a 2 week old child). I honestly didnt know what to say to her. She cried on my shoulder and we sat together talking. She had me in tears. The funeral is saturday morning... well memorial technically.... she couldn't bear to have her daughter burried.. so she is being cremated... ( i know its probably spelled wrong but my mind isn't here at the moment... ) Her and her hubby each got a matching tattoo in memory of their daughter. She offered the design to Lee and I. To make matters worse.... this afternoon, i found out that one of the women that hung out at my hubby's bar passed. We were told she was suppossed to be taken off life support..... and then we were told she was getting better... and today she passed............ and just think... it's only wednesday..

i hate murphy's law...

There are just some days that you just know cannot get any better.... I went to bed last night believing that i did not have to bartend this morning... i was working this evening... fine and dandy. I reset my alarm to go off around 1:30pm to give me some time to clean up around the apartment... (sounds good to me lol). I was estatic... get some nice sleep for once .... about 9:45am i am rudely awoken from my nice warm bed to discover one of my best friends (and coworkers) rapidly banging on my front door... "wilum what are you doing?" I asked... to which i was told... "You're suppossed to be at work right now." "No im working at 5:00pm... " "No YOU"RE working NOW" I jumped up and called my bar. The bartender even checked the schedule while i was on the phone... i was SUPPOSSED to be at work... Dumbass i am was suppossed to work 9-5 today when i thought i was working 5-1.... Shit... I got dressed and ran to the bar... By this time i was an hour late... The bartender was alright tho and i bought him a drink... a nice... stiff ... drink... ;) Work was slow... made decent money.... Then i get a phone call.... "David's house is on fire" Holy shit.... My hubby takes Wilum and runs to Davids house... Yep... its on fire.. I've got another hour till i can do anything about it... Now i know because i was an hour late i shouldnt bitch about my relief being on time... But all i wanted to do was get to David.. He is one of my best friends. He was my hubby's best man at our wedding.... David is the most caring person i have ever met.. .also the wealthiest... I love David so much... he does so much for everyone... He is the most kind hearted person. The man has fabulous karma. (with this news came the news that David and another friend of ours John were fighting BIG TIME... john told David he wanted him out of his life.... great..) I was relieved on time (to my excitement... ) and ran out the door to David... What do you say to someone who just watched their house burn... Luckly it wasn't destroyed... Electrical fire in the attic.... There wasn't much damage to the house from the fire... but who knows what has water damage and smoke damage... David comes to our hang out bar... He works there as well as my hubby. We decide we need to drink .. .( hey this is the french quarter ... it's what we do best... ) John doesnt want david to stay with him.... only for a few days. John just wants to calm down after their blow up. Fine David can stay with me and my hubby. Wilum will stay with John... We are all sitting in the bar joking and laughing and trying to look at the bright side... .THEN the general manager of the bar... ( as old and drunk as he is.. stumbles over to david and PROCEEDS to tell him that he is FIRED.) FUCKING GREAT JUST WHAT THE MAN NEEDS... Not only has one of his best friends and love of his life told him he never wants to see him again.... his house catches fire and loses his job that he loves... Anything that can go wrong will go wrong... just what the man needs... talk about no class.... Right now im waiting on john to walk david back to my house... Why does Murphy's law always have to kick you when you're down?
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17 years ago
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