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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Terrorists are likely to use a weapon of mass destruction somewhere in the world in the next five years, a blue-ribbon panel assembled by Congress has concluded. art.nyc.station.gi.jpg Police watch over travelers at New York's Grand Central Terminal before Thanksgiving. They are more likely to use a biological weapon than a nuclear one -- and the results could be devastating, the chairman of the commission told CNN. "The consequences of a biological attack are almost beyond comprehension. It would be 9/11 times 10 or a hundred in terms of the number of people who would be killed," former Sen. Bob Graham said. He cited the flu virus that killed millions of people in 1918 as an example. "Today it is still in the laboratory, but if it should get out and into the hands of scientists who knew how to use it for a violent purpose, we could have multiple times the 40 million people who were killed 100 years ago," he said. The U.S. government "needs to move more aggressively to limit" the spread of biological weapons, the commission said in its report. Graham warned that such measures would be costly, but were necessary. "The leadership of this country and the world will have to decide how much of a priority ... they place on avoiding the worst weapons in the world getting in the hands of the worst people in the world," he said. "It is not going to be cheap. It is not going to be accomplished without some sacrifices. It won't be accomplished without putting this issue ahead of some other competing national and international goals. But I think our safety and security depend upon doing so," he added. Graham said a biological attack was more likely than a nuclear one because it would be easier to carry out. Biological weapons "are more available," he said. "Anthrax is a natural product of dead animals. Other serious pathogens are available in equally accessible forms." "There are so many scientists who have the skills to convert a pathogen from benign, helpful purposes into an illicit, very harmful weapon," he added. But the commission warned that there is also a threat of nuclear terrorism, both because more countries are developing nuclear weapons and because some existing nuclear powers are expanding their arsenals. "Terrorist organizations are intent on acquiring nuclear weapons," said the report, which was published Tuesday on the Internet and will be officially released Wednesday. CNN obtained a copy of the report Monday evening. It cited testimony before the commission from former Sen. Sam Nunn, who said that the "risk of a nuclear weapon being used today is growing, not receding." The report recommends a range of measures, including increased security and awareness at biological research labs and strengthening international treaties against the spread of biological and nuclear weapons. "Many biological pathogens and nuclear materials around the world are poorly secured -- and thus vulnerable to theft by those who would put these materials to harmful use, or would sell them on the black market to potential terrorists," the report warned. The commission expressed particular concern about the nuclear programs of Iran and North Korea, and about Pakistan, which it described as "the intersection of nuclear weapons and terrorism." While observing that Pakistan is a U.S. ally, the report said, "the next terrorist attack against the United States is likely to originate from within the Federally Administered Tribal Areas" in Pakistan. The tribal areas lie in northwest Pakistan where the government exerts little control; the United States says it is a haven for militants from both Pakistan and neighboring Afghanistan. Congress created the commission to investigate and report on WMD and terrorism in line with a recommendation from the 9/11 Commission, which compiled a report on the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States. Commissioners heard testimony from more than 250 experts from around the world over the course of their six-month investigation. SOURCE: http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/12/02/terror.report/index.html
WASHINGTON—Worries about a deep recession—not a shallow one—drove Federal Reserve policymakers to slash a key interest rate last month, meeting minutes show. Even as the Fed battled in almost unprecedented fashion to stem a widening credit and housing slump, some members fretted over the possibility of a "prolonged and severe" economic downturn. It was in that environment that they voted—with two dissents—to cut its most important interest rate by three-quarters of a percentage point to 2.25 percent. That action capped the most aggressive Fed intervention in a quarter-century. Some Fed policymakers thought that such a widening recession could not be ruled out given the "further restriction of credit availability and ongoing weakness in the housing market," according to the meeting minutes that were made public Tuesday. On Wall Street, stocks fell. The Dow Jones industrials lost 35.99 points. Two Fed members—Charles Plosser, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, and Richard Fisher, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas—opposed such a big rate reduction, however. They favored a smaller cut because of concerns about a potential inflation flare-up. It was a crack in the mostly unified front that the Fed often has projected to the public. The minutes of the closed-door March meeting underscored the economic cross-currents pulling at Fed policymakers. "With the uncertainties in the outlook for both economic activity and inflation elevated, members noted that appropriately calibrating the stance of (interest-rate) policy was difficult," the minutes stated. On the one hand, the Fed has been urgently moving to prevent the trio of economic woes—housing, credit and financial— from plunging the country into a deep recession. On the other hand, with soaring energy prices and high food costs, policymakers realize that they can't afford to let inflation get out of control, either. Even with the big interest rate reduction in March, most Fed members saw overall inflation moderating in coming quarters, the minutes said. However, inflation pressures had picked up even as economic growth had weakened, the minutes added, suggesting that uncertainty clouded the inflation outlook. Plosser and Fisher—the two who opposed the hefty three-quarter-point reduction in March—were "concerned that inflation expectations could potentially become unhinged," according to the minutes. If people, investors and businesses expect prices to rise sharply, they'll act in ways that will make inflation worse. Once inflation takes hold, it is hard to break." Since last September, the Fed has been cutting rates to shore up the economy. One of the risks of lowering rates is that it can sow the seeds of inflation down the road. To battle inflation, the Fed usually boosts rates. Against this backdrop, Bernanke, in a congressional appearance last week, didn't tip his hand about the Fed's next move on interest rates. Many economists, however, believe the Fed will lower rates again at its next regularly scheduled meeting on April 29-30, especially in light of the faltering employment market. "Signals from the economy continue to come in on the weak side," said Brian Bethune, economist at Global Insight, who is predicting a half-point cut later this month. The government reported last week that the economy lost jobs for the third month in a row in March. All told, the nation has lost 232,000 jobs in just three months—stark evidence of just how much the employment market has buckled under the weight of the economy's woes. For the first time, Bernanke last week acknowledged that a recession is possible. According to the Fed minutes, many members thought "some contraction in economic activity in the first half of 2008 now appeared likely." The Fed found itself fighting a vicious cycle, where credit problems hurt the economy's outlook which in turns worsens credit problems, the minutes suggested. There was "evidence that an adverse feedback loop was under way," the minutes said. Besides cutting rates, the Fed has taken a number of unconventional steps recently to ease a dangerous credit crisis. Under one new program, the Fed has been letting big investment firms borrow super-safe Treasury securities and put up more risky investments, including certain shunned mortgage-backed securities as collateral. The Fed said it would make as much as $200 billion worth of Treasuries available through weekly auctions. The goal is to make investment houses more inclined to lend to each other. It also is aimed at providing relief to the distressed market for mortgage-linked securities. Questions about their value and dumping of these securities have driven up mortgage rates, aggravating the housing crisis. Fed policymakers thought the program "could prove useful in preventing an escalation of an unhealthy dynamic" that has gripped credit markets, according to the minutes of a March 10 conference call that led to the creation of the new program. Separately, in the broadest use of its lending authority since the 1930s, the Fed last month agreed to temporarily let investment firms obtain emergency financing from the Fed, a privilege that previously had been granted only to commercial banks.
Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government
13 Apr 2008
Bush speaks on the possibility of another 9/11 13 Apr 2008 US President [sic] George Bush has said he believes another 9/11 attack on the United Sates should be considered a strong possibility and warned that such an attack could originate from Pakistan. In an interview with America's ABC TV, Mr Bush said: "If another September 11 style attack is being planned, it probably is being plotted in Pakistan, and not Afghanistan." [Well, no, it's probably being plotted in Langley, where the first one originated.]

'I have no enemy but you. You are the occupier.' Sadr says US will always be enemy 12 Apr 2008 Iraqi Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr has said the US will always be his enemy "till the last drop of blood". Mr Sadr was responding to a statement by US Defence Secretary Robert Gates, who said that all those within the political process were not enemies. "I have no enemy but you. You are the occupier," Mr Sadr's statement said.

Chevron, Total seek oil deal in Iraq 12 Apr 2008 Oil giants Chevron Corp. and Total have confirmed that they are in discussions with the Iraqi Oil Ministry to increase production in an important oil field in southern Iraq. The discussions are aimed at finalizing a two-year deal, or technical support agreement, to boost production at the West Qurna Stage 1 oil field near Iraq's second-largest city of Basra.

Iraq sacks 1,300 troops over Shiite crackdown --Hundreds of Iraqi troops and police reported to have either deserted or joined the other side during a government offensive [for US oil] in Basra 13 Apr 2008 Iraq has dismissed 1,300 policemen and soldiers for failing to perform their duties during a crackdown on Shiite militiamen in the south of the country, an official said on Sunday. Hundreds of Iraqi troops and police are reported to have either deserted or joined the other side during a government offensive against Shiite militias in Basra that began March 25.

Iraq Dismisses 1,300 After Basra Offensive 14 Apr 2008 The Iraqi government announced Sunday that it had dismissed 1,300 soldiers and policemen for refusing to fight or performing badly during last month's offensive against Shiite militias in the southern city of Basra.

Deadliest week for U.S. troops this year 13 Apr 2008 Twenty U.S. soldiers have died across Iraq since last Sunday, the deadliest week for U.S. troops this year and one of the bloodiest since September 2007. Fighting between Shi'ite militiamen and security forces in Sadr City eased on Sunday, though, after a week of intense clashes, with hospitals in the Baghdad city saying they had received no dead or wounded overnight.

US strike kills own soldiers in Baghdad 13 Apr 2008 The US military says an Apache helicopter has accidentally destroyed one of its own armoured vehicles in eastern Baghdad. Iraqi police confirm that a Humvee was set ablaze in the Mashtal area of eastern Baghdad. They say two US soldiers and three Iraqi civilians were wounded and that American troops immediately blocked off the neighbourhood.

'Look, this is deliberate. The U.S. is trying to keep us unarmed so that we'll always be in need of the Americans.' Secret Iraqi Deal Shows Problems in Arms Orders 13 Apr 2008 Five years after the American invasion, the 170,000-strong Iraqi military remains under-equipped, spottily supplied and largely reliant on the United States for such basics as communications equipment, weapons and ammunition, raising fresh questions about the Iraqi military's ability to stand on its own. Closer monitoring of weapons deals has been a delicate subject since a series of tainted arms purchases totaling $1.3 billion in Iraqi government funds in 2004 and 2005. Iraqi officials paid for second-rate or nonexistent weapons and equipment in cash, using middlemen to ferry duffle bags stuffed with bricks of $100 bills.

US State Department Peyman Online covert Iran project funding By Submitter 13 Apr 2008 This file has not been released publicly. This file [25 April 2007] provides budgetary information regarding a specific covert new media initiative funded by the US State Department that targets Iran. This document was leaked because the man who is in charge of the initiative has strong ties to Israeli Intelligence and subcontracts portions of the work to Israeli intel fronts such as MEMRI using US tax dollars. It is currently not known if this project is still being funded by the US State Department.

Hadley: Iran a threat to US in Iraq 14 Apr 2008 US National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley says troops still have 'much work to do in stemming Iranian support for militias' in Iraq. Hadley said al-Qaeda's influence was diminishing in Iraq but went on to blame Iran for the violence in the southern part of Iraq.

Blast kills 12, wounds 200 in Shiraz 14 Apr 2008 An explosion at a religious center in the southwestern city of Shiraz, the capital of Fars Province, killed 12 people and injured 200 on Saturday. The deadly blast took place at around 9:15 p.m. on Saturday in a religious center (Hosseinieh) where people had gathered to listen to a sermon.

Iran-UN nuclear talks postponed 13 Apr 2008 A meeting between Iran's chief nuclear negotiator and the head of the UN's nuclear watchdog agency has been postponed, Iranian media have said. The official news agency Irna gave no reason for the postponement of the meeting between Gholamreza Aghazadeh and the UN's Mohamed ElBaradei.

Iran holding security talks in Ankara 14 Apr 2008 Iran is to attend a five-day high-security commission meeting with Turkish officials which will kick off in Ankara on Monday. Deputy Interior Minister Ali Akbar Mohtaj heads the Iranian delegation in the 12th round of the meetings, Mehr news agency reported Sunday. The talks will be held from April 14 to April 18.

US Spends $160M for Closed-Door Trials In Afghanistan 13 Apr 2008 Afghan detainees held at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, are being transferred home to face closed-door trials in which they are often denied access to defense attorneys and the U.S. evidence being used against them, according to Afghan officials, lawyers and international rights groups. Since October 2006, the United States has transferred approximately 50 prisoners out of Guantanamo to the custody of the Afghan government. Once home, many of the Afghans have been left in a legal limbo not unlike the one they confronted while in U.S. custody. Since the invasion, the United States has pledged at least $160 million for judicial reform kangaroo courts in Afghanistan, according to the State Department.

War trials boycotted --More Guantanamo prisoners expected to refuse to participate 12 Apr 2008 The U.S. war crimes 'trials' at Guantanamo Bay are running into a new obstacle: boycotts by the defendants. Three men accused of being al-Qaida [al-CIAduh] operatives have now chosen to boycott their upcoming trials. More defendants are expected to do the same as the military attempts to prosecute dozens of prisoners at the isolated, high-security U.S. base overlooking the Caribbean.

Bush Admits to Knowledge of Torture Authorization by Top Advisers --ACLU Calls for Independent Counsel to Investigate Administration's Approval of Torture and Abuse 12 Apr 2008 In a stunning admission to ABC news Friday night, President [sic] Bush declared that he knew his top national security advisers discussed and approved specific details of the CIA's use of torture. Bush reportedly told ABC, "I'm aware our national security team met on this issue. And I approved." Bush also defended the use of waterboarding... The American Civil Liberties Union is calling on Congress to demand an independent prosecutor to investigate possible violations by the Bush administration of laws including the War Crimes Act, the federal Anti-Torture Act, and federal assault laws.

Terror chiefs recruit more Scots spies 13 Apr 2008 MI5 IS to create a team of "Scottish spooks" in a bid to prevent outrages like the Glasgow Airport attack and reduce the radicalisation [?] of young Muslims north of the border. The existing Scottish office of MI5 is to be increased from a handful of officers to as many as a dozen, all of them recruited in Scotland, in the hope they can blend in to communities and spot potential terrorists at an earlier stage.

Boy, 17, held for terroristic threats (Sea Bright, 12 Apr 2008 Police took a 17-year-old Sea Bright boy into custody after they say he pointed a fake gun at two teenagers, then fired the imitation weapon. Detective John Arias and Patrolman Chris Fisler took the teen into custody Thursday night and charged him with possession of an imitation firearm and terrorist threats.

Brown in record poll slide 13 Apr 2008 Gordon Brown's personal popularity ratings have plunged further and faster than any other British prime minister since polling began in the 1930s, a poll revealed on Sunday. Brown is facing a rough ride as the global lending squeeze tightens its grip on the economy and the housing market could head into a sharp downturn.

It's Obama, stupid: Carter and Gore to end Clinton bid 13 Apr 2008 Democratic grandees Jimmy Carter and Al Gore are being lined-up to deliver the coup de grâce to Hillary Clinton and end her campaign to become president. Former president Carter and former president Gore have already held high-level discussions about delivering the message that she must stand down for the good of the Democrats. "They're in discussions," a source close to Carter told Scotland on Sunday. "Carter has been talking to Gore. They will act, possibly together, or in sequence." An appeal by both men for Democrats to unite behind Clinton's rival, Barack Obama, would have a powerful effect, and insiders say it is a question of when, rather than if, they act.

Clinton Says Obama's 'Bitter' Remark Could Cost Party General Election 13 Apr 2008 Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., took the opportunity to capitalize on her rival's comments that people in small towns are "bitter" for the third day in a row. Speaking to reporters outside some homes in Scranton, Pennsylvania, she was greeted by many supporters holding signs and offering encouragement. Clinton made the argument that Sen. Barack Obama's comments could cost the party the election and that the party has been seen as out of touch by male candidates in the past. Clinton also criticized Obama for not "owning up to his remarks."

Bill Clinton says people not 'bitter' but want better economy 13 Apr 2008 Bill Clinton took a swipe Sunday at remarks about small-town voters made by his wife's rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, saying people in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, are not bitter but do yearn for better economic times.

Clinton tours working-class area and blasts Obama 13 Apr 2008 Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton toured a working-class neighborhood on Sunday to stress her blue-collar background and kept up the attack on rival Barack Obama's remarks about small-town voters. With the next major Democratic vote nine days away in Pennsylvania, Clinton walked through a section of Scranton, where she spent some time as a child and near where her father is buried, to show that she connected with the middle-class voter.

Furor continues over Obama 'small town' quotes --Clinton calls statements 'demeaning' 13 Apr 2008 Sen. Barack Obama yesterday worked to extinguish -- and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton to fan -- a [GOP-engendered] prairie fire of controversy over the Illinois senator's musings on small towns, bitterness, religion and guns. Criticisms of Mr. Obama's remarks at a California fund-raiser erupted as a distracting and potentially enduring wound for his campaign.

Obama's Former Pastor Criticizes Media at Funeral --Wright refers to Fox News as "Fix News" 13 Apr 2008 The Chicago Sun Times is reporting that Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the former pastor of Sen. Barack Obama, fired back at the news media during a Chicago funeral service on Saturday. Wright didn't mention the Democratic presidential hopeful by name but did call out some of his critics, including Fox News [Reichwing] commentators Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity, at times drawing standing ovations from the 2,500 mourners in attendance. Mumps found to have made alarming comeback in U.S.

Bird flu virus may have mutated 13 Apr 2008 The highly pathogenic H5N1 bird flu virus has passed from human-to-human in China, raising fears that the virus may have started to mutate. In a highly rare case, genetic tests on a 52-year-old father diagnosed with bird flu in the Jiangsu province of China has shown that he was infected by H5N1 from his 24-year-old dying son.

Thanks to the pharma-terrorists: Mumps found to have made alarming comeback in U.S. 10 Apr 2008 Mumps made an alarming comeback in the United States in 2006 and may take years to completely eradicate, federal health experts reported on Wednesday. The outbreak of the viral disease came despite with the widespread use of a second dose of a mumps vaccine, produced by Merck, beginning in 1990.

Salmonella In Your Cereal? Cereal Link to Food Poisoning Is Probed 12 Apr 2008 At least 23 people in 14 states have been sickened by the same strain of salmonella found in two breakfast cereals [unsweetened Puffed Rice and Puffed Wheat] recalled by Malt-O-Meal, the federal Food and Drug Administration said Saturday.

World Bank echoes food cost alarm 13 Apr 2008 The rapid rise in food prices could push 100m people in poor countries deeper into poverty, the head of the World Bank, Robert Zoellick, has said. His warning follows that from the leader of the International Monetary Fund, who said hundreds of thousands of people are at risk of starvation.

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[Previous lead stories:] Administration Set to Use New Spy Program in U.S. --DHS has not stated what federal laws govern new National Applications Office, whose funding and size are classified. 12 Apr 2008 The Bush regime said yesterday that it plans to start using the nation's most advanced spy technology for domestic purposes soon, rebuffing challenges by House Democrats over the idea's legal authority. The administration in May 2007 gave DHS authority to coordinate requests for satellite imagery, radar, electronic-signal information, chemical detection and other monitoring capabilities that have been used for decades within U.S. borders for mapping and disaster response. But Congress delayed launch of the new office last October. Critics cited its potential to expand the role of military assets in domestic law enforcement, to turn new or as-yet-undeveloped technologies against Americans without adequate public debate, and to divert the existing civilian and scientific focus of some satellite work to security uses.

Iran Top Threat to Iraq, U.S. Says --Focus on 'Al-Qaeda' Now Diminishing 12 Apr 2008 Last week's violence in Basra and Baghdad has convinced the Bush regime that actions by Iran, and not al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh], are the primary threat inside Iraq, and has sparked a broad reassessment of policy in the region, according to senior U.S. officials. The intensified focus on Iran coincides with diminished emphasis on al-Qaeda in Iraq as the leading justification for an ongoing U.S. military presence in Iraq.

Accidents at Disease Lab Acknowledged --Lab uses private security company 11 Apr 2008 The only U.S. facility allowed to research the highly contagious foot-and-mouth disease experienced several accidents with the feared virus, the Bush administration acknowledged Friday. A 1978 release of the virus into cattle holding pens on Plum Island, N.Y.; the Homeland Security Department told a House committee there were other accidents inside the government's laboratory. Two Democratic lawmakers from New York, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Rep. Timothy Bishop, expressed concerns in letters they wrote last year about the Homeland Security Department's ability to protect the existing lab at Plum Island, which relies for security on a private security company and local police rather than federal agents.

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CLG Newsletter editor: Lori Price, Manager. Copyright © 2008, Citizens For Legitimate Government ® All rights reserved. CLG Founder and Chair is Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D.

How You Became A Commodity The Creation Of Constructive Trusts And the Solution

Copyright 1997 By Ed McCabe With many thanks to Howard Griswold

The 14th Amendment to the Constitution created a secondary class of citizens so the slaves could become federal citizens and be "freed." The only problem today, is that most people have been duped into giving up their Sovereignty to become second class federal citizens.

In America we are born American Nationals, and do not become federal citizens unless we legally are duped into swearing allegiance to the federal state. Trouble is, nobody tells us this, because New World Order society planners want to enslave us to the federal debt we did not create, and make us pay and pay because they maneuvered the United States into bankruptcy in the 1930's. We have been sold into economic slavery. Not just "we," but specifically your own personal body has been sold without anyone telling you.

There are many definitions of The United States. The law says the US "includes,"- "includes" means "is only."

Title 28 Section 1332(d)"United States"(d) The word "States", as used in this section, includes the Territories, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

It does not mention the sovereign state republics, because they are not included.

According to Gardina v. Board of Registrars of Jefferson County - Supreme court of Alabama Feb 2, 1909: "There are two classes of citizens under our form of government,citizens of the United States and of the state; and one may be a citizen of the former without being a citizen of the latter."
Marion v. New York. New York is foreign to the United States, and 28 USC 1603(a) "foreign state" is a political subdivision of a foreign state, which is a separate legal person which is neither a citizen of a State of the United states.

Elk v. Wilkins 112 US 94 Indians born within the territorial limits of the United States, members of, and owing immediate allegiance to, one of the Indian Tribes (an alien, though dependent power), although in a geographical sense born in the United States, are no more "born in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof," within the meaning of the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment, than the children of subjects of any foreign government born within the domain of that government or the children born within the United States, of ambassadors or other public ministers of foreign nations.

Most don't know it, but most Americans probably have no income or commerce connected with the corporate United States body politic and its zones and territories, i.e District of Columbia, Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands or any of the States of the Union or political subdivisions, thereof, all their earnings from their labor are received from outside these areas, not from within said areas which are foreign to them and they have never been engaged in any revenue taxable activity involving alcohol, tobacco, or firearms, so without a Birth Registration certificate or Social Security Number, they are not legally subject to the jurisdiction of the United States corporate body politic.

But no one will tell you this, or let you know you were born free, because you won't pay taxes or die in contrived wars. It will upset the International Bankers who are siphoning off our economic base. They want you to believe you "have to" be their slave. This is accomplished through societal conditioning, and legally, through the constructive fraud of un rebutted presumptions and withholding all the facts from you.

The Feds have gotten everyone with a birth certificate and a social security number to become subservient to them. During our signing up for an adhesion-to-the-federal-body-politic birth certificate and social security number, we didn't know it, but the Feds used these applications to create two implied (unwritten, called "constructive") trusts in which we were duped into giving the Feds a "security interest" of ownership in our bodies. They trade these security interests (a monetized copy of your birth certificate, and a monetized copy of your social security application) in international commerce as if they were money. Presto! Your body is now the collateral on the national debt. And you didn't know about it or knowingly agree to it.
76 American Jurisprudence 2d "TRUSTS" section 210: "Promise, agreement or contract - Generally speaking a constructive (implied, unwritten) trust does not require any agreement between the parties - either actual, or express (in writing), or implied - to create the trust, Rather, a constructive trust generally stems from the equitable powers of the court." Once we legally give them this power, they skim off the cream, and keep the value of the trust (as a piece of paper commercially tradeable security interest) and then give us back possession of our bodies and make us responsible for the upkeep of the trust property, again, trust property means our bodies. It's a perfect master/slave relationship for the Feds, they get the value we freely give away, but they have no worries since we, as mere possessors, are the ones now legally bound to have to do all the maintenance on ourselves and our property and to follow the trust rules and be "law abiding."

Since we obviously proved ourselves insane by the act of giving away control of our lives to someone else, the courts have ruled that by the performance of this insane act we are obviously incompetent, and therefore, they need to appoint a Guardian over us, and who better to be the Guardian than the trustee we gave the power to, the Feds. The courts use the federal and state statutes as the daily enforcement/maintenance rules for the upkeep of the trust property, our contracted into slavery bodies. This scam is all Constitutional under our exercising our Right to Contract. Here is the statute, or trust rule, where we let them legally turn us all into "Federal Personnel," subject to federal jurisdiction by the act of getting a Social Security number.

UNITED STATES CODE TITLE 5 - GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES i. PART I - THE AGENCIES GENERALLY (1) CHAPTER 5 - ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE (a) SUBCHAPTER II - ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE 552a. Records maintained on individuals (a) Definitions. - For purposes of this section -(12) the term "Federal benefit program" means any program administered or funded by the Federal Government, or by any agent or State on behalf of the Federal Government, providing cash or in-kind assistance in the form of payments, grants, loans, or loan guarantees to individuals; and (13) the term "Federal personnel" means officers and employees of the Government of the United States, members of the uniformed services (including members of the Reserve Components), individuals entitled to receive immediate or deferred retirement benefits under any retirement program of the Government of the United States (including survivor benefits).

Social Security is a Federal benefit program. You, as federal personnel, don't have any freedom in healthcare or in any other area because you appoint them your master to take care of you. But their version of "taking care" of us is to burn babies, raid clinics, imprison doctors, therapists and educators, tax us un mercilessly, and outlaw real cures for disease. This fictitious statutory federal citizenship status, and your body's secret existence as mere collateral for a security interest traded as an article of international commerce is legally signified whenever your name is spelled in ALL CAPITALS on financial and legal documents. Check your mail.

This appointment of being our masters that we were tricked into giving them has now, through their un rebutted tort feaser fraud, grown to become their almost complete dictatorial control power over our bodies, our finances, our minds, or our children, and how we use them. This power over us is, or is about to become, SLAVERY. We are squarely to blame. Through our Right to Contract power of appointment. Yes, we did appoint them trustees over our bodies, but only because they withheld all the facts from us. This is contract fraud. They did not tell us when we signed up, that these secret trusts were created, and that the creation of these unwritten constructive trusts would give them this complete statutory control over us. They couldn't. They know perfectly well that we aren't really insane, and that we would never agree to such a contract if we openly knew about it.

Would anyone in their right mind give someone the power to burn their children alive? That's what just happened in Waco, Texas. They don't tell us this is why they can, for example, take your children away from you or deny you life restoring oxygen/ozone and other therapies, or deny you really meaningful health care, and enslave you into being responsible for an artificially created and fraudulent national debt, or make you give up a third of the fruits of your labor to the federal trustee as payment for managing your trust- in the form of "taxes" - which all only go overseas to fatten the coffers of the foreign multinational IMF bankers. See Title 22 U.S. Codes Section 286 for proof of the International Monetary Fund having their hand in our cookie jar.

They CONCEAL from us that WE OURSELVES, by using our own God given right to contract, in this case for a birth certificate and social security number, gave away our rights by using our "POWER OF APPOINTMENT, " to unknowingly make them trustees over our lives. However, we the individual people also, AS THE ORIGINAL TRUST CREATORS, HAVE THE POWER AND RIGHT TO LEGALLY AND PEACEFULLY UN APPOINT, or "RELEASE," and "TERMINATE" THIS ADHESION TRUST RELATIONSHIP with them. No longer can they fine and jail us, and break up our families, and send our children off to die in their wars. The truth of this is right in front of us in the statutes, but the evil tort feasers in government have hidden the statutory PROCEDURAL PATH to the RELEASE AND TERMINATION OF ALL TRUSTEE POWER OVER US deep in some corner of every state and federal lawbook. The statutory release path is unbelievably, and fraudulently, found under different titles such as, "Act for the Simplification of Fiduciary Security Transfers," or under plumbing codes (The power of appointment flows through the trust as in a "pipe"), or elsewhere, to deliberately make the release-termination path almost impossible to find. Who actually reads ALL the laws? They know very few do, and count on you not doing it so you never know you can rebut their presentments.


Many have tried to "revoke" or "rescind" (wrong words) this adhesion contract, using the wrong procedure or words, only to have the courts shoot them down. They are indeed entitled to the relief they seek, but since they used the wrong procedures and wording the court could not "hear" what they were saying. The proper procedural application of this heretofore secret knowledge in the courts returns us and the doctors and ministers and teachers and mothers and fathers and everyone else to a state of freedom of choice in our lives, with no big brother forcing poisons into our food and healthcare, no reaching into our pockets, and no stuffing toxins into our minds at school. But the fraud perpetrators don't make it easy to get out of their trap because they need it to exist."

This writing is my original creation, and I make my living writing about alternative medicine and law, so selling this information is expressly forbidden! Presented as a public service.

Non commercial reproduction only is encouraged

Thank You. Enjoy your freedom if you will work for it.

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fubar'd Official Wishli... by SCRAPPER  
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