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Birth Date: 2/19/1963, Time: 8:36 PM. Country: USA, State or Region: California, Location: La Mesa. Geographic Coordinates 32.46 N, 117.03 W, Time Zone = Pacific Standard, Special Code = Standard Time. GMT Difference = 8:00. House Method is Placidus.



Your Ascendant is Libra.
Your charm is your key to the inner circles of beautiful people who exude refinement and dignity. You feel lost when alone. You need excitement in love.

ASPECTS (or Angles to Other Planets):

Your Ascendant is Squared to Moon.
You are unable to project your emotions in a useful positive manner. This can cause family and relationship problems, also partnership conflicts.

Your Ascendant is Trine to Mercury.
You are able to communicate your ideas clearly. Other people will tend to appreciate, and understand your ideas. Your communication with your family members and co-workers makes your life easier.

Your Ascendant is Sextile to Mars.
You are outgoing and forthright. You get others to cooperate with you because you are direct, energetic and willing to work with them toward common goals.

Your Ascendant is Squared to Medium Coeli.

Your Ascendant is Squared to Immum Coeli.


Your Sun is on the cusp Between Pisces and Aquarius.
You are tuned in to the feelings of people all around you. This is why you need that time to unwind by yourself in pleasant surroundings. You try to help others achieve emotional balance, but only on your terms.
You are unconventional, always thinking of others first, but in a detached sort of way. That detachment gives you the freedom you need to do your own thing. You are always on the lookout for a better idea.

Your Sun is in the Fifth House, Affecting Pleasurable Persuits.
Your activities center on the pursuit of pleasures--shared with other people--preferably through artistic or romantic exchanges. Your need for dominance also makes you fond of children.

ASPECTS (or Angles to Other Planets):

Your Sun is Opposition to Uranus.
Your insistence on having your own way, which often seems eccentric, stresses your relationships.


Your Moon is Capricorn.
You take everything so seriously that you come across to others as a cold fish. You try to offset your shyness and insecurity by setting ambitious goals, which you then set out to reach by hard work and dedication.

Your Moon is in the Fourth House, Affecting Home and Family Life.
Your activities center on hearth and home. Nothing is more important to you than a happy home life. You always try to upgrade your home surroundings, either by a wise move or by a clever bit of decoration.

ASPECTS (or Angles to Other Planets):

Your Moon is Conjunct to Venus.
You have a flair for the tasteful decoration of yourself and your home. You have affectionate friends.

Your Moon is Sextile to Neptune.
You are fully aware of your psychic abilities. Many of your dreams told you of things that came to pass.

Your Moon is Trine to Pluto.
You are in complete control of your thoughts and feelings, which helps you in your efforts at self-improvement.

Your Moon is Opposition to Medium Coeli.
You won't pursue a career that take you away from home much because of your desire to stick to your childhood home. This may have been caused by emotional trauma over loss of your parents particularly your mother.

Your Moon is Conjunct to Immum Coeli.
You are unhappy without a happy home life, and you have a subconscious desire to maintain your childhood home intact.


Your Mercury is Aquarius.
Your thoughts are unbiased by personal considerations, since you trust in the higher order of Truth. You can accept your intuitive decisions without requiring a rational support for your choices.

Your Mercury is in the Fourth House, Affecting Home and Family Life.
Your home is usually the base of your business operations. You are well educated and use books or references in your professional life. You gravitate toward real estate or the environmental sciences.

ASPECTS (or Angles to Other Planets):

Your Mercury is Opposition to Mars.
You are quick to take offense at the remarks of others, and to find fault with their actions.


Your Venus is Capricorn.
Your emotional needs are tied tightly to your needs for status and security. You have difficulty in expressing your feelings in public, although you really do enjoy being sensual with your partner when you are alone.

Your Venus is in the Fourth House, Affecting Home and Family Life.
Your contact with others centers on your domestic scene. You take special pride in decorating your home with the finest you can afford. You have strong ties to your parents. Properties bring you wealth late in life.

ASPECTS (or Angles to Other Planets):

Your Venus is Sextile to Jupiter.
You get along very well with most people. You are popular because of your refined tastes and manners.

Your Venus is Sextile to Neptune.
Your gentle nature makes you attractive to many people, some of whom you meet in very unusual ways.

Your Venus is Trine to Pluto.
Your love life brings you to the higher planes of experience. Your marriage was made in heaven.


Your Mars is Leo.
You enjoy the leadership roles that your initiative and self-confidence often earn for you. You love the excitement of competition. You are honest and fearless in dealing with others. Yours is a warm sensuality.
As a result of Mars having been in retrograde motion, you usually look before you leap. It also shows that you bottle up your frustrations, rather than release them in controlled confrontations. You also may avoid work and repress your sexual urges.

Your Mars is in the Tenth House, Affecting Worldly Affairs.
Yours is a search for fame and fortune. You direct your energies toward reaching the top, regardless of the career you choose. The more competitive the career, the more you rise to the challenge and win.

ASPECTS (or Angles to Other Planets):

Your Mars is Opposition to Saturn.
Your frustrations often turn into deep resentments, against yourself and others, blocking you.

Your Mars is Squared to Neptune.
Your imagination has produced a clutter of unrealistic fears that put you down in your own eyes.


Your Jupiter is Pisces.
You have a happy-go-lucky approach to life. However, you are overly sensitive and tend to fall back on your fantasies rather than confront difficulties. You are charitable toward those who you think are the underdogs.

Your Jupiter is in the Sixth House, Affecting Health and Work.
You have a strong need to provide practical service to the community at large. You immerse yourself in matters of health and healing, including an interest in unorthodox or spiritual healing. You are very cooperative.

ASPECTS (or Angles to Other Planets):

Your Jupiter is Trine to Neptune.
Your intuitions help you to understand the people around you. You have developed a spiritual outlook.


Your Saturn is Aquarius.
You resent restraints on your freedom of action or thought. You can deal with intellectual topics or personal matters, giving each the benefit of your full attention. Your originality spawns new discoveries.

Your Saturn is in the Fifth House, Affecting Pleasurable Persuits.
You have a deep sense of responsibility toward the care of children--especially concerning their education. Your romantic life is beset with obstacles, many of which are because of your "reserve".

ASPECTS (or Angles to Other Planets):

Your Saturn is Squared to Neptune.
Your distrust of others has caused irrational fears and phobias. Bring them out in the open.


Your Uranus is Virgo.
You often come up with creative solutions to problems at work. You enjoy things that demand your careful attention to detail. Your talents are useful in either the scientific or business enterprises.
As a result of Uranus having been in retrograde motion, you spend a lot of time reviewing the past, rather than dealing with the present or the future. You feel that the only way you can make progress is to avoid making the same mistakes over again. Your past often does make an unexpected reappearance.

Your Uranus is in the Eleventh House, Affecting Friends and Organizations.
You are open-minded and will accept whatever seems reasonable to you, regardless of what others may think. You prefer to deal with a wide spectrum of friends rather than a select few. You seek social justice.


Your Neptune is Scorpio.
This generation must resolve the struggle between its strong sexual desires and its equally strong need for spiritual regeneration.
As a result of Neptune having been in retrograde motion, you are keenly aware of your intuitive insights and introspections. You are willing to reconsider your basic beliefs on the basis of a continuous evaluation of your innermost feelings.

Your Neptune is in the Second House, Affecting Material Resources and Assets.
You want to use your money for humanitarian causes, often spending on impulse. Yet you have unusual ways for making more money--that you do to the point of accumulating wealth. Avoid becoming extravagant.

ASPECTS (or Angles to Other Planets):

Your Neptune is Sextile to Pluto.
Yours is a generation of mystically oriented individuals, each of you psychic to some degree.


Your Pluto is Virgo.
This generation concerns itself with the reexamination of our social systems to see if they can be made to work by a more sensible use of our technologies.
As a result of Pluto having been in retrograde motion, you prefer subtle approaches toward achieving your goals. Your efforts at self-improvement is a private matter rather than a public display.

Your Pluto is in the Eleventh House, Affecting Friends and Organizations.
You try to bring about changes by enlisting the cooperation of large numbers of friends. Your ideas are visionary but are often motivated by a personal advantage rather than by a humanitarian objective.

ASPECTS (or Angles to Other Planets):

Your Pluto is Sextile to Medium Coeli.
This aspect gives you many career possibilities which can help in your career or professional life. You are able to control the direction of your career.

Your Pluto is Trine to Immum Coeli.
You are able to master your home problems and overcome negative situations in your family life.


Your North Node is Cancer.
You need to use more emotions, reach out and become more sensitive toward people's feelings.

Your North Node is in the Tenth House, Affecting Worldly Affairs.
You will have high standing in your community and will be admired in your chosen profession. Your sense of timing will definitely help you in your career development.


Your South Node is Capricorn.
You need to overcome your tendencies toward being emotionally cool, aloof, indifferent, and selfish. You must also be wary of ambition without concern for others.

Your South Node is in the Fourth House, Affecting Home and Family Life.
You tend to accept family conditions the way they are. You need to work at overcoming difficult family situations toward having a more happy and rewarding family life.


Your Medium Coeli is Cancer.
You have an interest in the needs of the public, in seeking a career. You seek approval in your career, though resent gossip and slander and avoid criticism.


Your Immum Coeli is Capricorn.
You have a very disciplined orderly restrictive home life. Your home affairs are dealt with privately and practically. There is a strong sense of responsibility. You view your home as a status symbol, and the emotional atmosphere is apt to be remote and cool.


Your Part of Fortune is Leo.
Provided your Part of Fortune is not afflicted, you might be successful in areas dealing with gambling or the stock market, the theater, sports or areas dealing with gold and jewelry.

Your Part of Fortune is in the Eleventh House, Affecting Friends and Organizations.
Areas of interest would be friends and associations, colleagues, associations, and companions. Also affected are the person's hopes and wishes.




First House Cusp

Your House Cusp Affecting Individual Identity is 9 Libra.
This position gives the individual physical beauty, charm and a natural sense of courtesy also a need for harmony and a keen sense of fair play. This individual is rather refined and has an eye for luxury.

Second House Cusp

Your House Cusp Affecting Material Resources and Assets is 7 Scorpio.
This suggests that you have an intense drive to make money, which may bring you a lucrative income. You most likely keep your financial affairs secret.

Third House Cusp

Your House Cusp Affecting Intellect and Communication is 8 Sagittarius.
This gives you a broad range of interests and are curious intellectually. You are witty and outspoken. You aren't very good at studying because of your restless, dreaming mind, though once you develop an interest, you can learn easily. You are friendly to your family, though you are not close.

Fourth House Cusp

Your House Cusp Affecting Home and Family Life is 10 Capricorn.
You have a very disciplined, orderly, home life. Your home affairs are dealt with privately and practically. There is a strong sense of responsibility. You view your home as a status symbol. The emotional atmosphere is apt to be remote and cool.

Fifth House Cusp

Your House Cusp Affecting Pleasurable Persuits is 12 Aquarius.
You tend toward having platonic relationships and friendships, rather than romance. Your relationships develop from friendships. You have no real affinity for gambling or child producing potential. If you do have children they will tend to be male. You are friendly with all children including your own.

Sixth House Cusp

Your House Cusp Affecting Health and Work is 12 Pisces.
You are adaptable and adjust to any job requirements. You tend to lack stamina and shouldn't do hard work or labor. You need to be careful of your workload. Pleasant work conditions can help. You tend toward hypochondria or psychosomatic problems. You are also susceptible to foot problems.

Seventh House Cusp

Your House Cusp Affecting Interaction With Society is 9 Aries.
You are attracted to aggressive, strong outgoing partners. You often form partnerships and marry on impulse. You are likely to have disagreements in this area.

Eighth House Cusp

Your House Cusp Affecting Death and Partnerships is 7 Taurus.
This increases your possibility of a substantial inheritance. Your partner will ably manage your financial affairs and will bring you gains.

Ninth House Cusp

Your House Cusp Affecting Legal Affairs is 8 Gemini.
You seek a logical basis for philosophical and religious beliefs. This positions ties the abstract philosophy with objective thought. You like to travel. You are friendly but tend to be casual with in-laws.

Tenth House Cusp

Your House Cusp Affecting Worldly Affairs is 10 Cancer.
You have an interest in the needs of the public, in seeking a career. You seek approval in your career, though you resent gossip and slander and avoid criticism.

Eleventh House Cusp

Your House Cusp Affecting Friends and Organizations is 12 Leo.
You tend to form long-lasting warm friendships. You tend to participate actively in groups and often head those groups as well.

Twelfth House Cusp

Your House Cusp Affecting Sorrows, Troubles and Secrets is 12 Virgo.
You have many small and petty worries and minor problems. Relations with your co-workers, clients and employers may cause your downfall. You have a preoccupation with trivial details that may not help you as well.


House Cusp #01: 09LIB40
House Cusp #02: 07SCO33
House Cusp #03: 08SAG10
House Cusp #04: 10CAP27
House Cusp #05: 12AQU42
House Cusp #06: 12PIS56
House Cusp #07: 09ARI40
House Cusp #08: 07TAU33
House Cusp #09: 08GEM10
House Cusp #10: 10CAN27
House Cusp #11: 12LEO42
House Cusp #12: 12VIR56

Your Scout Planet is Saturn.
You are a well-organized person with strong ambitions and a deep sense of responsibility. You are systematic and practical in dealing with daily activities. You depend on an older person for advice and guidance, especially in concerning your career. Your determination leads to success.


Count of Signs:
Aries 0 Taurus 0
Gemini 0 Cancer 0
Leo 1 Virgo 2
Libra 0 Scorpio 1
Sagittarius 0 Capricorn 2
Aquarius 2 Pisces 2

Count of Planets in Genders:
Masculine Signs 3 Feminine Signs 7
You are serious about everything you do. You are motivated by your need for security. You make sure that nothing threatens your income, family or possessions. You are a defender of the traditional values such as honesty, hard work, and responsible behavior. You need to be under some sort of stress before you can feel comfortable. That's because you thrive on hard work that can show off your abilities in getting things done under difficult circumstances. You are also good at carrying emotional burdens without whimpering.
You don't go out of your way to change the world around you. Instead, you bide your time and wait for the right moment to try to improve matters, avoiding confrontations wherever possible. However if pressed, you can assert yourself with surprising vigor. You get your strength from the faith in your beliefs, and from your determination to endure any difficulty if it will help you to achieve your goals in life.

Count of Planets in Elements:
Fire Signs 1 Earth Signs 4
Air Signs 2 Water Signs 3
You are a well-balanced person. Enthusiasm will be tempered by practicality, and logic will be tempered by emotions. You can get very excited about planning a vacation, or you can cancel a vacation without remorse if it becomes necessary to do so. You think things out carefully before coming to a decision; but you can also make a decision impulsively. You live your life in the here-and-now, unconcerned by memories of the past or warnings of the future.

Count of Signs in Qualities:
Cardinal Signs 2 Fixed Signs 4
Mutable Signs 4
You are well balanced between getting things started, helping to keep them going or keeping them on the track against changing circumstances. You can come up with new ideas, yet you do not become so attached to them that you can't change your mind in the face of new circumstances or unforeseen problems. You can be just as effective as a team player or a team leader. You handle both positions equally well.

Count of Houses:
House #1 0 House #2 1
House #3 0 House #4 3
House #5 2 House #6 1
House #7 0 House #8 0
House #9 0 House #10 1
House #11 2 House #12 0

Count of Planets in Various Hemispheres:
North Houses 7 South Houses 3
East Houses 4 West Houses 6
You are a balanced person. You don't find it hard to live with the conditions imposed on you by others. Then, too, you don't find it hard to change things when you feel that others are crowding you. You like your privacy, but you also need friends. You can enjoy yourself by being alone with a good book, or by working on a committee to raise funds for a worthy cause. You have learned how to go along with the wishes of others without sacrificing your own best interests.

Count of Functional Houses:
Individual Houses 2 Relative Houses 2
Temporal Houses 3 Terminal Houses 3
You are a well-balanced person. Enthusiasm will be tempered by practicality, and logic will be tempered by emotions. You can get very excited about planning a vacation, or you can cancel a vacation without remorse if it becomes necessary to do so. You think things out carefully before coming to a decision; but you can also make a decision impulsively. You live your life in the here-and-now, unconcerned by memories of the past or warnings of the future.

Count of Modal Houses:
Cadent Houses 1 Angular Houses 5
Succedent Houses 5
You have already chosen your goal in life. The problem is that your goal is so far in the future, you can't see how your daily struggles are getting you any closer to it. Since you are a "one-idea person" with an intense sense of purpose. You have to guard against falling into the stubborn pursuit of a "one-track life". On the positive side, you have enormous powers of concentration and will stay with something long after everyone else has given up and left the scene. Yours is the kind of determination that often seeks out some cause to support. The more noble the cause, the more you enjoy your self-sacrifice, dedication, and perseverance in support of that cause. Choose your causes wisely.
You are a chameleon, who can change colors to suit any surrounding or circumstance. Your motto is "I'd rather switch than fight." The ease with which you recall past experiences, gives you the distinct advantage of having all that experience at your fingertips, for solving present problems. At best, your friends think you of you as versatile, or perhaps changeable. At worst, they are more likely to call you unreliable. With your intellectual outlook, you prefer to think of yourself as flexible and resourceful. You have the knack for keeping things moving and stepping in to resolve difficulties as they arise between others. That's because of your inner need for a harmonious environment.
Your only problem is that you find it hard to accept responsibility. Perhaps that's because you spend so much time enjoying memories of the past, you resent the time it would take to deal with the problems of the future.

Count of Aspects:
Conjunct 2 Sextile 5
Trine 4 Opposed 4
Squared 5


Your Neptune is Sagittarius.
This generation will find new ways to bring mystic teachings into the mainstream of traditional religions.

Your Neptune is in the First House, Affecting Individual Identity.
You are intuitive to the extent of almost knowing what someone will do next. You love art and music, and all the finer things of life. You are a visionary with impractical goals and objectives.

ASPECTS (or Angles to Other Planets):

Your Neptune is Sextile to Pluto.
Yours is a generation of mystically oriented individuals, each of you psychic to some degree.
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