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I was named Daniel, after my mothers favorite book of the bible 1. Born 1963, 3:29 p.m., 6.2 inches, 9.?Lbs. on a Wednesday, at Providence Hospital, in El Paso, TX. 2. My brother, Porfirio 2nd brother, didn’t like me because he wanted a monkey. He cried X George, he was down to earth, Kind of guy, GOD REST IS SOUL. The LORD took him in September, of 2005’. It was just the 3 of us. 3. I can remember as far back to the crib 4. Diapers ewe, felt uncomfortable and soft at the same time. 5. Remember getting big laughs, when I would fall down on my little butt, diapers were like butt absorbers. 6. Didn’t like it when my privates were washed, but it felt much fresher after. Later in life little did I know that I would like it, hmm. 7. I was breast fed for 3 months, got rid of the bottle, ‘baby bottle’, at 9 months. 8. I remember that my mom and grandmother; (quita), the true word in Spanish is, (abuelita), but I couldn’t say that, so that’s why ‘quita’, as we called endearingly. Born in the U.S.A. by two Mexican parents, therefore my first language was Spanish. I say this because, I thought, I talked the language of the birds. That’s how my mom and quita would now that I was awake, because, I was laughing and talking to the birds. My crib was next to a window, outside the window there were lots of trees. 9. When I was 5 I was still a little small tike about 3.6 feet, I know this because the counsel television that my parents had was taller than I. And it was about 4 ft. tall. 10. I was in the my quitas backyard, playing with the water hose, splashing water on me having a good time, then my feet started to tickle I looked down and there was a lot of ants on me. So I egged the ants on and wetting them. I was having a grand ol’ time, and then they started to bite. Oowww!”, I shouted, over and over and crying to the top of my lungs. It was a weekend and all the family were my brothers and cousins came out first, and laughing at me saying, “look!, the stupid has a lot of ants on him!”. Now I was still in pain and angry too. 11. They yelled to everybody, my mom and quita were the first on the seen, like the fire men and the paramedics. Since the water hose was all ready on, they hosed me off, then took me inside and rubbed calamine lotion on me. I wanted to scratch my little legs, but they wouldn’t let me. I got more angry and started crying, it itched so badly, so because I didn’t understand, they talked me into putting on lots of gauze, and kinda tight too. Then it didn’t hurt and itch no more. Yes I was a little spoiled little brat. And still till this day even to this day. 12. Even my friends spoil me, but I do same in return. I was the youngest and cute fully small. I would make every body laugh with out trying. I believe that is a gift from “GOD”. And I was such a cute little dude too. Every where I would go I was treated special 13. Picking me up on the counter, my mom was hot too. Might have something to with it. Na, it was me 14. When I got older, about, 6 or 7, laying down under the Christmas tree. 15. Around the same age I broke a glass, alone, my mom and quita came in from the kitchen, and said ”who broke it”, I replied, “(ba! Se cio!)” (oops! it fell!). The thing is I was the only one in the living room, to see what had happened, I was at the other side of the room. I looked surprised. I actually convinced my self, that it fell by it’s self, and I denied the whole thing. There was no jury in the whole world that could find me guilty. 16. I remember another event from my youth, Christmas day, the tree covered from top to bottom, and under the tree lights on and all other lights off, awesome, such peace and sense of comfort, and security there was no problem in the world under that tree. Wrapping paper all over. 17. Much older, 8 yrs old, white sand, my father worked at ‘White sands missile range’, in NM. Scared, got use to it. 18. Jumping to 13 yrs old, because I can’t remember in between, lol. I’ve had girlfriends since I Was 5yrs old, but I call my girlfriend from the 8th grade, my first real girlfriend cause, it was Intimate. It was the first time I smoked pot, and tute. 19. Jumping to 15yrs old, a friend and I after graduating Jr. high, made a packed to go to every Party, even if there were more than one a night; fri. sat’s. House parties, desert parties, ballroom, proms, every school dance. And we did. I also had the longest relationship ever. 20. and went dancing almost every night, all the bouncers new us, and almost every time got in free. 21. Still kept going out a lot even after High school 22. When I was 17yrs of old, lol, during the summer, I worked in a discount store downtown and would get out late, a friend had asked me to Corpus Christi. At the time the girl I was going with, worked at Taco Bell, and would get out at 2:00 and I would pick her up. But my car at that time the passenger side window would not roll up. So I stayed up all night to fix it. So she could take the car to work and I wouldn’t be worry about her so much while I was gone except, after fixing the window (2:00 a.m.), a car slammed into my friends car, parked behind me. While I was putting my tools away in the trunk of my car, and I was pinned between the 2 23. in spite of the Drs. Suggestions to my mom to cut off my leg, because I was on the street for 45 min. before I was taken to the hospital, my leg had become very infected. But if not of my mothers faith I would not be able to walk, and even run again. PRAISE GOD!! 24 Jump ahead 8 yrs. When I was 25, I developed a brain tumor. Which I and everyone else thought I was gonna die. Even though, I would get depressed and cried a lot, the LORD blessed me with peace and even humor. 25. I remember making the Drs. And nurses laugh. Every time they would come into the room they would ask me if I had a headache. I would always say, “no”. then one day one of the Drs. Came in and asked again, I finally asked him, “should I say I do, cause every one asks? He chuckled, and said, “no, it’s that most all tumor patients get headaches”. 26. A Dr at the UCLA in San Francisco invented a machine to get a sample of the tumor, without have to cut the skull in half. It would drill a little hole in the skull and stick a needle through the brain to the tumor and extract a piece of the tumor for biopsy. And they did this while I was awake. I was also the first one they tested it on. Thank GOD it was a success. 27. During the operation I would make the Drs and nurses laugh. 28. The Drs had told my mom that these types of tumors are usually 99.9% cancerous. 6. Again my mothers prayers proved that GOD can does still do miracles. The biopsy came back benign. I could tell, by the smiles on their faces that it was.




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