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gorean written dance

The sweaty thrall stumbes quitely back under the area holding his side were a burse is forming because of the fight.Smiling widely as the boy knows he has just own his inticing Mistress many golden tarns in the betting.With his tongue tastes the salty blood that trickles down the side of his puckerd lips.Running a strong finger over the cut lips knowing that there will be punnishment for allowing his face to be marked up in the fight.Making is to the kennels beneath the area sitting astride the bench as removes the leather pants leaving his bottum half bare.The gaurds close the chains to his collar and to the ankle clamps.Laughs as he does a fake charge to a gaurd who is chaining him jumping back and almost falling to the dusty ground.As he also feels a whip hitting his wide strong shoulders hearing the loud. (CRACK)The five ends of the whip tickle his olive skin under the hard leather armared chest plated vest.Taking the hard leather armared chest plated vest off,as one muscular stocky arm slides from the vest at a time.

Dropping the sweaty and wet vest to the dusty ground as his bare naked olive skinned upbody feels a rush of cool breeze come down the hallway.As he knows who is coming down to the cell.Smiles as he hears her sweet voice sweep over the boy's firm naked body.The breeze hitting the droplets of sweat that roll down his chisles washboarded chest and wide muscled back sending shivers down his spine.Jumping almost to the side but fighting the feeling.The beast feels the soft touch of small fingers rubbing the sweat droplet that roll down the seams of his body.The fingers he knows who they belong to, form goose bumps all over his body.Deep in his belly start to kindal the ambers smoldering as he starts to loose his breath from her touch.Gasps for breath and his nipples harden instantly as Mistress runs her arm and hand up around his chisled chest between stocky arms and side touching his left nipple.Hears a sudductive voice in a whisper to his right ear as she bites.You have done well my pet and slut this day.Red ambers in his belly smoolder hotter as Mistress softly removes her hand and arm.The Mistress starts to laugh as she sees how because of her touch the thrall had begun to get excited.Laughing the Free Woman drops a bucket of cold water over the thrall's head telling him cool down boy.Turning as her robes whip around in a cascade of colars looking to the gaurds.Be sure he is washed and clothed and readied the trip home from thr areana.Water dripping and washing from long chestnut wavey locks.Rivets of little streams of water running over the chisled washboards of his belly.Down to the forks of his thighs and over the island that lay in the middle of the muscular tight thighs.As large drops of water fall from the end of his long island to the floor.More water is thrown over his hard tight body.As more water streams over the belly button down again between the lush tight tighs and seams once more splashing off the long middled Island.

Clean,clothed in a brown tunnic with the collar covered.Shackled to the slave rail are both wrists and an ankel on the closed wagaon.Tarped tightly shut so the thrall is not able to see about the city as the wheels of the wagon roll over the coblestone streets.Hears the passing giggles of slave girls as the gaurds swat there sweet firm cheeks.As the beast hears the slaps of there hands on the bare skin of the girls.Smiling to himself as he knows his owner is in the wagon ahead the one he is shackled too.The hood covering his vision also to keep him from knowning the city that he is leaving.As ahn's roll by and the boy hears the sounds of life.Smiles wide as he hears the sounds of home and the opening of the home gates.Feels the cool fresh air as the hood is taken from him.Chestnut oval eyes blinking in the bright sunshine.Ankle shackles removed as the thrall is taken in to the grand hall and chained to the wall in dancing silks.Sees his refind,elegant and gracefull Mistress sitting in her large throne.

The inticing golden cats eyed Mistress moves to a elaborately adored black lacquered large box sitting aside the back fireplace along the stone wall.Her slim and black silk gloved hand rubs softly on and over the fine jeweled top face of the box.Unlocking and opening the box all that look can see inside the smooth felt line box filled what looks like tools of pleasure and pain.Pulling from the ornate box is a smooth and soft brown leather bag.Taking the bag in her left hand closing the lid of the box and locking it once more.Placing the key away moving back to the tall and large throne.The lovely colarfully wrapped Mistress gracefully slides back into her chair.Placing the soft brown leather bag in her lap as she smooths her rodes and rests her hands and arms on the sides of the throne she sits.Unloosening the brown silk feeling bag at the draw strings and opening,taking a long black leather whip that has 5 supple smooth blades from the brown bag.Placing the bag on the cool tiled floor next to the throne and starts looking through the golden glow of the torch light.Her spircing golden eyes spot the boy who is chained to the wall.Sets the whip in her lap and looks to the thrall she controls and owns.In a commanding voice tells her thrall,BOY I want you to enter the center of the room and start the dance the whip dance.

The captain of the gaurd's move to the chestnut long haired beast and releases from the stone wall.The wrist shackles clang to the hard tiled floor.Rubs his wrists and shakes his body to awaken the sleeply muscles.The boy moves to the center of the room,kneels in front his Mistress as muscular olive thighs part and as he gently arches his back.Placing his hands on smooth muscular olive tanned thighs with palms opened.Smiles up to the lovely Mistress with his sparkling gleaming chestnut oval eyes.Opening his ruby lips uttering to Mistress,this thrall begs humblely permission to use the whip so that your slave may be able to perform please you the whip dance? Mistress looking to her slave,with a smile says"you may use this whip to perform the dance for me slut".The beast lowers his chestnut oval eyes and moves on forarms and knees torward the lovely inticing Mistress.The black dancing silks falling off and over his bare sun tanned cheeks.Almost naked body moving like the forest larl,sudductively his hips and waist sway slowly back and forth.The silks barely covering the middle island between his lushes and firm thighs.Harden nipples on tight and firm pecks peck out to Mistress.The muscular olive skinned thrall leans his body up taking the handle of the supple 5-bladed whip in his strong teeth and lips.Tastes and smells the leather with his tongue as sliding on forearms and krees gracefully retreating from the commanding and loving Mistress.A slave's pounding heart within the washboard chisled chest rolls up to sitting atop the strong heels.Chestnut oval eyes lower to his lushes sexy Mistress's feet.Daring not to looking to Mistress's spearing dark golden eyes as he watches Mistress sit back in the plush throne.As she watches intently her beast she owns while sipping on a goblet of kalana red chilled wine.

The thrall's muscular body's hips starts swaying side to side to the the sweet whispering soft flute and rythumic drum sounds.The shear midnight black dancing silks swirling and fluttering to the swaying thick hips.The silks wrapping and unwrapping the firm legs.Middle lushness of the boy's smooth body peaking shyly and briefly to Mistress.Rolling belly and body raising as a slithering snake from hands and knees to stand posed before an entancing Mistress.The kajirius's defind muscular legs parted teasingly.Firm and intense as the slave's belly held tight,quivering and firm.Oval chestnut eyes cast downward as the slave reaches up taking the whip from his strong teeth and soft lips.Running the boy's pink tongue around the hand softly and sudductively with sexual tanced eyes looking to Mistress.Holding the handle of the whip in the left hand rubbing and sliding softly over his tight pecks and hard excitied nipples.As the 5 supple blades of the midnight black whip softly hanging along his olive silk smooth skinned muscular inner thigh.Firmly begins to slowly drawing the blades of the whip up along the slave's sweat wet thighs.Blades of the whip dropping down further to the lush firm meat leaving wet trails of sweat because the leather's rubbing intenceity.As the slave glicing wet body shivers lustfully and deeply for Mistress.The whip handle moves down caressing a chilsed washboard belly as the slave's pecks tighten.And the round rose colared nipples harden erect even more in a redding rush.The 5 supple leather whip blades daggling carressing and brushing down between his sweet wet lush thighs.As the body shivers as heat rushes through the long island middle tighten skin even more now.

The handle of the whip catching the knot that lay lightly on his strong wide shoulder as it loosens the loose knot.The slave's hips swaying and begin to rock softly as the dancing silks slide gently across his curved strong muscular body.Falling and stinking for a second on a firm part on the middle sweaty wet waist to the floor in a light thin pile of lush midnight black dancing silks as the lay at the kajirius smooth wide and long feet.With quickness flickly of the boy's ankle sending the silks flutting and sliding gracefully across the cool tiled hall.The smooth supple black leather caressing a thrall's olive flesh as large goose bumps form on the body of the slave.Lifting his chin as music starts pulling within a slave's pounding heart.The breath of a slave begins to quicken as his body starts responding even more to the cool caresses of the leather blades as they tease the soft silk smooth olive skin.Spins on the boy's toes and his head tipped back as his lush full chestnut hair flies out in soft waves from his wide strong shoulders.Opening his arms for strongly wanting to embrace his lovely Mistress.Wrapping arms around the tight firm bare nake body.As fingers start rubbing down the throat over the steal collar on either side through the droplets of sweat on his hard tight hot body.Running hands and the whip down the seams of his thighs holding parts of his body and caressing softly and gently.The hand with the whip raise above the head starting the blades of the whip whistling through the clean clear air faster and faster as the beast spins.Smiling the Mistress watches with intence pride of ownership her property.The thrall continues spinning as his hair fliies in waves about his head and body as he starts to slow down.

Stopping and drawing his arms into an embrace.The blades of the whip taking on a life of their own encircling his body as the 5 supple blades embrace.Blades ending the circling reach his smooth olive flesh with a hard loud CRACK.Jumping at the feel of the hard hot sting of the whip makes him moan in pleasure.The sting helping a thrall remember there is other purpose of the whip in his life.Silently gasping and drawing in deep quick breaths from the sweet sting of the hot tips of rawhide whip.The boy's left hand lifts away the handle as he glances down to the whip and draws it away from the body.The blades of the whip caress his smooth olive tanned flesh as wet leather strips are pulled from the slave.The handle of the whip is raised to his lips,kissing it tenderly and lovingly knowning Mistress's hand has held the tool.Bringing the slave's tongue along the smooth leather strips of the whip one by one tasting his wetness.Runs the soaking wet supple smooth blades over a kajirius cut,hard and defined belly leaving sweat streaks.The supple blades fall softly between his stocky muscular thighs as the blades caress lightly his shaft.Remembers the caresses and touches his owner has he caresses the slave.Softly groans and moans in a low voice as his passion and inner fires builds and mounts more with each touch. Going back up on the slave's toes spins again as his heat and passion raises higher and higher deep in his belly.Feels the wet leather's caresses the skin with the blades now becoming more intense with the longer and loner goes the dance.Left arm rises with the handle of the whip and brings down with a hard snap and crack to the side of the slave as the hot passion builds higher inside him.The slave's chestnut oval eyes grow wide as the blades of the whip CRACK against the lower part of the leg.Reminding with complete desire and devtion that the whip is not only to control the beast's passion.It has another purpose as he glances down at the whip as his hand trembles a bit because he hopes has not displeased the Mistress.Quickly glances to see Mistress jumps slightly at the sound of the whip as she watches her thrall with spearing dark golden eyes.Circles the room as chestnut eyes are drawn to the post in the center of the room.Pace quickening as the slave bell jingle and jangle with the force and speed of his dance and steps.Right hand caresses and feels the smoothness as he circles the post.Raising the right hand above the slave's head and with a brillant flash of speed brings the whip down with a loud CRACK against the post.The black leather blades wrapping sudductively around the smooth darkly stained wooden post.The thrall's body quivers as hears the sharp crack of the whip and once again looks over to Mistress.

Quickly moving lower his chestnut oval eyes smiling proudly knowing Mistress ownes him heart,body and soul.Slowly the slave draws the blades of the whip from the post.Circling it again moves in close to the post wrapping his muscular,olive calored leg around the darkly stained smooth wooden post.Then pressing his hips and his tight,tanned,chisled chest against the smooth cool dark stained wooden post.Head thrown back as he writhes and pulls against the post with his hands twist within the smooth leather blades of the whip.A low soft groan slips from his lips when he jumps against the post hard suddenly.Head whipping back from the post as if he is feeling whip striking his back and he cries out as he remembers the pain.Tears flow from his closed chestnut eyes as words softly are voiced lovingly to Mistress.For this kajirius submission to this thrall's owner.His oval eyes filled with tears for submission,as the boy's stocky muscular tanned arms surround the dark stained post.

The breath of the slave gasps and quivers as his wet glissing flesh pressing hard against the unmovable post as it leaves a wet stain.The body leaps again from an unseen whip as he again remembers the feel of the whip on his olive slick sweat wet skin.With his oval chestnut eyes closed says in a low sudductive voice (For the devotionand servitude to this one's owner and Mistress).His eyes water and tear out of love for is owner stires inside his heart.Quickly he takes a glance to Mistress to see the recation of his owner.The boy's body trembles as he seeks love and to be only pleasing to his owner and Mistress.Straining at the restraint that binds him to the wooden post.The slave's body pulls against the post in pleasure as his body jumps again from the unseen whip. From the remembances of the whip slumps against the post and slides in a heap.Knees at the base of the wooden post as the stocky arms grasp the hard wooden post.In a low truthful and loving voice tells his owner and Mistress.Without question("For absolute obedience to this beast's owner and Mistress.)Shuddering as he slowly frees himself of the whips binding and kisses the supple bladed whip with he lips and places the whip in his teeth and mouth.Slowly starts crawling on hands and elbows and knees on the floor, as head lowered and approaches his owner and Mistress.Drops the whip at Mistress's feet and lowers himself down to washboard chisled hard olive skinned belly and placing arms forward of the slave.The long chestnut locks fall over the shoulders and arms and down to the cool tiles.Palms open and up as he softly kiss the feet of Mistress tenderly.Feels the hand of his Mistress stroke his long chestnut wave hair and in her sweet low voice telling him to raise and move to his spot.Slowly rises to his knees,with his chestnut eyes lowered in submission to his Mistress and owner.Crawls to Her left and kneels.Parting his thighs slightly and places his palms face down atop his muscular thighs.Feels the hand of Mistress as he watches her bend and takes the whip in hand places it on the table.Smiles to the boy.

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