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Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:08:36 PM): so you never did answer my question Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:08:37 PM): lol Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:08:53 PM): what question Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:08:57 PM): and send your cam again Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:09:15 PM): you there Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:09:19 PM): im here Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:09:21 PM): are you there Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:09:39 PM): ok the question was what do i gotta do to make you mine Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:09:53 PM): to make me yours? Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:10:06 PM): yup like a gf Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:10:09 PM): i dunno lol Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:10:10 PM): lol Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:10:31 PM): well isnt that kinda hard, since youve never met me, and are over there Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:10:35 PM): i dont live in georiga Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:10:55 PM): yeah but i dunno Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:10:57 PM): lol Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:11:02 PM): but you what Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:11:04 PM): send your cam Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:11:10 PM): i really like you Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:11:22 PM): really? Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:11:23 PM): lol Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:11:24 PM): we have so much chemestry Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:11:24 PM): why Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:11:28 PM): lol Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:11:46 PM): i dunno your hot Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:11:49 PM): im not Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:11:52 PM): we like the same things Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:11:58 PM): you are too Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:12:08 PM): and you have a wonderful person ality Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:12:17 PM): my face, maybe .... everything else isnt Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:12:27 PM): send me your cam again Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:12:30 PM): its not working Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:12:40 PM): how would i know that never seen everything else Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:12:52 PM): trust me on this one Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:12:58 PM): its not great Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:13:07 PM): nope you said you were ugly and your not Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:13:11 PM): well i am Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:13:22 PM): YOU ARE NOT Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:13:26 PM): lol Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:14:15 PM): i got a question if you say no ill unferstand Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:14:22 PM): ok ask away Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:14:41 PM): can i see everything else? Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:14:49 PM): ... of me? Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:15:01 PM): no of your fairy god mother Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:15:06 PM): ol Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:15:06 PM): yes of you Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:15:09 PM): i wish i had one Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:15:13 PM): but no... Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:15:21 PM): ill let ya know when you cna Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:15:25 PM): can* Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:15:32 PM): send your came one more time plz Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:15:44 PM): ok Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:15:55 PM): ugh Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:15:58 PM): its not working Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:15:59 PM): lol Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:16:05 PM): and i ment cam not came lol Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:16:39 PM): im getting angry at your cam for you lol Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:17:02 PM): well ty cause it makes me angry as well Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:17:05 PM): lol Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:17:09 PM): whats wrong with it Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:17:24 PM): i dont really know Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:17:44 PM): can you see me ok? Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:17:56 PM): mmmmmmmmm yes i can Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:18:16 PM): then i wonder why yours isnt working Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:18:31 PM): slow connection maybe Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:18:42 PM): possiable Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:18:53 PM): the schools internes has been down all day Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:18:55 PM): maybe its mine Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:19:22 PM): i dunno we didnt have a problem last time i got on cam Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:19:27 PM): trie Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:19:29 PM): true* Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:20:02 PM): ok one last question and i wont ask anymore about it till you say ok? Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:20:13 PM): ask away Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:21:10 PM): when do you think you will let me see more of you time frame wise im just wondering so i know to be sitting down when you take my breath away with your beauty Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:21:35 PM): lol that was cute Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:21:38 PM): but i dunno Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:21:44 PM): might be a litle while Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:22:04 PM): ok its been a lil while Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:22:05 PM): lol Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:22:06 PM): jk Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:22:07 PM): haha Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:22:45 PM): to be honest i was so scared to let you see me with no shirt on i thought you might not like it Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:22:58 PM): what is there not to like Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:23:11 PM): your body looks amazing from the two seconds of it that i saw Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:23:20 PM): the fact that im fat Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:23:25 PM): your not fat Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:23:29 PM): i dunno what your thinking Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:23:32 PM): yes i am Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:23:49 PM): no your not... Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:23:53 PM): ugly fat beergut the only thing i got going for me is talking to you Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:24:01 PM): .. im the one that should be worrying about that, not you Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:24:26 PM): your not ugly Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:24:34 PM): and you didnt have a beergut Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:25:11 PM): sweet heart you have nothin to worry about Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:25:19 PM): eh i dunno about Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:26:00 PM): i bet throw themselves at you all the time Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:26:06 PM): the last person that i talked to... that was wearing a uniform said the same thing, and broke my heart after he decided not to talk to be soloey cuz i wasnt pretty Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:26:21 PM): to me* Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:26:54 PM): well michelle in case you havent noticed im not like other guys Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:27:21 PM): especially not like other guys in uniform i know you are pretty outside and in and looks dont matter anyway Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:27:23 PM): he said that too... sorry to be so optiomistic, but he really hurt me Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:27:33 PM): aw thanks Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:27:49 PM): one think you can believe is i will do my best not to hurt you Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:27:59 PM): well i am very glad to know this Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:28:40 PM): let me put it to you this way the only way i would hurt you is if i ever died Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:28:51 PM): well please please dont do that Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:29:05 PM): ill do my best Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:29:16 PM): can you make me a promise Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:29:28 PM): .... depends on what it is Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:29:32 PM): but go ahead Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:29:58 PM): that before you give any guy a chance at your love at least consider me PLEASE Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:30:06 PM): aww Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:30:18 PM): i would cry Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:30:21 PM): well it takes a while to get my love, so dont worry Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:30:41 PM): ooooooh am i close? lol jk Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:30:48 PM): i dont wanna rush into things anyways.... last time that happened it didnt turn out too well Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:30:51 PM): aww lol Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:31:02 PM): i gotta get to know ya more.... inside and out Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:31:14 PM): no rush Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:31:15 PM): you dont even know where i live Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:31:34 PM): ok so where do you live Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:31:37 PM): lol Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:31:39 PM): chicago Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:31:55 PM): IL Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:31:57 PM): ? Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:31:58 PM): yes Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:32:26 PM): wow thats cool i do travel if it is worth it Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:32:38 PM): know this i can picture my self going to IL Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:32:43 PM): lol Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:32:45 PM): to see me? Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:32:51 PM): of course Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:32:56 PM): lol Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:33:09 PM): what other business do i have to be in IL Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:33:14 PM): try your cam one more time please Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:33:14 PM): brb Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:33:17 PM): Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:34:08 PM): whats wrong you look sad Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:34:13 PM): what business do you have in il Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:34:17 PM): cuz you said youd brb Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:34:21 PM): i got sad Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:34:21 PM): lol Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:36:47 PM): oh ok welli had to find something so im back now so smile Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:36:47 PM): how you gonna get to know me if you dont ask questions lol Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:36:48 PM): oh ok welli had to find something so im back now so smile Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:37:05 PM): welcome back!! Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:37:20 PM): how you gonna get to know me if you dont ask questions lol Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:37:36 PM): i said id ask question in the context of a converstation...i think i learn about someone like that better Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:37:47 PM): do you have a myspace or anything of that sort? Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:37:55 PM): nope Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:38:15 PM): hey i hate to do this but i have to go to work ttyl laters Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:38:20 PM): aww Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:38:25 PM): what time will you be back Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:38:30 PM): ill miss you Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:38:37 PM): ill miss ya too.... be safe!!! Anthony Ellington (12/4/2007 11:38:42 PM): in like 10 to 12 hours Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:38:49 PM): hmm what time is it there right now Shell Bell (12/4/2007 11:39:47 PM): cuz maybe i can get up early and we can talk
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