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47 Year Old · Male · From Micanopy, FL · Invited by: RIP Bud the iguana · Joined on August 10, 2006 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 5th · 78 referrals joined! · 3 different people have a crush on me!
47 Year Old · Male · From Micanopy, FL · Invited by: RIP Bud the iguana · Joined on August 10, 2006 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 5th · 78 referrals joined! · 3 different people have a crush on me!

If you want to be added as a friend please show me the respect of talking to me in your request and tell me why I should add you as a friend (please add me does not count) or I most likly will ignore it. I am not here to collect as many friends as I can.

My name is Josh

I'm not here as offten as the in the past. It may take a little while for me to get back to messages.

I have done many jobs in my life. I have been a trashman, a dishwasher, a mason, a framer, a drywaller, a pipe maker, a cook & a cheff, a bartender & a barback, a salesman, a peircer, a brander, a babysitter, a messenger, a bouncer, a landlord, a gardener, a fruit & vegie harvester, The guy on the block who has a yard sale every weekend & somehow has more stuff each time, and a hell of a lot more.

I am not with anyone nor am I looking for any one to be with. I find that if I just be myself in the real world what I want will come to me. I've never been one to have a online relationship and I am not going to start. I do enjoy making friends.

Born and raised in a small town in Florida by artist hippie parents. I am a super hyperactive strange looking person. my apperance is my form of art at times but it can change in a moment. I have been self employed for most of my life and strive to continue so but every now and then I have to work for someone else and help them make money just to get by (a steady paycheck can be nice). I have done some traveling & will do some more. I've been to switzerland, canada, england, & mexico. I've seen about 2/3 of the us and will get to see the rest at some point. I've ben homeless (by choice) for about 1 1/2 years & now I live in a small town out side a town that thinks it is a giant city (but is realy a bunch of smegtards). I try to live simply, but it does not always work out that way. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For the past sevral decades I have been collecting fossils from florida (shark teeth, whale, horse, masodon, saber cat, rhino, giant armadillo, or what ever I can find) and do my best to make a living off of. For a while now I have found success on ebay and amazon.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I seem to be a neglectful social creature at time (to my real world friends sorry I do that). I seem to often living with animals that became pets be them mammal or reptile. birds are usually just visitors but I have always wanted to raise a flock of hand raised emus that love and trust only me.

She came from an abusive home who thought she was a boy and gave her the name. in 1999 she survived a house fire by being pulled out by the fire department and was revived with an oxygen mask. the bitch made national news while I lost most of my things and had to start over with very very little. I have been sort of in a few bands, I usually supplied the madness, hyperactivity, and fire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I've got a bunch of piercings and brands that I did myself and a few tats. . . . . . . . . . . . am . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . I have been nicknamed sharky by many people and it seems appropreate, I need to keep moving or I die. I still always make time to sleep and can usualy sleep anywhere. I capture every little creature that has the misfortune to cross my path but usually release or relocate.

I own my house and land. I used to grow crops but animals have taken 99% of the past 3 years crops..

Most importantly I would like to remind everyone out there that respect is earned not just handed out. Most of us out there are willing to give you the benifit of a doubt and treat you with respect. If you give it freely you will often receive it in return. I hope that the when it comes down to it you will either do good to those you encounter or simply cause no harm. The world is what all of us make it & I'm geting tired of people who just don't care.

I Blow fire quite well and do it with friends for even more fun. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Burn Baby,Burn!

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47 Year Old · Male · From Micanopy, FL · Invited by: RIP Bud the iguana · Joined on August 10, 2006 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 5th · 78 referrals joined! · 3 different people have a crush on me!
Feel free to ask questions.

I sell dead things for a living!

I have now opened a ebay store and am in the process of creationg auctions for the thousands of fossils in my collection.
Wanna see the auctions? coppy & paste the link below & take a peek.


I usually have several listings up for buy it now.


NIN, TOOL, Zombie (white or rob), old korn, collective soul, less than jake, lords of acid, APC
I've go a entire album full of fossils I have collected and that are for sale so check if you are interested of nosy.

Got a question? Then ask.

P.S. Don't leave a comment that says I rated you a 10 blah blah blah or Thanks for stoping by blah blah blah because I will just delete it and no one will get points for it.
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I'm building a puzzle!

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Pictures a week later...

7 2/5 vertebre that fit together constructed from the fragments shown abovePhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

& I still am fnding new peices of the same creature!

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