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The Silent Encounter. Written by : Louise Depot She had never met this man anywhere before in person, yet she was so intrigued by this man. She became familiar with him through a chat room, online. They chatted on a nightly basis for several months and even became cyber intamate. Although she knew this man was married but seperated, she just could not help herself with this man Each time they would chat, she grew more and more intrigued by him. She wanted to know more and more about him. He seemed so lost in a world of his own. She wanted to save him from all the pain and sorrow he was going through with the seperation of him and his wife. She wanted to make a difference in his life.She chatted with a few men online and yet there were none that could even come close to touching her the way this man did. He made her feel somthing she had never felt about herself before. She was afraid of the feelings that were growing inside and even feeling silly for having these feelings. She thought it was crazy to have feelings for a man she had not ever met in person. A married man, no less. She felt strange waking up in the morning with these feelings and worse at night knowing he was'nt there.Somtimes she would lay in her bed thinking, wondering what it would be like if he were there beside her. She would fall asleep fantasizing about this man She awoke one mornimng and decided that she needed to tell this man what she was feeling. She did'nt know how or what to say to him. She tried to tell him a couple of times online as they normally would conversate nightly. She could not bring herself to say what she wanted to say to him. She would type everything but what was in her heart. She decided to write her feelings on paper and into a letter.She sat down and began writing. All that she was feeling was spilling onto the paper. She felt like she had been writing for hours but when she was finished, it had taken her all of one hour to pour out her heart and soul. After she had sent out the letter, she knew there was no turning back now She was restless for the next few days and avoided going online at night because she knew he would be there waiting for there nightly conversations. She wondered what he would think of her letter and wondered how he would react to it all. She waited for that night to come when she would get the courage to go online and get his reactions to her letter. She wanted that night to come so it would all be out in the open once and for all.She finally got the strength so do it. She knew she had to talk to him. It was much to her surprise when he told her that he was flattered by her letter. He seemed to be very excited and happy about the letter but could not return the feelings. For there were others indeed in his heart. She knew in her mind and heart what the outcome would be after the letter. She could not go on any longer feeling the way she was without telling him about the way she felt. It was a chance she knew she had to take.Time went after there last conversation passed and they seemed to drift apart. She would go online and wait for him to appear while chatting with friends trying to put it all out of her mind and heart but she was crushed by the whole thing. She never spoke of it again to him. She tried to pretend that it never happened but all the while clinging to her fantasy of one day meeting this man she had never met in her life but yet feeling like she had known and loved this man for all her adult years. She had several fantasies of this man, of all kinds and as time went by, without a word, she would somtimes fantasize when she was with another man she had met and become sexual with. When she made love to him, she would secretly imagine that it was the man from online. She had this one special fantasy always on her mind.One cold, and snowy night, alone in her house and the kid's away for the weekend. She was feeling alone and cold, she was left with nothing but her special fantasy. The fantasy of her and the man from online.She poured some wine and snuggled on the sofa with her soft blanket, the television, and her favirit wine. She was trying so desperatly to keep her eyes and mind focused on the movie that was playing, a love story , no less. She had sipped the wine and poured another. Still she was trying to get into the movie but yet her mind wandering to a fammiliar place she had been so many times before.She went deeper into her thoughts, her eyes growing heavier, closing her eyes, she went deeper into her fantasy world. She was startled by a loud knock at the door. She wondered who it could be at that time of evening on a cold snowy night such as that night. A tingly feeling rushed over her and she was almost afraid to ancwer the door. She got the strength to get up and go to the kitchen near the door. "Who is it ?" she asked. "It's me" She went numb with a fear that was actually exciting to her when she heard the deep voice of a southern accent.She stood at the door, afraid to move and open the door. Standing there barely clothed in her silk bathrobe with lace trim caressing her breasts. She was a bit lite headed from the wine she had been sipping on. A second knock came to the door followed by his word, "Are you going to let me in ?" "It's cold out here." She was startled by his familliar southern accent.Slowly she moved towards the door to take the chain off and release the deadbolt from the door. She opened the door and was then unable to move nor speak. She realized that she was shivering but, not from the cold, crisp air that was breathing over her from outside, but from the realization of who this man was in the doorway with a big beautiful smile on his face. He was very tall compared to her and he was very handsome. He looked exactly like she saw him in her fantasy. He asked, 'Do you know who I am ?" She could not say anything or bring herself to speak. She motioned with a nod of her head to let him know that she knew who he was. She let him in and turned to close the door. By the time she turned to face him, he was standing in front of her.He wrapped his arm's around her and she went limp into his arm's. She suddenly felt a warm feeling rush over her body. He pulled away from her just far enough so he could get a good look at her. He enjoyed the view. Her silk bathrobe slightly falling off of her shoulders and leaving her breasts slightly exposed for him to see.He looked into her eyes.He saw all that she had been feeling in her hazel, green eyes. His passion growing strong, he too, could not find words to say. He pulled away from her long enough to pull off his black, leather jacket and draped it over the chair next to the door. She was still caught up with all her emotions but, her eyes never left this mans eyes. He grabbed her again and she fell hopelessly into his strong but gentle embrace.They found themselves gazing into eachothers eyes once again. Both filled with passion. His lips came closer to hers. and their lips lips met. So tender were his lips on hers. His strong hands stroking her long hair, now slowly roaming across her shoulder blades and down to the small of her back. Realizing what was happening to her , she began to shiver again.They both knew where this was taking them. He knew what he wanted and had to do and there was no turning back now. He had traveled all those distant miles and all those states to get to the passion and desire that was locked and burning between the both of them.He took her hand and lead her through the dining room and into the living room where she had been fantasizing of him. He knew his way around the house like he had been there before. In the mist of all she was feeling, she wondered if he had been there before. She remembered that he had only been in her home when she would fantasize of him so many times before. She dismissed the thought.They reached the sofa and he sat down. He felt the warmth of her body as she had been laying there just a few minutes before. Still having hold of her hand, he pulled her down to the sofa, very close to him, almost in his lap. Several questions she wanted and needed to ask but the words would not come out. She was unable to speak. She remained silent. She was mezmorized by his presence.Once again, there lips met. Their lips were melting together like soft, melted candle wax. So sweet and tender, his juices tasted in her mouth. The questions that were in her mind were fading into a passion that had been in her heart and soul for such a long time.His hands began exploring her body, with a passion that was growing quickly within his soul. She could not sit still much longer when he worked his way into her mouth with his firey tongue.His hands now moving to the front of her body and onto her breasts. Fondeling and cressing her breasts so smoothly and sweetly. She had become lost in his world, and she wanted more. She arched her back as his fingers began to trace the nipples of her breasts and the nipples became rigid to his gentle touch.She began with her own soft hands, shaking but softly caressing his chest. She could feel him as though he had no shirt on his back. She wanted his naked chest. He felt the passion as she was caressing his chest with her soft, silky hands. She wanted him even more.He began tugging softly at her silk bathrobe. She did not even have to move to get the bathrobe off of her as it was as silky as her skin and just slid away from her voluptuous body and onto the sofa, leaving just her matching silk nighty on her. Her breasts almost fully exposed, he could see that her nipples were swollen and protruding through her silk nighty, the only thing holding him back from her complete nakedness.He could no longer resist the desire to touch her complete nakedness. He pulled the nighty up, over her head and dropped it to the floor. She was totally exposed to his blazing eyes that were filled with fire and passion. He wanted to feel her nakedness next to his body. She now could see what was happening to him and she leaned over and kissed him full on his lips, sliding her tongue into his mouth tasting him.She was now in control and pulling on his shirt to get access to his naked chest. She leaned over him, pushing him back on the sofa so she could do as she had fantasized of for so long. She was kissing him now with every inch of her passion and sliding her hot, firey mouth down his neck, tasting every inch of his neck and chest ever so softly. He was getting so excited as she went down further down his chest. She reached his nipples and could not resist the urge to suck and kiss and lick them ever so softly with her tongue.He became so excited as she went down further onto his rippling, muscular stomach. She toyed at his belly button with her tongue. She could feel his rigid manhood pushing through his pants against her breasts. Kicking off his shoes, she tugged at his zipper. He lifted his hips and she pulled off his jeans with an intence strength from out of nowhere and pushed them to the floor. She was filled with desire and passion.She knew what he wanted right at that point but she remained calm in going down so slowly and driving himfurther into his passion. She went passed his manhood and onto his thighs, kissing and licking with her wet tongue, tasting him. It made her hungry to taste his full manhood. Before she knew it, she was back onto his manhood and making love to his manhood with her mouth and tongue like nothing she had ever had before. She heard the moans comming from him with pleasure.She wanted his hands to be back on her body that was aching with desire. She wanted his hard manhood to be where she had wanted it to be for so very long. He was getting ready to explode but knew he had to taste her before anything. He pushed up on her just enough so he could have her where he wanted her to his advantage. He explored every inch of her breasts with his hands, lips and his wild tongue. She was again lost in his passion now and he was in control. She was enjoying this so much, lost in his world of making love to her.In her mind she thought, is this really happening ? It had to be real, he was there, over her body, caressing her with his hands, lips and tongue, driving her into this place that no other man ever could. This secret place in her soul that she would not allow any other man to explore with her. She needed him to be deep inside of her. She could'nt be without him any longer.His eyes filled with fire and his manhood filled with desire to be deep inside of her wet, hot spot. He was enjoying how she tasted. Stealing glances of her face and expression when he knew she was losing control of her own sensual being. Toying with her wet clitoris, he would make her wild with desire to feel his complete manhood, deep inside of her.She got up enough nerve to finally speak some words to him. "I need you now, I want you now, I ache for you." He compliedas her soft, sweet words were ringing in his head. He wanted to be there as much as she wanted him there. He moved swiftly up over her.He parted her thighs as she was burning with desire. He rested himself between her sweet thighs. He entered her slowly but forcfully. She moaned with pleasure of feeling him finally in her wethole. She arched her hips up as she wanted every last inch of his manhood inside of her and filling her with all the passion he could bring to her. She was lost in the pleasure of him moving so swiftly inside of her spot. Her soft hands caressing his back as their rythem increased into a heavy pumping action. They were both out of control and throbbing from the hot friction. Her hands now digging and scratching into his back, She felt she could not get enough of him, At that point of feeling every inch of him pumping in and out of her so wildly, she climaxed with a force she had never known or felt before. Lying there beneath him, she was lost, deep into her own climax.He opened his eyes to look at her as his rythem now slowed down. He looked into her eyes as she lay there moaning and panting in extacy from her climax. Pushing into her as far inside of her as he could, he was touching her soul.He could feel everything she was feeling within her.He became lost in his own climax. They layed there on the sofa, combined as one. Neither of them spoke a word but looking into each others eyes, exploring each others soul.They walked through the house together an up the long staircase to the upper level of her home. Both speachless and unable to keep their eyes off of each other. She ran the water to take a shower. In the shower, the water beading over her breasts, she was going through what had just happened in the living room. She thought, "this could'nt have just happened." As she thought through all of her emotions, she opened her eyes to see that he had joined her in the shower. She saw the look in his eyes and she knew what he wanted, she knew he was once again arroused. He watched her as the water glistened off her body. The water dripping off her breasts was more then he could handle and again he was on her like a bear ravaging his victim. Like honey was spread all over her body.What had started in the shower ended up in her bedroom where they remained for what seemed like many hours. Endlessly making love to each other, exploring each others body and soul and his manhood entering every part of her body that it would spill into. Their passion was tremendously wild.She did not want it to ever end. She was afraid to fall sleep. She was sure that it would all have been just a sweet dream. She wanted to continue with this man that was there over her, making love to her the way she would often fantasize of him doing to her. He was there with her, and he was real. She wanted to hold on to him as long as she could. She knew in her heart that he must return to his life back at home.They continued to explore each other, They were bonded together by the passion and desire that both of their hearts and souls had in them. Silently bringing each other to the highest peak of climax together as one being.The goodbye's were heartbreaking and apparent. He walked over to the door and for one last time, he turned to look at this woman that brought out a passion in him that he had never known he had in his being. He passionately kissed her long and deep. He turned away and walked out the door. He was gone. She stood there for a long time as the silent tears streamed off her face and onto her silk bathrobe. She opened her eyes. The tears still rolling down her soft, rosey cheeks. She had been lying on the sofa for a long while so she could figure it all out. She finally came to the realization that it was all a dream. All the wondering she did when he was making sweet love to her, wondering in her mind if it was real. It was a dream. A dream that she would never forget in her life time. The End
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