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Captain America's blog: "About me"

created on 09/24/2006  |  http://fubar.com/about-me/b6391

Go see Rambo!

Yep plain and simple...
l_7b8847c421225123b4e40c89a594693c.jpg Probably the best out of the whole series.

You know what?

I mean look at these jerks! those idiots! I for one played and beat Mass Effect the game they are full of it. Ask me anything you want about it.. I'll be damn honest and not sugarcoat any of the bullshit they are trying to pull. I mean who they kidding? (Below are comments made in this clip from TV) That I felt I should clarify in my own words ;) At 13 years old I had seen enough action movies most kids my age could only dream of. I didn't turn out fucked up and with the world today how the hell could anyone not know what sex is? Or let alone War? The concept of war is pretty much the same as it's been for ages. Sex, is well sex and most kids who don't know about it at 13 should get a quick lesson about the birds and the bees from mom and dad or else you can have a Juno on your hands! Of course she's what 17 in the movie? Ok, Ok let me give a better example Britney spear's sister Jamie Lynn. Plus all the damn diseases out there people should be made aware of the fact. What age? Maybe 13 seems like a start. All I'm saying is these people who talk like they know something need to get there head out of there ass. Shit like this makes me mad. I mean what happen to Atari and Pac Man? That Generation grew the fuck up. Like it or not we as people who are 21, and so on and even 18 years old and up we demand more games to are taste. I for one like first person shooters. That's me and I enjoy them. With time all things change. I mean who the hell at 13 years old like a girl watching a soap opera with her mom doesn't see a couple engage in some short of sex at? Mass Effect shouldn't ever even been looked at for Adult rating like the one lady said. There is nothing more than a game suited for people who are mature. That's another thing doesn't "mature" state 17 and above right? Well, last I checked to be able to see "R" rated movies you had to be 17..... So it makes me wonder why another rating called adult? In truth I long for more games that are adult rated even though there is no point in such a rating when I thought mature was pretty much the one that covered the area on such games that we play. Then you got the Hillary's and Jack Thompson's as well, as Obama's attacking one of my most favorite and looked forward to past times. What people won't go to great lengths or to make them self known to make a point a pitiful point as a 13 year old boy looking at playboy. Well, last I knew what kid wouldn't have seen it by one of there friends? Some people just need to grow up and face the music of the real world and understand you can't control everything let alone the fact you at some point young or old has known a lot of things they are trying to pawn off as bad on to someone else or saying it's bad. To me if people are going to attack video games why not rap music? I remember a time when rap music was actually good with no name calling and such... of course that time has come and gone very quickly before it was changed into what people call rap nowadays. Oh well, what's the point of saying any of this when the younger vote is going to put Hillary and Obama in office? In the end maybe none of it matters... As the saying goes it don't mean nothing. To me it does because attacking something you know nothing about just makes you look even more stupid! and I hate it when people deny the fact the world is a cruel and nasty place and yet the only way to make yourself feel good is to believe otherwise about fairy tales. When in fact what they are attacking is something that deep down makes them feel good about attacking something they no nothing about and take other people's words over. I mean something people use to enjoy the world in the world we live in today you think would be more supportive. I mean a university and all it's great wisdom usually throws shit out there about what they know and don't know just to make a point right or wrong. I say don't judge a cover of a book unless you know what the fuck it's about in the first place.
That my patience is running thin, why you might ask? Because I've been nothing but truly nice to some of you and a few of you who I haven't known for long time..... sometimes don't accept things I send you let alone take the time to let me know certain things I ask you about something. It's like you ignore me and in a way is an insult in itself. Those a few know what I'm talking about. A little courtesy would be very nice. One thing that makes me mad was the fact over the past weekend that someone sent me an invite to something and I told them to let me know if they were going to send me an invite back via voice message or what not because I would be waiting on them to let me know if they were because number "1" I left what I was doing just to join up with them. 2nd I asked in a second email to let me know if they were because I was going to be waiting on them and I wanted to workout if they would be kind enough to let me know if they were going to send me an invite again. However I waited 20 minutes for a message and a invite but never received it. It would be one thing if I didn't ask in particular about something. I don't have all the time in the world and I think a lot of people would be mad over something like that. That's one of the few things that really makes me mad. So all I'm saying is it be a nice for a little kindness once in a while. I'm not saying that you should reply or accept everyone of my invites and so on. Because I'm not but certain things in particular are worth taking a few minutes to be considerate over. Like if I ask why are you doing this a certain thing for a certain reason it be nice for a response. So anyway, I think I was entitled to express something that is to me somewhat important. My kindness is starting to wear out.

About facebook.....

I've had an account on there for a while.... I truly rarely ever get on it. More and more I wonder about the stuff that site is allowing. It worries me..... I go on there and I see all these programs people send me to try out and put on my page. Now I know programs are good for us and can also be used for bad. To me for people I don't know who they are or let alone know anything about them in the first place to know as little about me as possible. That site just seems to want access to who I am and all sorts of bs.... more than anything with the programs people create and want me to install. I saw a friend of mine on there she had her xbox live gamer score thing like I do on here. But unlike on here... facebook doesn't allow you to post html code like you do with myspace. So I can't display my gamer score unless I give access to some punk I know nothing about except he created the program and it will only allow me to use it if I accept the fact that he can be allowed access to my profile and maybe even my computer... I don't think so... I like the idea it allows people to create programs but I don't think you should give it access to knowledge about you and so on. Doesn't anyone know what could happen? You could get spyware a virus even and remote access to your pc this way. To me you shouldn't have to give up access to someone else. For that reason alone I'm paranoid about the site and all it's programs designed for us to use on there. So let me ask those of you who use that site or know a thing or two of what I'm speaking of..... What do you think? Do you think I'm being to overprotective? Am I overlooking something on the matter at hand? Or perhaps I'm thinking to much into this subject? Would love to know your thoughts and ideas on this bulletin post of mine.

Who said what.....

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Oh... just in!

Here is everything I said but the picture comment to my friend or who I thought was a friend. Till..... I found out they both were in on the little email I got this morning after my much needed rest. If you need a refresher into what happen early on let alone the email I recieved check back to my bulletin or blog titled "A question for those who know me. The last comment is by me! Because it's easy to view ones comments when they hide them! Name Comment In some c.. In some cases, I can be what you need! Jan 12, 2008 11:36 AM So you are in on this! Oh my the comments between you to. Wow.... That's what I get for being nice. But hey if flirting is a big deal. Fuck never thought there was a law against it. Nor did I know there were so many insecure dumb asses and jerks! No I don't mean you as one of the two names I gave the person who said that about me. Oh yeah, and by the way people like me are jerks because I happen to a nice person. Yeah makes perfect sense. Hey, so much for anyone being nice huh? I would be disappointed with you but I can't truly be disappointed with someone who doesn't know better let alone a person who I really didn't know in the first place. Who maybe happen to try an make one self out to be a fool. - Delete My Comment george george Jan 12, 2008 10:46 AM hey booo i love you so much booo and i want you to know that. I dont want you to think that i am mad at you for this stupid guy i just want him to stop talking to you i mean i know that he was flirting with youand it pisses me off anyway i just want you to know that i love you sooooo much and i cant wait for you to call me cause i miss you so much george george Jan 11, 2008 10:15 PM i am all yours george george Jan 11, 2008 7:07 PM you know what i love you so much and that is so cute. i hope you know that i am not mad at about the guy thing i am just mad at him because i think guys like that are jerks and i hope that i get to leave him a message sometime because he is not going to think that i am a christian. anyway i love you and thankyou for telling me about it. i love you boo bear In some c.. In some cases, I can be what you need! Jan 11, 2008 5:09 PM Sounds really nice. Well, you take care and be safe. Hope you have a truly perfect weekend for you there Sara. I hope to play around of Call Of Duty Four, with you again soon. Who knows I may have to bust out my copy of Halo 2 and give it a go again. I haven't played Halo 2 since about 2 weeks before Halo 3 came out which would of been the last time I played Halo 2. Talk to you again. Sorry for cutting our chat so short. I just have to take care of a few things before I get some rest here. Which is damn early to get any sleep. But I need it. Plus I'm starting fall a sleep at my computer. Which isn't very good now is it? lol :P Enjoy your weekend Sara, and I hope you get to talk to your boyfriend since you really want to and being happy is what counts. - Delete My Comment In some c.. In some cases, I can be what you need! Jan 11, 2008 4:54 PM Well, it could be worse I guess ;) I'm usually pretty much free most of the time. It's just it's been pretty busy my way since the holidays and that now that they are over things have started to slow down a little. Hopefully this coming week will be nice to sit back and relax a little. So you have any nice plans for the 2nd weekend of the new year? - Delete My Comment In some c.. In some cases, I can be what you need! Jan 11, 2008 4:49 PM Ah I'm sorry. As for my day which thank you for asking. It's going alright considering I have yet to get any rest for almost two days now lol. I should get some rest. I've just been busy creating a video game and that takes up sometime. Plus over the last few days have been kinda of hectic for me. - Delete My Comment In some c.. In some cases, I can be what you need! Jan 11, 2008 4:41 PM Oh and very cool page! very nice job with the html and all that. Hope your having a truly wonderful day! "Ah I think it's cute he's mad and she's a fool". Chaos truly loves me with all the drama I get on here. Plus I must admit I think the email reply I sent was rather funny toward him. Mine though before I found out about her was really nice toward her.
I got a rather interesting email after my much needed rest. Much did I know it was someone who had a friends password and was in truth that person's boyfriend. Now first off... isn't pissed off spelled pissed off? Not pissed of? lol.... So the person had to be young to being with. Or really didn't care how he made his point across. Because pissed of is kind of funny. Anyway, just some way to make a pitiful point huh? Now all I did was say a comment on one of her photos about her being beautiful pretty etc.... Normal stuff and that's something wrong to do or say to someone? Plus he goes on to say that I hope I have a nice life blah, blah fucking blah! Of course I got a nice damn life. Who would complain with good looks a great body! good health. Charm, incredible eyes so and on and so on. Of course I'm making myself feel good ;) lol I had to say something good about myself somewhere since I didn't think I did anything wrong or not to my knowledge anyway. But whatever.... ;) What do you all think? Some jealous guy who feels threaten by me some how for something? Decide for yourself and let me know. Here's the email in all it's greatness! lmao "hey this is sara's boyfriend you might not want to leave her comments like that or picture comment's like that unless you know her boyfriend doesnt have her password and things like that or unless you want to piss me of then if you are you are doing a great job. anyway i dont think that you should talk to her again because i dont like how you are talking to her so i am asking you to stop. i hope you have a nice life and dont keep fliring with her because we are very happy and she really doesnt want you talking to her that way. she is a nice person so she was nice to you and you went a little to far." If she had a problem don't you think she should of told me? I was only being nice and respectful. Please let me know what you think of the matter at hand. I feel I did nothing wrong. However maybe I did.
The years pass on by.... Time tells a story..... A story that has yet to be told..... Through the time we see the darkness inside. In that darkness lies in wait growing ever so rapidly. Making each moment we see the lies that have been told so much more clear. Each one has taught that you can't seem to run from the lies nor can the lies that are told become much more darker than the ones already known. They only get deeper. For this I hold close and keep it as my strength. Seeing how each one is not told by one person but by many. For this I see just how clear the darkness can turn into light. The light that passes me by. Or the light that can save one from them self. I run from the light why? Because I know no good in the lies you've told me. I keep away from you to keep what little bit of goodness in me true of me. You weren't the only one nor will you be the last. But you can't keep up the lies forever. These lies will turn the deepest and most darkest of times even more against you and others. For this I know for I've seen the time when the darkness goes away but shows up now and again. Time and time again. I've taken what time you've wasted from me and made the best of it. This life I live isn't one for you true share nor have. It's my life and I'm not yours or any of the past loves worth spending it with. For I see time and all the lies can't make up for time lost so I make new time worth knowing an spending.
I'm disappointed in all the candidates. They all pretty much suck..... That's life though..... There sure aren't anymore Ronald Reagan 's, JFK and so on in the world today.
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