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For those who might have been reading some of my HP erotica lately, you'll notice in my later ones I make mention about me having trouble finishing Teaching Methods, which is part 3 of my four part series. Well, wait no longer! I just now finished writing it up, so here it is. And, as always, you can check out the other erotica I've written at Opportunity Knocks, my adult fic archive.

Teaching Methods

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Author's Note: This story is the sequel to Fumbling Fingers and Wandering Hands (in that order), so you'll have to read those two first to understand this one.

He'd been seeing her around Daigon Alley more and more lately. His first thought was that she was planning for a party or some such thing at Malfoy Manor, but she still came out there week after week. Severus noticed she preferred Flourish and Boots as well as the potion stores. Snape found himself watching her more and looking forward to a glimpse or two of her on a daily basis. Her bushy curls had given way to a sleek style that trailed halfway down Hermione's back. It was purely coincidence that caused them to bump into one another, literally, one day outside Olivander's.

"Oh my! Please excuse me Professor!"

"Miss Granger, you haven't been my student for nearly two years now. It's Severus."

"Well, if I may call you Severus, by all means, call me Hermione."

"It would be my pleasure. So, what brings you out today?"

"Oh, merely biding time. Draco has a full time at the Ministry and I'm at loose ends."

"And here I thought for certain that you would be an Auror or some such by now. Come, let me buy you a drink and talk about how you've been," he offered.

Hermione smiled. "Just as long as it's not butterbeer! I'm more of a Muggle when it comes to my drinks."

"Well, it just so happens I know a wonderful out of the way pub near the Alley."


Once they had sat down, drinks in hand, Snape motioned for her to continue her explanation.

"Why not be an Auror? For one, I always felt Harry was more suited for it. Between that and the way the Ministry treated us back in Fifth Year and beyond…well, I couldn't stomach working for them. I mean, Draco does a marvelous job, and understands being on the inside is sometimes a better thing. I usually go home and play around with potions." She took a sip of her wine and looked him in the eye. "Even with all your animosity, Potions was still my favorite class."

"Well, I'm flattered. And here I thought all you and your fellow classmates simply saw me as a greasy git."

Hermione smirked. "Not all. So how have the classes after us been?"

"Dreadfully incompetent," Snape grumbled, and then had an idea occur to him. "However, I am in need of a competent Potions Assistant. Would you be interested?"

"I would be delighted."


So that is how, come September 1st, found Hermione back at Hogwarts. *Gotta love these dungeons!* she thought with a devilish smirk. She remembered vividly all the different ways her and Draco had found time to indulge their mutual lust.

"Remembering?" Severus said from behind her, making her jump.

"Oh yes," she replied, turning to him with bright eyes and flushed cheeks.

Snape pushed down the instant surge of lust at the look in her eyes. This, in turn, made his next words a little gruffer than he intended. "Our first class is due soon. Could you please set up for the first years?"

As she sauntered off, Severus couldn't help but follow her swaying ass in a rather formfitting robe.  *Down man. No use going after someone spoken for, even if Draco IS on the continent for the next few months.*  So determined, the Potions Master affixed his normal scowl on his face and strode off to terrify a new group of students.


Snape found it shocking to have Hermione around. She was as neat and orderly with the potion ingredients as he, and with the prep time taken out of his courses, he found himself finishing ahead of what he normally did sometimes. When that happened, he would invariably go wandering to see what his assistant might be up to. Hermione had gotten into the habit of using her spare time to continue fiddling with Potions of her own design. He was almost to the lab area she was using one day when there was a deafening explosion and smoke poured out from underneath the door. He rushed in, uttering a smoke clearing spell, to find Hermione looking shell shocked in front of a blackened cauldron.

"What the hell? Hermione, what in the DEVIL were you mixing this time?"

"I was trying to mix a potion to control the werewolf cycle. I'd just added together the wolfsbane and shredded devil's foot and-"

Snape grabbed her wrist tight enough to make her wince. "Dear God, child! You never put BOTH of those ingredients into one potion! They counteract each other and give you what just happened. And this isn't the first! Lucius has told me you had to move your potions making to the dungeons at the Manor because of all the smoke and explosions!"

"That's not the only reason," she muttered, but his ire was up and he didn't hear her.

"I swear, Ms. Granger, if this is the way you try to create potions, I should put you over my knee for such neglect!"

Hermione's color was up from shame at messing up in her potions again AND being dressed down by a colleague, so she didn't think too clearly when she blurted out "Well, fine then, maybe you should!"

Chapter 2
On fire for fear of her, Severus took the gambit and started tugging her behind him towards his office. Once there, he ordered her to stand by his desk while he locked the door and placed his robe on a nearby coat rack. Only then did he glance up to realize Hermione had taken off her own robe while working and now stood clad in a damp white cotton shirt and red skirt.  Snape almost groaned at the sensual sight of her moist hair curling tendrils around her face and her chest heaving from exertion.  He realized now that this was turning into a very bad idea, but he wasn't backing down.  He could enjoy the sight of her in exchange for a little torture later, at the very least.  Taking a deep breath and schooling his features into a scowl, he marched back behind his desk and ordered Hermione to come and lay across his lap, her hips flush against his right thigh.

"Accio ruler," he demanded and once it was in his hand, he braced his left arm across her back.  "Now then, Miss Granger, perhaps after this, you will have learned your lesson and pay better attention when making potions."

Her "yes sir" was barely out of her mouth before the first smack landed on her ass.  She gasped and wiggled in spite of the pain as Severus commenced to give her ten good smacks with the unyielding ruler.  Unable to resist the temptation, Severus rubbed his hand along her ass as Hermione wriggled in a vain attempt to alleviate the pain. 

Not satisfied with the condition of her ass, Severus slid her skirt up around her waist. *In for a penny, in for a pound, I suppose,* he mused as he took in the sight of her slightly pinkened rear. "You're obviously not punished enough.  We'll just have to keep going," he told her as his large hand came down directly on her ass, without buffer of clothing.

Hermione responded by bracing her hips more firmly against his thigh as the volley of spanks continued.  Severus only let up when his hand and her ass were both warm to the touch.  He knew from experience that to do more than this to someone unused to this kind of punishment turned it more into pure pain for them, rather than that enticing mix that skirted the line of pleasure/pain.  He was brought back from his reverie of her luscious throbbing ass cheeks by her constant squirming.  Having been intent on his discipline, he had tried to disregard the sensual aspect of such play, but her squirming on his lap made his cock rise and thicken.  Figuring turnabout was fair play, he glided his hand from her ass down her thigh and grazed her slit through her underwear only to find them sopping.  He felt her head turn towards him so he made a show of licking her juices off his fingers while she watched.

She groaned and slid off his lap, coming to rest on her knees in between his legs.  Looking up at him with a question in her eyes, he responded by guiding her hands to his fly.  She took her time, her bottom lip caught underneath her teeth.  Once free, she slid her hands from his hips down, taking his pants and shorts with her.  Once done, she smiled devilishly and proceeded to deep throat his dick like an expert.  He felt her throat massaging the head while her tongue played along the underside of it and her hands and mouth were in constant motion.  Snape moaned in pleasure at the sensations Hermione was evoking.  He'd thought Lucius had been lying when he'd told Severus that he'd found someone else who seemed to love sucking cock as much as the two of them, and he hadn't been wrong.  He did wonder how his old friend had come by such entertaining information, but left that mystery for another time.

Right now, the Potions Master had his head thrown back as Hermione sucked each of his balls gently into her mouth one at a time, rolling them around with her tongue.  She moaned in obvious pleasure as she went about slathering his rod with her tongue until he thought he might explode.  Pulling her up, he laid her back against his desk and began to return the favor.  He nibbled, licked and sucked up and down her pussy.  He sucked on her little clit until it pulsed and throbbed under his tongue while sliding two fingers into her tight pussy.  He kept at it until she was panting with need, then he stood up and removed the rest of his clothing then returned to her, stroking his cock leisurely.

"You want this, don't you, you naughty slut," he told her, turned on by the fact she was naked on his desk, idly playing with herself.

"Come fuck me, Severus.  I've been bad," Hermione responded with a devilish smirk.  "I don't think you spanked all the badness out of me; guess you'll have to fuck it out."

Hearing the dirty words pouring out of this sexy woman was more than he could handle and he wedged in between her splayed legs, his dick rubbing up against her slit and he pulled her up from laying back on the desk propped up on her elbows.  He supported her neck as he kissed her soundly and hungrily, nibbling on her lush bottom lip while his hips ground into hers.  She moaned as his head lowered to suck and lightly bite her nipples, so that she hissed as she teetered on the line between pleasure and pain again.

"Oh god, Severus!  Please, fuck me!"

"Gladly," he replied as he pulled back, pulled her legs up around his waist and drove home on one stroke that had her spine bowing up off the desk as she hissed "yes"  He proceeded to pound away at her pussy, knowing this "punishment" was still far more enjoyable for both parties.

"Wait!  I have an idea," Hermione said, gasping at his next stroke.  She pulled out then flipped over, her hips flush with the desk.  Severus did a couple of swats to her butt then sank balls deep back into her pussy.  He loved how this position allowed him deeper penetration with the bonus of a nice ass to play with.  He began merrily smacking her ass as he fucked her- nothing too hard to hurt, but just hard enough to sting.  This caused Hermione to wiggle her ass back at him while he sped up the tempo of his thrusts until he felt her cumming around his cock.  He kept fucking her through her orgasm, causing it to build again before crashing over her, leaving her unwilling to move for a moment.  With his dick still hard, Severus pulled out and turned her back over.  He wrapped her legs back around his waist and slid back in her pussy, going slower now to revive her. Once she started returning his thrusts, he picked her up in his arms and, putting her arms around his neck for support, carried her over to one of the tapestry covered walls and pulled her arms over her head.

Hermione's eyes were closed from sheer enjoyment only to fly open when his hands began playing with her breasts.  Severus looked up to see the unspoken question in her eyes.  "What?  You thought I didn't know where you and Draco went after all those detentions I gave you two?" he said with a smirk as he started pounding her into the wall.  He rolled his hips and her eyes rolled back in her head at the sensations.  "Oh yes, I knew.  It was such fun to watch sometimes, especially when he muttered that brilliant spell.  You like being restrained, don't you?  You want someone in control of you sometimes," he states, punctuating the last with a thrust that had her gasping.  "Well, my dear, if you're in need of control, I can definitely give it to you, but you'll have to beg me for it."

His words and the images they conjured up were enough to send him over the edge, and he came in her with one final thrust.  Laying his head on her shoulder, he tried to catch his breath while thinking the spell to release her hands.  After a few moments more to recover and clean up, he kissed her again and said he'd see her in the morning.  At her puzzled frown, he explained he had a lot to think about.  "I would say this changes things between us, wouldn't you?"

"Oh well, yes, you're right.  I see your point, Severus.  Well, I'll see you in the morning then," she replied, kissing him again before getting dressed and leaving.


Chapter 3
Severus was in his classroom earlier than usual the next morning.  He'd spent most of the night mulling over the night's events and had come to the conclusion that Hermione probably needed a firm hand in things that Draco didn't seem to give her.  He'd even forgone breakfast hoping she'd be as eager to discuss matters as they stood, and he wasn't far off.  Hermione came in like a whirlwind, all smiles and joy.

"Oh, Severus, I've got great news."

"So do I, but please, go first."

"Draco asked me to marry him!  And we both want you in the wedding!"

Snape's face became a bland mask, and Hermione realized she'd misspoken.  To try and clear the air, she asked him what he had wanted to say.

"Oh, nothing as important as your exciting news," he lied, stonefaced.

Hermione doubted that, but couldn't really say why she didn't push the issue. She was still enjoying the fact all the men in her life were safe, as she'd felt after leaving Severus's office last night.  She'd gone so far as to Apparate to Draco's flat after leaving Snape's place.  He usually stayed there when this got overbusy at the Ministry and she'd decided to surprise him that night.  She'd told him in detail what had happened earlier with Severus and Draco was so turned on he fucked her until she saw stars.  Then, as they lay there, content in each other's embrace, Draco explained that one of the reasons he'd taken the Continent job for the Ministry was to get some old Malfoy treasures from the family vault in Italy.  He then got down on one knee and proposed to her with a ruby ring that had been passed down for generations.  Tearful, she agreed which, of course, led to another bout of hot and heavy sex.


After that day, Hermione noticed a change in Snape.  He was still as polite as ever, but there seemed to be a wall there between them now.  She knew she'd probably had a lot to do with this with her foolish timing on her announcement, so she knew she needed to make him understand.  She wanted to have him included in her as Draco's sex play as much as Lucius was.  But, between classes and planning for the wedding, there wasn't much time for her to get him alone to talk.  Besides that, she also noticed as the school year drew to a close, he quit touching her, even in the most nonsexual ways that she was used to.  Stressed out from her plans and frustrated because, dammit, he was GOOD at what he did.  Hermione reached a boiling point one Friday night and stormed into his office, her ire high. 

"All right, Professor.  I've had enough of this cold shoulder distancing scheme you've been pulling.  It's been long enough.  You can can it now."

Severus looked up from the scroll he was reading, taking off his no-cheating lenses.  "I don't believe I understand your meaning, Miss Granger," he said smoothly.

"Well, how about that for starters.  For months, you were fine with calling me Hermione.  Now, all of a sudden, it's 'Miss Granger' this and 'Miss Granger' that.  And now you send me messages via the interschool owl network instead of in person like you used to!"

"I, like you, am very busy with end of year grading.  I have been rather busy as of late," he said tersely.

"Busy?  Too busy to touch me, even by accident, in the smallest of situations?  You used to brush by me without any thought, and now you treat me like I've got the plague!"

"Because you're engaged to one of the top families in England, you've got to prove yourself more than most," he responded calmly.

"Well, I was trying to prove that I can love more than one person, but I haven't had the chance to with you because you've given me the cold shoulder ever since I told you I was engaged."

Her last statement took him aback.  His first instinct was to dismiss it as sheer folly, but then he thought about how impassioned she'd been that one night and how passionate she was about all the things that mattered to her.  "So, you mean you'd go behind your fiancé's back to see me?  Unlikely and highly insulting to him!"

"Who said he didn't know and, even knowing, didn't, in fact, enjoy either being with me, or getting excited hearing about it afterwards?" Hermione fired back. "Because that's the kind of relationship we have, and we definitely have room for more.  But it comes down to you.  Are you willing to share?"

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