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carrievamp's blog: "my blogs"

created on 09/17/2006  |  http://fubar.com/my-blogs/b3164

no longer single

i know i havent been on here in forever....thats because most of my free time is spent talking with my boyfriend now.  I have been with him over a month now and am happy for the first time in a very long time.  I had thought that love was lost to me and that i would be alone the rest of my life.  But alas... he found me and we are very happy... he isnt the type f guy i am used to dating...he is a bit more normal..lol  he and i lived in the same town for years and never ran into each other...lol 

We are taking things slow, but everyday we grow more and more fond of each other.  We have some of the same friends and they are happy for us.  My sister even likes him (whih is hard to believe since my family never thinks highly of the guys i date..

well love to all, and sorry if i dont come online much anymore...but im sure you can understand that sometimes life is more important than hanging out online.


so i am moving yet again... this time i am moving to tampa florida. i know i move alot it seems, but this time im moving into a house i will be taking care of for my mother, so i will have a little more freedom than i have right now... wish me luck yall.

life sucks

ok so i know i haven't posted anything on here in a very long time, but i have good reasons... 1st: i havent been online much in the past two years as i moved into a home where i have limited internet access. 2nd: i am working 2 jobs and never have free time 3rd: i recently found out im in the first stages of cervical cancer, so i havent felt like talking, chating or even typing. Hell i havent felt like doing anything but sitting in my bed crying, yet everyday i force myself to get up, shower, brush my teeth and go to work. to my close friends out there, thankyou for all your well wishes and blessings, i really do apreciate them. dont worry, i know i will get thru this as im too stubborn not to. love to all Carrie

wake up call

This is going to be a different type of blog today. A while back i bought the Daughtry Cd cuz I liked some of the songs he had released. I listened to the whole CD and heard a song that really touched me in so many ways. Every time I listen to it, I get chills and even sometimes cry. It gets to me because of what the song is about. I am going to list the words to the song and then tell you some stories about my life so you can understand why this song touches me so much. "All These Lives" Doesn't come down when she calls, "It's time for breakfast." Momma can't get down those halls Fast enough to see Glass is sprayed across the floor From the broken window. She can't breathe anymore. Can't deny what we know. They're gonna find you, just believe. You're not a person; you're a disease. All these lives that you've been taking, Deep inside, my heart is breaking. Broken homes from separation. Don't you know it's violation? It's so wrong, but you'll see. Never gonna let you take my world from me. The world outside these walls may know you're breathing, But you ain't comin' in. You ain't comin' in. Posters hung on building walls Of missing faces. Months go by without the calls, no clues, or traces. They're gonna find you, just believe. You're not a person; you're a disease. All these lives that you've been taking, Deep inside, my heart is breaking. Broken homes from separation. Don't you know it's violation? It's so wrong, but you'll see. Never gonna let you take my world from me. The world outside these walls may know you're breathing, But you ain't comin' in. Shed the light on all the ones who never thought they would become A father, mother asking why this world can be so cold. Doesn't come down when she calls, "It's time for breakfast." The memories begin to fall. She asks, "When will I be free?" All these lives that you've been taking, Deep inside, my heart is breaking. Broken homes from separation. Don't you know it's violation? It's so wrong, but you'll see. Never gonna let you take my world from me. The world outside these walls may know you're breathing, But you ain't comin' in. All these lives that you've been taking, Deep inside, my heart is breaking. All these lives that you've been taking, Deep inside, my heart is breaking. All these lives that you've been taking, Deep inside, my heart is breaking. The world outside these walls may know you're breathing, The world outside these walls may know you're breathing, But you ain't comin' in. This song really hit home for me because I know of 3 children whom were taken from their families, and this world when I was a Junior in Highschool. 2 young boys who were so sweet and trusting and loved by so many people in our small Navy Housing community disappeared on March 4th 1991. The community and local police department and the shore patrol for our housing area looked all over the area and the woods near us for them... unfortunately they were found dead. Daniel 9 years old and Christopher 7 years old. Days later the suspect was caught... a friend to many of the kids in the neighborhood, including me, a teenage boy of just 16years had done it. The day he was arrested we got more tragic news, a senior at the highschool I went to, a great guy with so much life in him, was found murdered, his car stolen by some drifter. My highschool was a very somber place to be as we all tried to deal with the 2 tragedies that had happend so close together. Guidances counslors would call us into the office to consol us, but even that didnt really help. When my father found got new orders for him to relocate to Florida, my mother and him were happy cuz it would get me away from what happend, because even though my friend had confessed, i still didnt want to believe it... i didnt want to believe that someone i trusted and cared about was cappable of something so horrible. There are so many children out there who are abducted every year, some thank God are found and returned home safe. But many others are not so lucky. They are still missing, and sadly some may even be dead. We need to do whatever we can to protect our children and loved ones. I grew up in the 80s and it was during the early 80s that my mother instilled the fear of God in me and my brother and sister about making sure we kept safe. How did she do it? One name- Adam Walsh. She told us about how he had been kidnapped in a department store and had been found dead. That was all she told us, she never went into the details of how he had died. Of that i am thankfull, because i would have had nightmares the rest of my childhood. It wasnt until I was a teenager that I foumd out how he had died and what had been done to him. I thanked my mother for teaching us to be safe. When we went to grocrie stores, we were never let out of her sight and had to hold onto the shopping cart at all times, if we let go, she would smack our hands and warn us, You dont want someone to come and grab you do you...now dont let go! Grant it, people cant smack their kids in public now cuz it is considered abuse (please , some kids need a good spanking) but it worked. She taught us several things growing up that came in handy 1. Never talk to strangers 2. Never get into a car with strangers, even if they offer candy or a dog or cat, or ask you to help them look for a dog or cat. 3. If someone tries to grab you yell NO! then GO run and TELL - cry out for help. 4. Never walk alone, always have a buddy (the Buddy system) 5. Keep a quarter in your shoes at all times in case of an emergency. (we actually had the shoes that had flaps to hold money...penny loafers I think is what they were called) but that was also way way before cell phones. 6. If anyone touches you in a way that is inappropriate, tell her immediately. 7. Never open the door. that was her job she said. She drilled these rules into our head constantly, and I am so glad she did, because when i was in the 7th grade, those rules came in handy. A friend of mine and me were walking home from school when a guy pulled up to the curb of the sidewalk we were on. He asked us for directions. I grabbed my friends hand as she started walking toward his car to tell him and pulled her back toward me. She realized what i was doing and stood next to me and we told him the 2 streets to drive down to get to the road he wanted. He then said he didnt understand our directions and would we get in his truck and show him? I said no, im not allowed to get into cars with strangers and my friend and I started walking away, heading to the gas station at the end of the hill, where the gas attendents knew so many of us from stopping there on the way home everyday for candy bars or chips. We knew it as a safe haven we could get help at. THe guy started to follow us, still asking us to get into his vehicle. We started to quicken our pace ,and then started running when we saw he was trying to keep pace with us still. We started calling out for help to whomever could hear us, as there were more kids in front of and behind us, also walking home... but ahead of us, just a little further down the hill, our cries for help were heard... by several adults that were walking their children home from school. They came running and the guy in the car took off. I was safe because I had listened to my mother. Others have not been so lucky. This world is not as it was when I was young. So many parents nowadays arent teaching their kids how to stay safe, or are to busy to do so. When I was young , we had the Latchkey Kids... most of them went straight home after school, calledtheir mother of father to let them know they were safe and didnt leave the house to play until one of their parents came home. Nowadays, it seems like they go whereever they want without any regard to their own safety... and that is so sad. I have seen many a parent drop their young children off at the mall while they drive off and take care of whatever it is they have to do. They seem to feel that Mall Security and the hundreds of mall employees whom are busy with the job they are getting paid to do, should also watch their kids and play babysitter. (sad to say that is exactly what one mom told me when i asked her why her 10 year old chld was hanging out at the store i worked at for over 2 hours without her around... she had dropped him off and told him she would pick him up at my store at a certain time and to wait there.) When I was growing up, neighbors helped to protect us too. There was not a person on our block that we didnt know. Today, I think most of us dont know who our neighbors are. I used to be so annoyed with some of the other moms in the neighborhood who would rat out my brother and I if we did something wrong. But I realize now, they werent doing it to get us in trouble, they were doing it for the same reason my mom did it to the kids in the neighborhood... to keeps us safe, teach us right from wrong. Groweing up my mother knew where all 3 of us kids were at all times. (used to think she was psychic until i found out it was the other mothers ratting us out...LOL ) I love her for it now. We need to change the way we think. Instead of letting the youth of today take care of themselves, we need to do as our mothers and fathers did and protect our children. Make sure they are safe. We also need to stop thinking "that will never happen to my child" because it can. One of the reasons I decided to write this blog today is because I wanted to bring Childrens safety to everyones minds. But I also want to bring up some other issues... Children are missing right now, We have all seen the posters in the grocery stores and the main walls as you first walk into Walmart, yet, we dont really look at them. For goodness sake, take a moment or two out of your life and LOOK closely at those posters.. you may actually know one of those children. You might end up being the key to them being found and getting back home, to end their families suffering. We also need to try and do what we can to help the organizations that are out there trying to find these kids. They use donated money to print out those posters we see, and to put out the Amber Alerts and to do all they can to find these kids. I am asking anyone who reads this to let their hearts be touched, and to do what they can to help. If you want to tell others about this blog, thats fine, if you want to repost it, thats fine too... but I'm hoping you will do more than that. Lets do what we can to bring these children home and help put and end to this epidemic. Wanda Lee This blog is dedicated to the following children and their familes: David Paul Ross (died 3/1991) Daniel Geir (3/5/1991) Christopher Scot Weaver (3/5/1991) Adam Walsh, Amber Hagerman, and Polly Klaas Polly Klass Foundation: www.pollyklaas.org National center for missing and exploited children: www.missingkids.com Americas Most Wanted www.amw.com
LET YOU IN you want me to let you in you say forget about him you want me to let you in you tell me you're nothing like him you want me to let you in into my broken heart when we met you knew that i was broken and how much my heart was torn I wasn't ready for another love but ya wanted to know me anyway you tried to make me smile did your best to make me laugh why were you so crazy for me knowing he wasn't yet my past? He keeps saying he loves me and maybe someday we'll be together yet every nite she sleeps in his arms while I'm here crying in yours you want me to let you in you say forget about him you want me to let you in you tell me you're nothing like him you want me to let you in into my broken heart each day is a constant struggle every phone call is the same he keeps my heart in limbo and it seems he won't let me let it end you try so hard to cheer me up and every day you offer me your heart you promise to make me love again you keep asking me for a shot but if I give in and trust in you I know he will be upset but what choice has he left me when its you that seems to care you want me to let you in you say forget about him you want me to let you in you tell me you're nothing like him you want me to let you in into my broken heart one shot at love is all you are asking for to unlock all the chains his love had me bound in the time has come at last for me to move forward to put his lies behind me and let your love be my guide you want me to let you in you say forget about him you want me to let you in you tell me you're nothing like him you want me to let you in into my broken heart you want me to let you in and helo me forget about him you want me to let you in to prove you're nothing like him you want me to let you in to heal my broken heart... By Wanda Lee 11/25/05 LOVE your silence falls like rain as you lay there in pain the light in your life is gone and you wonder what went wrong your tears are like fire as you lose your desire the emptiness takes flight and nothing is going right as you live thru the strife you hold on to life your heart tells you to riot so you won't go down quiet you emerge from the dark standing proud and stark you lived thru the madness and survived all the sadness as your heart starts to dance you give love another chance it all ends with a ring as you finally get your king.... By Wanda Lee 11/07/2006 MISSING YOU My thoughts are only of you I dream of you constantly Sometimes just hearing your voice cheers me up Still seeing you would be better I know we will meet again Nothing will keep us apart God knows how much I love you Yet we are miles from each other One day we will be together Until then, I can only miss you By Wanda Lee 8/26/05 I sit in my room at night and all i do is think of you I wonder how you are I wonder what you are up to I wish i could see you and feel your arms around me I miss you so much too much for you to see I think of all the happy times I live with the memory of your smile I think of the fun times and the love we shared for a while your heart is filled with kindness your eyes the windows to your soul you have so much love to give and seeing you again is my only goal... By Wanda Lee 8-26-05 IT'S NOT EASY It's not easy being so far away from you It's not easy not being able to talk with you all the time It's not easy not being able to hug you It's not easy sleeping in this bed alone It's not easy keeping you out of my mind It's not easy spending my days alone It's not easy to keep from worrying about you It's not easy knowing you are struggling too It's no easy to sit here and look at your picture It's not easy because I miss you so much It's not easy because I want to go back to you It's not easy because I love you! by Wanda Lee 9-6-05 TO BE WITH ME As I sit here, looking at your picture all my thoughts revolve around you as i sit here, dreaming about you is there nothing I can do I know that you're with her but I'm wishing you were with me I know how much you love her so why can't I let you be? It's because I can love you more I can give you a love that's pure I know that she hurts you so I wish I could help you let her go I want to be the one I want to walk with you in the sun I wish I could make you see I want you to be with me All the pain an sorrow she has caused you everyday all the times of struggle she wouldn't give you the time of day while I watch in the shadows and want to reach right out for you I want to make it better and I want you in my life too It's because I can love you more I can give you a love that's pure I know that she hurts you so I wish I could help you let her go I want you to be with me You know I would never hurt you You know how much I love you You know I want to protect you You know all I care about is you! It's because I can love you more I can give you a love that's pure I know that she hurts you so I wish I could help you let her go I want to be the one I want to walk with you in the sun I wish I could make you see I want you to be with me I want you to be with me... By Wanda Lee 6-13-05 MAYBE Maybe it's the way his eyes sparkle when he smiles maybe it's the way his laughter brightens my day maybe it's the way his touch makes me feel safe maybe its the way he just makes me feel whole I love him, this I know for sure I love him, I don't ever want to let him go I love him, this I know for sure I love him, and I want the world to know Maybe it's the way his voice is so asuring maybe it's the way his heart is so big and strong maybe it's the way his arms wrap me in warmth maybe it's the way his spirit is so alive and full I love him, this I know for sure I love him, I don't ever want to let him go I love him, this I know for sure I love him, and I want the world to know Maybe it's the way he can make any day brighter maybe it's the way his friendship never fades maybe it's the way he can read me like a book maybe it's the way he knows just what to say I love him, this I know for sure I love him, I don't ever want to let him go I love him, this I know for sure I love him, and I want the world to know When I think about him my loneliness fades away and all my troubles turn from black to grey with him all my heartache disappears I know I want to be with him all my years! I love him, this I know for sure I love him, I won't ever let him go I love him, this I know for sure I love him, and I want the world to know I love him... By Wanda Lee 6-8-05 DON'T We shared so much together I thought this love would never end but things have changed like the weather you say we should just be good friends how could I not see the distance between you and me now you're in the arms of another yet you don't want me to find a new lover right now all I feel is pain and your games are driving me insane don't turn away from me don't give up what we had don't say those words the words you will regret don't throw away our love don't think I'm not the one don't walk away from me and lose the greatest love you had We started out real strong we had a connection that would last but now you're saying you were wrong and you want to forget the past Yet when a new guy came into my life you acted like I was a cheating wife when will you finally learn boy that im not some kind of play toy you want me to sit around and wait for you so you have someone when you and her are thru Don't think I will stand by don't say those words the words you will regret don't keep asking me to hold on don't keep me standing in limbo don't walk away from me and lose the greatest love you had It's me or her or her or me you've got to pick one or the other you say you love me, that you need me so why is it my love you smother I cant be a lover one minute, a best friend the next one you have a choice to make, and you better make it fast hon! don't play with our love don't keep me waiting don't say those words words you will regret don't think I'm not trying don't keep me wondering don't walk away from me and lose the greatest love you had don't say those words don't walk away from me don't say those words words that you will regret don't walk away from me and lose the greatest love you'll ever have... By Wanda Lee 11-18-05

song i wrote

MY SOUL IS FREE Right from the start you played with my heart with those first words you said you messed with my head your promises were untrue you made my heart so blue you left me in pain standing in the rain Now I, I want you to know that despite you hurting me my heart still glows and you, you need to see that without you in my life my soul is free You said you had a plan why couldnt you act like a man your tales got bolder the more we got older you failed the test you're just like the rest to find out your love was a lie made me just want to die Now I, I want you to know that despite you hurting me my heart still glows and you, you need to see that without you in my life my soul is free Your heart so cold your love so fake my world so torn my life so broken Now I, I want you to know that despite you hurting me my heart still glows and you, you need to see that without you in my life my soul is free I, I want you to know that from this moment on I've let you go You, you need to see that even if you change dont come back to me By Wanda Lee (CarrieVamp) 10/17/2006

Breast Cancer

As many of my closest friends know, i have had several close people to me who have battled with breast cancer. My family was hit by it several times and my best friends in Virginia know the heartache and pain the followed as i tried to help my mother thru her chemo and radiation therapy... it was very hard to see my mother in pain and there was nothing i could do to help her... but i did what i could to take care of her and she appreciated all that i did. We are very lucky as my mother is still alive now because they were able to help her because of medical technology.. others have not been so lucky, as you all may recall my talking about our family friend Kathy passing away this past May after battling cancer.. it started as breast cancer and spread... they tried everything they could to help her and it just kept coming back... she hadnt even reached the age of 30 yet. Most woman think that only women in their late 30s and older get breast cancer, but that is not true, there have been many young women that have had it too... the best thing you can do is to check yourself at least once a month to make sure you dont have any lumps that could possibly be a tumor... it takes only moments to check and i think we can all spare a few moments a month to make sure we have more moments in the future. If breast cancer runs high in your family, let your doctor know so that they can better help you with prevention and all. And i ask you all to do what you can to help with cancer research programs, whether it be turning in those yoplat lids, or sending money to foundations, or walking in the walk-a-thons, or even volunteering to help someone with cancer to live life, to help take care of them as they go thru the crucial time of their life. Thank you all for taking time to read this and for doing what you can to help....maybe one day we will finally find a cure.......... Wanda Lee (aka CarrieVamp) In Memory of our Friend and Sister Kathy and all the women out there that battle this disease!

new poems

This one i wrote when i was in love back in August.... we all know it ended badly, yes i wrote it for Ville, but i still liked the poem: For years I stayed hidden, Dying more each day, Letting the world get the best of me, with nothing left to say, I had almost given up, love was just a word, I thought i would just be alone, and my voice never heard, But then one day a miracle, A fantasy come true, You came into my life, and made me feel brand new, My heart so black refilled, and pumping red as wine, You telling me you loved me, and assuring me all is fine, That broken girl is gone and as happy as can be, Because you saw beyond the scars, and set your heart on me. By Wanda Lee 8/29/2006 This poem came to me one night a week or so ago as i was sitting down writing a story... it popped in my head and i had to write it down. We're bound for the grave, To this love we are slaves, With the sweetness of a kiss, We will die in this bliss, Our hearts have been bound, Our bodies placed in the ground, The poison on your lips, The knife lying by my hips, Our love had been forbidden, Will our souls be forgiven? To our families we leave Broken hearts that grieve Each side placing blame For a burden that's the same But our love will live on Long after we are gone By Wanda Lee 10/07/2006


so this is what all i have lost from the whole situation with the guy i fell in love with (ville)that it all turned to hell... i have lost my friends, i have lost my trust in people, and now i am pretty much giving up on everything and moving back with my sister who at least still loves me very much, but apparetly will be the only family member that i will have left in my life to talk to as this whole situation brought to light my sexuality and my family cant live with it... so now i have been disowned, and will not be allowed to call and talk to my mother or father.. i am crushed that i have pretty much lost about everything in my life and it really hurts... i have had many fights with my family before, but this one is different.... my parents hate me now.... all because of something they NEVER would have found out if they hadnt been trying to research the "man i was in love with" who as it turned out was fake, so i lost my heart too... and i was doing so good putting it all behind me, until today when i found out i was disowned... i just dont understand why people gotta hate others because they dont beleive in the same stuff.... this is one of the reasons it took me so long to finally admit i was bi... and the fact that i still love men and still want to marry just a man, doesnt mean anything to my parents... it is the fact that i have been with other women that has turned them against me.... i still love them very much, even if they no longer love me...because they dont have to like what i do...but damn it i am blood.... and that should count for more.. i gotta go...i cant stop crying....

grr arrg

it seems like i lost a lot of friends on here due to all the bs with ville and all.... and i just dont think its right that i pay the price for them lying to everyone, because i was lied to also, more so than anyone else on here.... but if everyone wants to stop talking to me because of stupid bullshyt than fine... it just shows who my true friends really were... it hurts to know that people can turn their backs so quickly on you for something that wasnt even your fault.. carrievamp
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