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We tend to identify with our senses when we contemplate self. Meaning when you or I think of our soul or what to have for supper, etc we tend to hear that inner voice in our head. It makes sense since any voice we identify with is in close proximity to our ears. When you speak (if you pay attention to the feeling) your throat resonates through your chest and head. You can shout exuberantly with joy or anger, or coo gently to a newborn cradled in your arms or a favorite pet. When you see someone you love you tend to use terms like “my heart is full” or “filled with longing”. When you have a deep feeling of making sense of something intuitively you “feel it in your gut”. The result of a sudden sexual stimulus can “set your loins afire with passion” and make you “weak in the knees”.If you see a two-headed hydra with fangs coming for you your feet will probably not wait and take off running for you!

All these examples are oversimplifications of course but what I described is the Hindu/far east philosophical version of what's known as the 7 chakras or main energy points refuted to dwell in the human body. The better connection an adept has consciously with these 7 energy points during meditation the more a spiritual awakening of a higher consciousness outside one’s self is supposedly achieved. 1 head.2 Thyroid.3 Heart,4 gut 5 sex,6 knees and 7 feet.

So the answer being your soul is just outside your grasp in a nonphysical sense. The integration of your energy points is a direct link that is difficult to achieve unless you spend years training to achieve this end.

When I was young I slept with the radio on and had to quit it. My current obsession would come on and Id come awake grooving out and never really slept well. I love the piano so if an elegantly simple intro comes on that catches my ear I'm usually hooked. The only way to get rid of the constant is to learn the lyrics and I'm sated.NO  you didn't cause one to embed itself-I'm working one out already and there isn't room in my little brain for two of them at once ha ha

I draw heavily upon my own experience and observation-I'm not a psychologist or a mental health professional. However-I've come across several revelations in life that give rise to a pet theory of mine.

Human beings possess a powerful stabilizing mechanism. When a hurricane comes along and wipes out a township people pick up the pieces and go on living for it seems that's all there is to do. Likewise I've seen grown men who lie chronically and find that the roots go back sometimes to childhood molestation survival. A painful traumatic instance is dealt with by denial. As a bedwetter myself till the age of twelve I understood only into my early twenties that subconsciously, I was trained to tread lightly in the mornings when people were sleeping. Likewise Id urinate in bed because as a toddler my father would beat me for being up when I was supposed to be sleeping. He loved me and I never questioned that but his own blindness when he was sleep-stupid and angry and not using his head pretty much answered my curiosity. I learned why my behavior was there and how it came about and there was no resentment for this-it was unfortunate but the man simply didn't realize what he was doing at the time.

Every child has an instinctive feeling of fairness. Once a child is pushed to a certain point where this inner sense of fairness is betrayed they give up and refuse to try. As we grow and learn, we collect stigmas that are planted early on, incidents, false beliefs or outright lies and guilt manipulation. Rooting these out and understanding them is the key to healing in a spiritual sense.

Now! If we are dealing with too much negative baggage for too long and we suffer too many traumatic incidents in a row the mind cannot stack or restock fast enough to deal with emotional trauma. It's akin to climbing down a ladder of our subconscious and finding several rungs missing below us. This can result in a fall into a kind of mental black hole. Some turn to drugs and alcohol to cope, others to false religious beliefs. Still others seem to have been hardwired to never have had any boundaries or structure mentally and emotionally-the results can be devastating. Still others have a brain dysfunction.

Recently I heard a female family member speak of when she was molested at the age of twelve by a man. To hear her tell it she was an innocent victim. As a young woman she was sexually promiscuous and I had witnessed her carelessly testing her sexuality far too often to deny what I saw. Even challenged her on her behavior in a few incidents for her lack of respect for herself. To hear her speak of this particular incident though, while I wasn't there to see how it unfolded and came about, I had my suspicions for years she was not being truthful and honest. When it came to light that she was being sexually abused everybody rushed to her side and insulated her as a tragic shivering little fawn when in my opinion she was old enough to know right from wrong and was able to shuck any personal sense of responsibility. Her life is littered with a string of failed marriages and relationships that ended badly or tragically for one reason or another. I reconnected with a long lost aunt recently and she confirmed many of my suspicions. The denial and the stigma it brought about I believe was the key to her bout with being diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and the feelings of persecution the delusions had brought about. She is in her 50’s now in the care of a mental health professional so the outcome is up in the air.

So the causes of mental illness are due to many factors as I have seen. Personally I'm so thankful that I've had it “easy” comp[ared to many I've encountered.

Interesting-I've never articulated this out loud or even consciously set out to even write or speak about this. Even as a child I was curiously fascinated by the feeling of touching a hot stove. The burning of your hand is not quite painful yet-There is a feeling outside yourself someplace of absolute damming rage and a profound sense of masculine absolute “MOVE YOUR FUCKING HAND NOW!” even before you can think about it. The central nervous system takes over and you jerk your hand away.

The need to pee though? Its an infantile feeling-like a toddler whining when they are tired and fighting sleep or wanting a toy or attention. The longer you go trying to ignore it or can't find a place to piss? The more whiny and insistent that feeling gets-Its not like the masculine “MOVE YOUR HAND IMNNA KILL YOU NOW!!” of the burn-its more bitchy and insistent the longer it goes on. Anyway maybe its just me-anyone else attach this kind of emo?

I about died laughing when this happened. I am by no means conceited or stuck on myself. Also knowing for certain that I'm not every lady's cup of tea so to speak. So one afternoon after a shower I decided to take a scoot up to the store to dry my hair out-I'm 49 at the time,3 years ago-So this young lady in her mid-twenties approaches me in the parking lot and strikes up a conversation, her friend goes “I know you! You're that guy with the hair! HAWT!” and I doubled over laughing. They actually took turns taking pics posing with me. I'm flattered but not surprised or blushing (I'm too old for that shit) but it made my day.Flattered because I'm positive there are women out there that would just as soon throw up after a glance or two at this mug. To each their own I guess

I was relieved that Clinton could not destroy America. We came close. The Clinton Campaign was evil. It challenged the Constitution of the United States. What America is finally getting is that the entire Russia Investigation was a Hillary Clinton Operation. They masked it as “opposition research” but it was nothing short of a Coup. It was started in her Campaign headquarters, flowed over into the DNC, hired a foreign agent by the name of Christopher Steele to prepare a dossier that would prevent Trump from becoming President at any cost. Steele recruited Russian KGB to beef up the report as everyone knows “sex sells”. Perkins-Coye, the law firm for the Clinton Campaign paid Fusion GPS over Ten million dollars for the phony dossier that was used to get a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page, a low level Trump campaign worker but that gave them access to the telephone and internet. Trump said he thought his Transition team was being “bugged” or spied upon and everyone laughed. Not laughing so much now as the FBI has admitted spying on the President Elect.
You have to understand the magnitude of an opposition candidate using the FBI as an Insurance policy to keep someone from being elected. Hillary did it to Bernie by introducing what was called “ Super Delegates” that never existed. Bernie kept winning the over whelming number of delegates but when they counted the States, he kept losing when they added the Super delegates. The election was rigged for Hillary. The DNC was bankrupt and Hillary had to bail them out. She spent a Billion dollars in the election. Trump slightly over 200 million and all small donations. He couldn’t be bought. She was selling out her office of Secretary of State at over a Two Billion in donations. The minute she lost, all donations ceased and yet no one asked questions.
Isn’t strange that of all the reporters that spent night after night knocking Trump that not one of them researched out Hillary? That would have been a career maker if just one honest reporter did some old fashion investigative reporting. NOT ONE. You however decided to believe every word the fake press told you. Did you learn anything from that? You have no idea of how close our country, our constitution and our way of life hung in the balance of the last Presidential election. So to answer your question, like thousands of others who cried when Hillary lost, I cried for our Country when Donald J. Trump was elected the President of the United States. At the worst of times, the greatest of men appears.

In these troubled times love and honasty conquers all....

Warning this is gross and not everybody will find this amusing-
I was staying with my Aunt and Uncle for a few weeks one summer when I was 16. They ran a self-storage unit. The entrance was a long asphalt driveway that was gated. My uncle kept a pit-bull(male) chained up at the end of the driveway to scare off any potential funny business when the gates were closed at night. The dog was cool though. He would lick you to death but nobody wanted to get close enough to find out any difference.This was back in the day before cameras were affordable for surveillance and it was cheaper than an electrified fence.
My youngest cousin “Frankie”(he was 6 at the time) loved to coast down the driveway on his belly on a skateboard. First time I tried it I wiped out. Frankie had a blast doing this endlessly.
It was getting dusk when my oldest cousin Rich let himself in the back door with Frankie by the arm. Rich was laughing uncontrollably and Frankie was crying. Looked like he had been for some time. His face was tearstreaked, dirty and his clothes were disheveled. I quickly ruled out a wipeout on the skateboard. Rich was always teasing and tormenting his little brother and sister but he never hurt them. and his amusement was usually expressed as a mean-big brother grin. I was ????? but every time Rich looked at me he laughed harder if that was possible.
I finally got it out of him as he ran water in the laundry room tub for a bath for Frankie who was sniffling and getting out of his tee-shirt and pants. Rich had pulled into the driveway and come across Frankie pinned at the foot of the driveway where the Pitt had pinned him and began having “Relations” with the poor kids back, He holds up Frankie’s Tee shirt thumb and forefinger delicately “look! his backs all wet!” and doubles over again.”I cracked up and exclaimed “and you let him ride up to the house in your CAR! GROSS!!” We howled the rest of the night every time we looked at each other-especially the way Rich presented the shirt to me for proof-like it was going to explode or something….

Christian Sunder·January 27Owner at Sunrise Archives (2002–present)Many wonderful answers here-DONT DO IT, is the best advice.


Often times in my experience people like this are arguing from force of personality. Even going so far as to set you up to fail by casually bringing up a trivial point they have already “proven” to someone else and “nailing you”. There is no winning when you best a fool…You can't help but feel sorry for them especially if they are so rigid they can't or wont change.
I grew up with manipulators. I see the word “Narcissist” thrown around too much here on Quora. There is no love or understanding in using the strongest label you can find in dismissing a situational noun (Person, Place or thing) where you could truly learn something to empower yourself and others. I'm not just talking about “winning an argument” with someone suffering from the need to be right all the time.
Honesty is the best policy. Knowing your own self and accepting that we are human and we are never going to be perfect is the first step towards accepting our shortcomings. With a humble approach and a tiny bit of faith in the truth? You can move mountains.
Tell ya a Lil story. ( My “Narcissism” is kicking in here tee hee) You’ll love this…
Back in the 80’s before the internet, I was a bright energetic enthusiastic kid whose number one ambition in life was to become a famous performer. Wasn't sure in what field though-Being a spray hitter in the arts and not caring if I made an ass of myself(too badly lol) I went out and did theatre. Dabbled in stand up comedy, but the biggest rush I got was making music. It was also my biggest frustration.
You must understand artists are some of the most insecure people on this planet. You worry and fret about perfectionism sometimes to the point of insanity. It causes you to do and say things that you never dreamed possible or would admit. This insecurity isn't recognized for what it is when you are young and naive so you hide it for fear of being ridiculed as “weak” This is a carryover from childhood-everyone remembers the stupid things we fought about as kids-” Mighty mouse is Stronger than Superman!” No, he’s just a CARTOON! SUPERMAN is a real GUY!” That sort of thing…
In a fledgling band of late teen-early twenties kind of guys though? The arguments are more sophisticated but just as lame. When you get four or five guys with this same kind of mindset who hang out over a long period of time? Unless you have a strong camaraderie it usually ends in disaster-especially if you are dabbling in drugs and alcohol.
I played with some amazing young talents. My singing was always going to be better than my playing so I stuck to being a frontman. I'd be critical and demanding of my mates when something was screwed up and get it back just as badly. When I play guitar (I'm terrible really) Id play with a lot of echo and crank it up loud so the distortion hides my sloppy chord changes. Sounds cool to the untrained ear but its cannon fodder in an argument with a guitarist who thinks he is the second coming of Jimmy Page (And a good guitarist has to feel this way-anyone who is good at what they do takes pride in their work)
I played with one fellow(I'll call him Ronnie) for a brief time who was every bit of an asshole as he was just awesome on the strings. His idol was Carlos Santana and he not only copied him note for note he added his own “Carlo’esque” touches to his playing-He was an amazing talent-but that same talent for music was counterbalanced with a need to be right all the time. When he was feeling particularly moody he would goad someone into an argument over the most ridiculous premise even upping it to blows if he could. The problem was he was so skinny and frail and sickly you didn't dare punch his lights out-and he used that to his advantage.
We were doing lots of cover tunes-As I said this was the days before the internet so unless you had an album sleeve or a reference book lyrics were hard to come by. So you listened to a song with mushy words you couldn't understand and did your best. There are tunes I loved and still do, but thanks to the internet I was able to go back and scratch many an itch “NOW! WTF were they SAYING?!?”(Steven Tyler’s enunciation drove me crazy and I went years never truly singing “Walk This Way” like it was written!!) So Id start out “Backdoor lover goin hidin neath da cover till talk to ya bout it ya say-Said nay! Seen Nuthin dilly Dallin on da muffin is goin lead ya to changing your ways-” WRONG!!! I knew it then but for the life of me we could never figure it out no matter how SLOW we ran the record. However, it was always a highlight of our little gig. Years later when I got ahold of the lyrics I was “AH!!! Yes!” it was very gratifying to me-but back then-it was cannon fodder for Ronnie Righness….
Ronnie didn't care too awful much about tuning as long as it was loud. I key my vocals off the rhythm guitar and If I can't hear myself I'm screwed. This isn't the RONNIE show ok? In the name of a tight sound tune it up and turn it down! He would retaliate to this affront to his dignity indignity by dismissing me as “Just another singer-anyone can sing-but to play guitar-that takes REAL skill” and Id fire back about how he is still a jerk off and I'm the one who gets laid ha ha-Then it would escalate in being RIGHT in my lyrics and force of personality would take over. one song we did said “I said hey baby! Your crib or mine? no….Its “Your Criminal mind”-I have that album at home and its on the inner sleeve. (which he would never produce in person).
He came in with a tune and demanded we all learn it. This was Carlos Santana at his best and he was tired of this top 40 ACDC Van Halen Ted Neugent crap all the time. That wasn't all we played-in fact we had a keyboardist that was really stretching out and in turn stretched the band. I was happy to dabble in some good Rush and Supertramp tunes(Despite Ronnie being an overbearing prick). The instant he played it for us I recognized the song. I kept my mouth shut. I wasn't in the mood for another “my Dick Is bigger than yours contest and Ill prove it so long as you go by the metric system-Ill use standard American.”
Anyway despite that and my suspicion Ronnie was challenging our abilities with the sophistication of this tune I eagerly agreed and helped the drummer and our bass player with the rhythm. I don't think Ronnie cared so much about that then he did to hassle me about the lyrics and drawing his solos out so long it would have eaten up all our set time. The first time we played this tune for a backyard party(We nailed it beautifully) my best buddy came up to us as we were taking a break from our first set-All hell broke loose.. As it unfolded I was behind Ronnie with wild eyes shaking my head at my bro as if to say :SHHH!! NOO!! Shut UP!!”
“Damn man that was BADASS! Do you know anymore Steely Dan?” Mark says enthusiastically and Ronnie swigging a beer turns on him puzzled” Huh? “ and I'm waving my arms to get Mark's attention “NO!! SHUT UP YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!!!”“
”Yeah you know “Ya go Back ..Jack DO IT AGAIN,” He says and I felt like slugging him.
“No my man,” says Ronnie as if speaking gently to a child with Down’s Syndrome, ”That was Carlos Santana at his finest” I groaned inside aww shit……..
Long story short they got into an argument and I ended up yelling at both of them to cut the shit it DOESNT MATTER!!. Ronnie while he dropped it was moody and robotic(and getting drunk) as we finished up that night. My Bro Mark in a shitty bid to get even, came by practice one day a few weeks later. He was(and still is) a brilliant artist/cartoonist. He did a cool (yet hilarious-and downright mean to Ronnie) portrait of us five in cartoonish fashion. It was an exaggerated parody but unmistakably US! Sammy our drummer was speedily playing the drums with a maniacal grin on his face, Darrin our bassist was playing a bass that looked like an axe out of a Frank Frazetta painting, a joint between his lips, My cartoon self was jaws wide open standing split-legged with my mic stand, an impossible bulge in my crotch, Drake our Keyboardist’s cartoonish self was sitting on a giant bag of Panama Red eyes blitzed and a lazy grin on his face-Poor Ronnie was off away from us all, a foolish toothy grin his pants around his ankles holding his dick……Despite everything, I felt sorry for him but we all howled with laughter. He stormed out pissed and never played with us again.
This was in 1986-flip forward to 2007
Except for Sammy who I found out passed away a few years back I reconnected with all these guys over the net years later.no I never made it as a rock star but I always kept up with performing as a hobby. The rest of the guys did pretty much as I did-got married had families and whatnot. Ronnie actually did break into the business as a session guitarist but that giant ego of his was apparent still years later. I started a loose dialogue with him over Facebook about 6 or seven years ago. Little by little that propensity he had for starting shit started to creep in even now 30 plus years later!!
I was having a friendly debate with a friend on my Facebook page(He is a New England Patriots Fan I'm an SF 49er FAn) Tom Brady is the greatest QB of All time-Better Than my Man Joe Montana when Ronnie Has to pipe up and prove me wrong by asserting he used to play Madden football(A video game?!?) and would always beat Montana so Joe just sucks-he Definitely isn't the Goat…. Really? My Patriots Fan buddy Private messaged me “Is this guy joking?” and I'm groaning inside” No he truly believes this shit ok don't feed it, please. But feeling Evil I posted a link from YouTube -Steely Dan, Do it again and asked him if he remembered when we nailed that tune? Funny I didn't know Carlo’s was ever associated with this guys- (He never was)
He blocked me.

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