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the following message i recieved a few days ago...and i would love to share w you... so much has transpired in the last year...and to b honest only the closest FEW really know the truth... but a lesson i have learned and would like to finally open my mouth and shre is written in these words and i hope it may touch your  spirit has it has mine...


something stired within my soul aching for change, wanting me to let go. the wind howled and the oceans churned, and sent a lesson then was soon learned. the friends i have, the ones that held me fast, will never be forgotten, for it is thier friendship that lasts. hoep you dont mind a ghost wondering thru to say hello. i had lost my key but am now back

along with this message i recieved from a young lady that found me when i first joined,  ppl who found me also  when i first joined have turned out to be  kindred spirits to mine...


lesson is... there will be times when we cross paths...and granted theres either a reason a season or a life time lesson to learn in this... my observation is simple...sometimes...when we honestly feel a connect...and never hqave to have an explanation why...its for a simple reason...


thus...isnt it better to simply accept this feeling and joy and accept the  love that is never said???


its not jus this one person who has been able to re-connect to me...theres more...


in sharing this i hope i  am able to share my OWN OBSERVATION in this thing called life...and hope u understand and can care...

love and light ... GYPSY

music i post

to all  who go an raid my stash ... many will see i post various music  of all  genras... i post ones that i allow to touch my spirit... weather its a good uplifting or touches the depths of my soul and the sadness i feel... at least i allow myself to feel;  both extrems of emotions an dont cower away from from the darker emotions!

music is a way that binds each and every 1 of us if we allow it... sometimes music expresses that which we can not put into words!!!!

please keep all this in mind when listening to my stash ... its another way to share that which i discover in this complex effn world!!!!



Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what PEACE there  may be in SILENCE...

As far as possible, with out surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly: and listen to others  even to the dull an ignorant: they too have their story...

Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are VEXATIONS to the  spirit...

If you compare yourself  with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there  will be greater and lesser persons than your self...

Enjoy your achievments...

Keep interested in your own career, however hunble, it's a real possession in the  changing fortunes of times....

Exercise  caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery...

But let this not blind you to what virture there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of HEROISM...


Espically DO NOT feign affection...

Neither be cynical  about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment , it is as perennial as the grass...

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth...

NURTURE  STRENGTH of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune...
But do  not distress  your self with dark imaginings...

Many fears are born of fatigue and  lonliness...

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself...

YOU ARE A CHILD OF THE UNIVERSE NO LESS  THAN THE TREES AND STARS,  you have a right to be here, and weather or  not it is clear to you, no  doubt the universe is unfolding as it should...

Therefore be at peace with God, WHAT EVER YOU CONCIEVE HIM?HER to be and  what ever your  labors and aspirations, in the  NOISY CONFUSION OF LIFE, KEEP PEACE IN YOUR SOUL...

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken drearyness, it is still a BEAUTIFUL WORLD...


where to start??? recently i have had to face my past transgressions...

FEAR  held me back in so many ways!

PROCRASTINATION made it all the harder even still...

but i am still the same inside  and hopefully my friends can still see that beautiful light with in me...and in time i will once again share my light and gift...in my own way...


there is much i  will be doing during the next days, weeks months...and i take each day one step at a time..in this i shallover come  the last obsticale that are left in my path, so i may trully  full fill my life as it should and will be...


i wish  to share simply  things in this journey as they come to me ...maybe it will help another person...

hope you all enjoy the song below. untill our paths cross  again have a blessed journey my friends.




you know i am so blessed that i have my lil one. a little while back my dad came over w a newly cleaned up guitar, he sat and took the time and played w her, actually let her pluck around on it... and it touched my heart so deeply... it reminded me of the time when i was 5 years old, my own grandfather would sit on the living room couch and listen to my pound on the organ keys, and after i was done he would sit there and applaude for me as if i just finished playing in a concert hall... the whole beauty of a moment like this is i remember as a child how my grandfathers face glowed w such love for me, and in that moment of watching my own father sitting with MY daughter, i seen that same glow again in him with her... here is a few pics of that i wish to share with u my dearest friends. blessed by. Photobucket Photobucket
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